Meta Showcases Future of VR With 3 New Prototypes

Every so often Meta hosts an “Inside the Lab” roundtable where it showcases early technology it’s currently working on, usually on a very specific research field. Today’s was Inside the Lab: Passing the Visual Turing Test focusing on a very important part of a virtual reality (VR) headset’s hardware, the display. Trying to tackle a range of challenges, CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Chief Scientist of Reality Labs, Michael Abrash and several others unveiled three prototype headsets currently being developed.

Meta - Butterscotch Prototype
Meta – Butterscotch Prototype. Image credit: Meta

Prototyping quite often relies on trying to solve a singular problem, be that resolution, weight, size, durability, clarity or any number of other issues. Whilst the Meta Quest 2 does offer a good VR experience, it’s by no means perfect, with areas that can always be improved upon.


Ensuring a user’s eye sees the best image possible is of utmost importance and Meta is trying to solve that in a number of ways. The first VR prototype shown was Butterscotch, looking like a heavily modded Oculus Rift.

This was built to address VR resolution, more specifically providing retinal resolution in VR. With 60 pixels per degree (ppd) being the benchmark – one which TVs and mobile phones have long surpassed – so that the headset can depict the 20/20 line on an eye chart. “This is the latest of our retinal resolution prototypes, and it gets us to near retinal resolution in VR — 55 pixels per degree. And that’s two and a half times the resolution of Quest 2,” says Abrash on Butterscotch.

While you might expect this to have been achieved via a new panel this wasn’t the case because: “there are currently no display panels that support anything close to retinal resolution for the full field of view of VR headsets today,” Abrash continues. “So what the Butterscotch team did was they shrank the field of view to about half that of a Quest 2 and developed a new hybrid lens that would fully resolve the higher resolution.”

Meta Reality Labs Eye Chart Comparison
Meta Reality Labs Eye Chart Comparison. Image credit: Meta

As you can see from the above images, Butterscotch does achieve excellent clarity but it’s still a bulky, far from a finished prototype.


Even bigger and bulkier than Butterscotch is Starburst. With fans on the top and a pair of side handles, Starburst is Reality Labs’ prototype HDR VR headset. Yes, you read that right, this is what High Dynamic Range in a VR headset currently looks like.

HDR will be a crucial addition as it helps to increase that sense of realism and depth to an image. To do this VR headsets need lots of light to play with, with brightness referred to as nits. Meta’s peak brightness goal is 10,000 nits but as TVs have yet to achieve this number – Samsung’s 65Q9 range can hit 2,000 nits in HDR – that goal is still a way off. When it comes to current VR levels the Quest 2 maxes out at 100 nits.

Meta Starburst Research Prototype
Meta – Starburst Research Prototype. Image credit: Meta

Packed into the Starburst prototype is a bright lamp behind the LCD panels. This helps Starburst reach an impressive 20,000 nits, creating what is likely one of the first 3D HDR VR displays. You probably wouldn’t want to use it for long though: “to be clear, [Starburst is] wildly impractical in this first generation for anything that you’d actually ship in a product. But we’re using it to test and for further studies so we can get a sense of what the experience feels like,” says Zuckerberg.

Holocake 2

As the last two headset prototypes look many years away how about something which looks slightly more production-ready. Described by Zuckerberg as: “the thinnest and lightest VR headset that we’ve ever built,” the Holocake 2 certainly looks the part of a futuristic device and it’s already capable of running PC VR games!

That might be impressive in a prototype headset but what’s even more remarkable is Holocake 2’s thin profile. VR headsets are thick because the displays and lenses need to be a certain distance apart so that your eyes can properly focus on the imagery. To achieve this slim design Meta has developed two new technologies; a flat holographic lens and polarized reflection.

Meta - Holocake 2 Research Prototype
Meta – Holocake 2 Research Prototype. Image credit: Meta

When it comes to the holographic lens Zuckerberg explains: “Holographs are basically recordings of what happens when light hits something. So just like a holograph is much flatter than the thing itself, holographic optics are much flatter than the lenses that they model, but they affect incoming light in pretty much the same way. So it’s a pretty neat hack.”

As for the polarized reflection, this method of optical folding reduces the space between the display panel and the lens. Both of these technologies have been combined with specialized lasers rather than LEDs as the light source. There’s only one problem, finding a laser with the performant size and price that you need for consumer VR headsets. “We’ll need to do a lot of engineering to achieve a consumer viable laser that meets our specs — that’s safe, low-cost, and efficient and that can fit in a slim VR headset,” Abrash notes. “As of today, the jury is still out on finding a suitable laser source.”

Meta Reality Labs Lens Comparison
Meta Reality Labs Lens Comparison. Image credit: Meta

If any of these prototypes look familiar its because Butterscotch and Holocake were teased by Zuckerberg and CTO Andrew “Boz” Bosworth in 2021. No sign of the Meta Quest prototype previously mentioned.

Mirror Lake

Finally, there’s Mirror Lake. This isn’t even a prototype at this stage merely a research concept the Display Systems Research (DSR) team at Reality Labs rustled up. This is pie-in-the-sky thinking, coming up with a ski goggle-like form factor combining all the varifocal (Half-Dome) and eye-tracking and other tech Reality Labs has been working on.

Meta - Mirror Lake concept
Meta – Mirror Lake concept. Image credit: Meta

And there you have it, all the prototype VR headsets Meta has currently revealed and the challenges it’s trying to solve. While Holocake 2 might be on the near horizon the next headset from Meta is Project Cambria, expected to arrive later this year. For continued updates on the latest Meta VR devices, keep reading gmw3.

Steam Comes to Nreal’s AR Glasses, AR Hackathon Announced

One company at the forefront of augmented reality (AR) glasses is China-based Nreal, having released the Nreal Light followed by the Nreal Air. Outside of its traditional market in Asia, Nreal’s devices have only started to see global availability in the last year and in doing so the company is increasing content efforts. It’s doing so in a couple of ways, one with Steam compatibility and the other via its first hackathon event.

Nreal AR Cloud Gaming

Unlike AR smartglasses that have features like 6DoF tracking, Nreal’s AR glasses allow users to connect their smartphones to watch movies or play videogames on giant virtual screens. Hence why the company has pushed towards native AR cloud gaming experiences by releasing “Steam on Nreal”. So yes, that does mean you can now stream Steam games from your PC onto a huge 130-inch HD virtual display.

Nreal does note that “Steam on Nreal” is a beta release that requires a bit of setup effort without going into specifics. The software isn’t yet optimized for all Steam games but gamers can enjoy titles like DiRT Rally and the Halo series. As an additional benefit, Nreal Light and Air users can already utilise Xbox Cloud Gaming via a browser inside Nebula, Nreal’s 3D system.

“We are excited to be the first to bring Steam into AR,” said Peng Jin, co-founder of Nreal in a statement. “The beta release is meant to give people a glimpse into what is possible. After all, AAA games should be played on a 200″ HD screen and they should be played free of location restrictions.”

Nreal Air

As for the AR Jam, this will be Nreal’s first augmented reality hackathon, an online international contest with more than $100,000 USD in cash prizes to be won by creators. Kicking off on 27th June 2022, the AR Jam is looking for developers to compete in at-home fitness, art; games, video (highlighting Nebula’s multi-screen functionality) and Port (converting existing apps into AR) categories. There will also be three bonus categories should participants wish to enter, Multiplayer/Social/Networks; NFT Galleries, and Students.

“We’ve always been focused on creating consumer-ready AR experiences with groundbreaking tech, to redefine the way we interact with information and content in our everyday lives. With the AR Jam and content fund, Nreal is demonstrating its commitment to supporting pioneering developers and their AR passion projects,” Jin added.

Category winners will receive $10k, whilst those in second and third places will receive small cash prizes. Honourable mentions will get their very own Nreal Light Dev kit. The AR Jam will run until 27th July 2022.

For continued updates on Nreal and the AR market, keep reading gmw3.

Latest IDC Figures Put Meta Quest 2 Sales at Nearly 15 Million

Meta (formerly Facebook) has never officially released any sales figures for any of its virtual reality (VR) headsets but with the Meta Quest 2 dominating the industry maybe it will someday. For the time being, it falls to market intelligence firms like International Data Corporation (IDC) to fill in some of the blanks when it comes to how many units are actually out there. And according to IDC’s latest figures that’s almost 15 million.

That’s according to a Twitter post this week from IDC Associate VP of Devices EMEA Francisco Jeronimo, suggesting that 14.8 million Meta Quest 2 units – he does use the old Oculus Quest 2 name – have been sold since its launch in October 2020.

While this will never be confirmed by Meta, it’s probably fair to say that Quest 2 has breached the 10 million marker, an important milestone CEO Mark Zuckerberg has previously spoken of. During Facebook’s Q4 2020 earnings call he mentioned that 10 million VR users were needed for a sustainable ecosystem, ensuring VR developers could actually make money.

And a small selection has. Meta has been more open about the revenue generated by content, with the most recent figures coming from earlier this year where 8 games hit the $20 million barrier whilst 14 managed over $10 million. Over 120 titles successfully generated revenue in the millions, which could only be achieved with a headset selling in the millions.

Oculus Quest 2 top down

Home VR has certainly benefitted from the pandemic as everyone has been stuck indoors looking for new things to do. As Jeronimo notes in his post, “VR Sales grew 97% in 2021 & 242% in 1Q22” indicating demand continues to increase. With lockdowns now ending for many countries, these figures may drastically change over the next 12 months.

Meta Quest 2 might be dominating VR sales at the moment but Meta isn’t stopping there with a recent report suggesting four more are planned between now and 2024. One, Project Cambria has already been confirmed for this year yet it won’t be a consumer product. The rest? Well, they could be next-gen Quest’s.

As for rivals, those looking for a piece of those Quest 2 sales include the Lynx R1, Pico Neo3 Link, Somnium Space’s standalone and the Simula One, to name a few. For continual updates, keep reading gmw3.

Lynx R1’s Summer Launch is a “Moving Target” Due to Component Sourcing

There are a bunch of virtual reality (VR) headsets due for release later this year, with the Lynx R1 expected to arrive first for early backers. When that’ll happen though remains fluid, with Lynx founder Stan Larroque recently confirming the launch is a “moving target” due to external factors. On the plus side, he revealed new details regarding the headsets’ controllers.


Larroque holds a live, unscripted, update/Q&A stream on YouTube each month where he’s open and honest about the headsets’ progress and issues the team is currently facing. It makes for a far different approach than most other VR hardware manufacturers but also highlights the problems a smaller startup can face. That includes having to adjust a launch window which has been stencilled in for June/July.

When asked about the shipping date during the Q&A portion, he said: “It’s a moving target. As I told you, sometime during the summer. I know that’s not a good answer but that’s all I can tell you. We still need answers for some of the components. We’ve secured all of the components on the main board which was a pain but we still have some things to figure between Taiwan and China; which is a complicated matter.”

So for the time being, backers will still need to be patient for one of the most interesting mixed reality (MR) headsets coming to market.


As for the controller news, Larroque said he had “very good news”. In collaboration with Finch, the Lynx R1 will get optically tracked controllers much like the Meta Quest, with a ring the headset can see. This will mean the Lynx R1 will be able to support a far wider array of VR games on platforms like Steam. Out the box, the headset will still be focused on hand tracking as the primary input method as there’s no release timing or pricing for the controller at the moment.

Lastly, there’s been a bit of confusion around the previously announced SideQuest integration. In the stream Larroque mentions a cancelled contract without mentioning specifics but he followed this up with a statement via Twitter, clarifying that work was still ongoing.

Watch the full Lynx update for May below, and when further details arise, gmw3 will let you know.

Meta CTO On Wider Field Of View: ‘So Far It Hasn’t Felt Like The Right Tradeoff’

Meta CTO Andrew Bosworth shared his thoughts on increasing the field of view of Quest headsets.

During his most recent Instagram “ask me anything” session, Bosworth was asked “is fov a major concern? what features are more important in regards to ar/vr immersion”. He responded:

I love this question because field of view is cool. And I’ve played with demos of really wide field of view glasses and enjoyed it. Actually, really tall field of view had way more immersive capacity for me for some reason – I could really feel like I was at the edge of the cliff.

Having said that, field of view is a really expensive thing to increase because you’re adding a lot of pixels by definition that won’t be that useful – they’ll be in the periphery and they’re just as expensive to power.

So far it hasn’t felt like the right tradeoff.

Human field of view is over 200 degrees horizontal. But the roughly 90° horizontal field of view of Oculus headsets has not meaningfully changed since the original Rift launched in 2016. In fact, every headset from the company since 2018’s Oculus Go, including the current Quest 2, has used the same lens known as Super Libra G.

Few other headsets on the consumer market have a noticeably wider field of view either, with the exception of Valve’s Index (around 110° horizontal) and Pimax’s”‘5K+” and “8K” series (around 150° horizontal).

Oculus Quest 2 Lens Leak
Quest 2 with its Super Libra G fresnel lenses

In May 2018 at its annual F8 conference Facebook showed off a prototype headset called Half-Dome with a 140° field of view, but the main focus of this research was variable focus. Half-Dome 2 and 3 were presented 16 months later with more compact lenses with a narrower field of view, hinted to be around 110°.

This change reflects Meta’s design focus of making headsets more compact – a goal that directly conflicts with achieving a wider field of view. Project Cambria, Meta’s high end headset launching this year, achieves a thinner visor through the use of pancake lenses. But pancake lens headsets so far, such as HTC’s Vive Flow, actually have a narrower field of view than headsets using fresnel or aspheric lenses. An apparent leak from April claimed Project Cambria’s field of view feels “very similar” to Quest 2.

Interestingly, at Oculus Connect 5 in 2018 Facebook’s Chief Scientist Michael Abrash said pancake lenses “can also support ultra wide fields of view, all the way out to somewhere around 200 degrees”, noting “pancake headsets may be optimized for form factor and comfort rather than field of view, but if so that will be a choice, because they could have had an ultra wide field of view instead”.

Project Cambria uses pancake lenses to achieve a slimmer visor

So if the April leak is to be believed, don’t expect any field of view increase from Project Cambria this year. But could Bosworth’s comments suggest future Meta headsets will have a taller field of view? New Quests are rumored to launch in 2023 and 2024.

Quest 2 Rival Pico Neo3 Link Officially on Sale in Select EU Countries

Last month Chinese virtual reality (VR) headset manufacturer Pico Interactive announced that it was finally going to compete in the consumer market, releasing the Pico Neo3 Link this month. That day has finally come, with the standalone headset now available for sale in Germany, France, Spain and The Netherlands.

Pico Neo 3 Link
Image credit: Pico Interactive

Pico is labelling the launch as a “beta”, limiting both the territories it is available in as well as only allowing customers to purchase one Neo3 Link. Retailing for €449 EUR, the device offers both standalone and PC VR connection capabilities, so owners can either download content off the Pico Store or play their SteamVR games. When connecting to a PC customers have the choice of using a cable (a 5m (16-foot) DisplayPort cable is included) and the Pico Link software or going down the wireless route using the in-built WiFi6.

“We are incredibly excited about the beta launch of the Neo3 Link. The feedback from the VR community at the Laval Virtual show was outstanding – VR fans are really hot for our high-performance headset,” said Leland Hedges, General Manager of Pico in Europe in a statement. “As part of our beta program, we will also be providing regular software updates and working closely with our beta community to optimize the VR experience.”

Pico Neo3 Link sports a Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 chipset, boasting a 4K level resolution (1,832 x 1,920 per eye) and a 90/120Hz refresh rate. Four front-facing cameras provide the 6DoF tracking and controller/hand tracking, there’s a 3-stage adjustable IPD, 6GB of RAM, 256GB of onboard storage, and a rear-mounted 5300mAh battery for better weight distribution.

Pico Neo 3 Link
Image credit: Pico Interactive
  •                  Germany [€449 Euro, including VAT]: BestWare | VR Expert
  •                  France [€449 Euro, including VAT]: Matts Digital | VR Experts
  •                  Spain [€449 Euro, including VAT]: XR Shop
  •                  The Netherlands [€449 Euro, including VAT]: VR Expert
  •                  UK [£399 GBP, including VAT]: SystemActive 

The UK release of Pico Neo3 Link hasn’t been given a date just yet although it was previously reported this could take place in June.

For the first time, the release of Pico Neo3 Link offers European VR gamers a viable alternative to the dominant Meta Quest 2 – especially in Germany where the headset isn’t sold. Neo3 Link has a similar feature set to Quest 2, it just lacks the Quest’s exclusive lineup of titles.

Gmw3 will continue its coverage of Pico Interactive, reporting back with further updates.

iFixit Now Sells Valve Index Replacement Parts

Replacement parts for the Valve Index headset are now officially sold by iFixit.

iFixit is a website which offers free repair guides for a range of consumer electronics and sells repair parts and kit- including for the HTC Vive.

Valve Index launched in mid 2019. You can buy the headset, base stations and controllers separately or the full kit. Valve started selling individual controllers and the cable in mid 2021 – at the price of $149 and $129 respectively. The following parts are now available from iFixit:



Base Stations

The “eye tube assemblies” – the lens and display panel – stand out as very different from the other parts offered. That’s not something we’d expected to be sold. Is it possible hardware hackers & modders could use this to build DIY headsets?

Sold at $999 for the full kit, Index has now been on the market for almost three years. It still has best-in-class tracking and audio quality but its 1600×1440 resolution has been leapfrogged both on the high end by HTC’s Vive Pro 2 (2448×2448) and on the low end by Meta’s $299 Quest 2 (1832×1920). The move to make replacement parts available definitely extends the Index’s lifespan, but there’s demand among VR enthusiasts for a new headset from Valve. Evidence found late last year suggests Valve is working on exactly that, but there’s no indication it will launch any time soon.

Viture’s Gaming XR Glasses Surpass $2m on Kickstarter

Smart glasses are on the verge of taking off thanks to companies like Qualcomm, Nreal and Ray-Ban but what they actually offer can vary wildly. Smart glasses startup Viture is firmly focused on one particular aspect to gain customers and that’s gaming, and it seems to be working very well considering the Kickstarter it’s running has surpassed $2 million USD, easily smashing its initial goal.


The Kickstarter launched at the end of April looking to raise $20,000 USD (£16k GBP) and is currently sitting on $2.7 million (£2.1 million) with a few days left to spare. So what are the Viture One XR Glasses and why have they created so much buzz. Well, even though they say XR (eXtended Reality) which suggests augmented reality (AR) capabilities so they can interact and are aware of the environment around you, this isn’t the case. Instead, the Viture One is more akin to wearing a giant 120″ virtual screen on your face, offering 1080p resolution, 60 fps, spatial sound, 5G/Wifi and streaming features.

It’s that latter part which really sets these smart glasses apart and why Viture has been heavily leaning on the gaming aspect of the device. Because this allows owners to stream content from their PlayStations or Xboxes straight into the glasses, giving them a big-screen viewing experience wherever they are.

To manage all of this the Viture One’s don’t pack all the features inside the glasses themselves, there’s an additional unit that hangs around your neck and connects via a magnetic cable. The neckband houses the heavier components like the battery (3200mAh) so that the Viture One’s are lightweight and comfortable, weighing in at 78g. The neckband has its own controls to cycle through menus while the glasses themselves house myopia adjustment (so you don’t need your glasses) and the ability to dim or brighten the front electrochromic film (for better immersion).

NBA All-star & Avid Gamer Gordon Hayward wearing Viture. Image credit Viture

“Portable gaming is on the rise, and we wanted to be the first XR solution that truly made sense for gamers — something that looked great, was stylish, lightweight and affordable while handling any AAA games on the go,” said David Jiang, co-founder and CEO of VITURE. “The VITURE One will be to XR what the iPhone was to smartphones.”

But it isn’t just about play-anywhere gaming. The Viture One neckband includes most major video streaming services pre-installed such as Disney+, Apple Tv, Hulu, Prime Video, and more.

While the final retail price of the Viture One will start from $549 when it goes on sale later this year – slated to be October 2022 – backing the Kickstarter campaign can save you up to $150 on the final price. For example, the Cloud Pack Early Bird (best for cloud gaming) tier costs $529 rather than $678.

With the Kickstarter campaign a success, gmw3 will keep you updated on how well Viture’s story progresses.

Meta Revealed The Detailed Specs Of Quest 2’s LCD Display

At Display Week 2022 Meta revealed the detailed specs of Quest 2’s LCD panel.

In a talk titled ‘High-PPI Fast-Switch Display Development for Oculus Quest 2 VR Headsets’, Meta display engineer Cheon Hong Kim detailed the headset’s display architecture and discussed the design challenges of using LCD for VR.

Fast Switch LCD

It’s essential that displays used in VR headsets only illuminate the pixels for a small fraction of each frame – a technique called Low Persistence. That’s because each frame represents an exact moment in time, whereas in real life as you rotate or move your head the light arriving to your eyes will continuously change. If the pixels were constantly illuminated, your eyes would be receiving light for the original position even as your head turned, and your brain perceives this as motion blur. The original Oculus Rift Development Kit shipped in 2013 had this problem, and it was solved in Development Kit 2 in 2014.

At high enough refresh rates – for most people above roughly 70 Hz – you don’t even notice that the display is completely black the majority of the time. The first wave of modern consumer VR – Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR – exclusively used OLED displays because OLED pixels are self-illuminating and have an extremely fast response time, so could be easily switched off for the majority of the frame.

LCD displays were originally thought unsuitable for VR, given the much longer response time. But since the release of the Windows MR headsets in 2017, a new type of LCD panels called ‘fast switch’ have become available. These panels illuminate the backlight for a fraction of the frame, after waiting for the liquid crystal to “settle down”. Quest 2, like Oculus Go and Rift S before it, use such a panel.

Detailed Specs & Architecture

The 1920×3664 resolution and 120 Hz max refresh rate were already publicly known, but the talk revealed the panel’s exact 5.46 inch size and density: 773 pixels per inch.

It’s also noteworthy that Meta revealed the panel’s brightness – 100 nits. Keep in mind that figure is when using low persistence, so it would likely be much brighter if used outside a headset.

Meta also revealed some interesting physical properties of the display. Since Quest 2 has three IPD settings and two lenses but only one panel, only a subsection of the panel is used at once. And because the lenses are closer to circular than square, the very corner of the display is never needed – so it was simply cut out to save space.

This approach of using a single panel with an active area subsection means each eye actually gets fewer than the 1920×1832 pixels listed in the Quest 2 specifications on the Meta Store.

Screen Door Effect

Cheon Hong Kim also went into detail about some of the specific causes of SDE – screen door effect – in VR headsets:

These factors are important considerations when specifying and sourcing panels for VR headsets, but Cheon acknowledged Quest 2 has some of the issues outlined here. Meta still hasn’t released a headset fully free from the screen door effect.

R&D Priorities

In the conclusions slide, the key display resolution spec of Quest 2 was revealed, the angular resolution measured in pixels per degree. Meta says Quest 2 has 21 pixels per degree. The generally accepted figure for “retinal” human eye resolution is 60 pixels per degree. While VR headsets have been making solid advancements – the Oculus Rift had roughly 14 pixels per degree – there’s still clearly a long way to go.

Finally, Cheon alluded to Meta’s future research and development priorities – to reach the human perceptual limit of 60 pixels per degree using “high PPI micro displays” and “various foveation technologies”.

At Display Week, eMagin presented a 4K OLED microdisplay and Meta won a patent for a dynamic foveation technique a few years ago.

Kat Walk C2 Kickstarter Nears $1m Funding as Initial Goal Achieved in 5 Mins

Two days ago Kat VR, the omnidirectional treadmill specialist, launched a new crowdfunding Kickstarter for its latest models; the Kat Walk C2 and C2+. Only looking to raise $250,000 USD, the campaign not only smashed that within minutes but it’s also just shy of $1 million with 27 days still to play with.

Kat Walk C2

That initial funding amount was hit within five minutes Kat VR notes in a blog post, with the overall current funding surpassing the first $500k stretch goal. That was for magnetic charging, swapping out the standard wires for some nice handy magnetic connectors. The campaign lists a total of 5 stretch goals with the next being the offer of 10+ demo games for customers to try on their shiny new treadmills.

To get to that funding figure 643 backers have pledged money to the campaign, most making use of the early bird specials. Offering some significant savings, those specials have all been bought up, with the Kat Walk C2 and C2+ now being sold at $998 and $1198 respectively. Which is probably still cheaper than either product will be once officially released on Kat VR’s website.

For the first time, Kat VR has created two omnidirectional treadmill models, the standard Kat Walk C2 and the slightly more advanced C2+. Whilst both offer the core functionality of being able to walk (or run) in VR utilising specialised shoes – supporting users between 1.55m – 2m (5’1″ – 6’7″) at a max weight of 130kg (286 lbs) – the C2+ also sports some additional features.

Kat Walk C2

The Kat Walk C2+ has integrated haptic feedback built into the base as well as a sitting posture module. So after a lot of running about or when stepping into a vehicle, players can pull down the in-built seat to rest or enjoy an immersive seated experience.

With a month still to go the Kat Walk C2 Kickstarter still has plenty of time to hit those stretch goals and customers won’t have too long to wait for their treadmills either. Kat VR expects to begin shipping in July 2022 which tends to mean the Kickstarter was mainly used for promotional purposes as well as gauging initial production numbers.

For continued updates on the latest VR accessories, keep reading gmw3.