There’s already been one city building announcement today in the form of Little Cities and now there’s another. Fast Travel Games’ upcoming project Cities: VR has now been earmarked for an April launch, exclusively for Meta Quest 2.

Originally unveiled later last year, Fast Travel Games is taking Paradox Interactive’s Cities: Skylines and giving it a virtual reality (VR) makeover. That means you’ll get a similar level of interaction as its flatscreen cousin just with all the extra VR goodness of being able to switch from a god-like overview through to getting down into the streets and seeing what all the residents are up to.
You’ll be able to realise those civil engineering dreams by creating interwoven streets, building emergency services, education facilities and entertainment areas. Of course, this being a city management simulator you’ll also have to manage all the finances, making sure there’s enough money coming in to pay for vital services, taking loans to afford expansion projects and more.
“When we got the opportunity to reimagine Cities: Skylines for VR, we knew we had to jump at the opportunity,” said Erik Odeldahl, Creative Director of Fast Travel Games in a statement. “We’ve taken heavy inspiration from what the teams at Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive have created over the last seven years. We think that Cities: VR will be a great introduction to this franchise for new players, as well as a compelling new interpretation for Cities: Skylines veterans.”

There will be some differences between Cities: Skylines though, namely because of the processing power on offer. Areas won’t be as expansive to build upon whilst terrain editing and natural disasters won’t feature, with a press release stating: “VR does not allow for the size and scale the PC version offers, choosing to emphasize more intimate experiences set in smaller areas.”
Cities: VR will be available from 28th April 2022 via the Oculus Store for £22.99 GBP. There’s a 10% pre-order discount in the run-up to launch. In addition to the released date announcement, Fast Travel Games has published a gameplay walkthrough, so you can see Cities: VR in more detail. For further updates, keep reading gmw3.