Whilst many virtual reality (VR) titles from 2016 have long since been forgotten as the technology has continued apace, Cortopia Studios spell casting PvP videogame Wands going with a continual stream of updates. The latest to arrive this week is the Wands Powers Update, significantly changing the nature of the titular magic item.

Up until now, all the wand designs were purely decorative, the only change being the spell combinations players chose. They’ve now had a major overhaul so that they to include unique properties, with most having two whilst a select few have three. The Classic which is good for beginners features XP Gained +25% and Mana Regen +10%. More advanced wands feature good and bad traits, the Invicta, for example, has Points Won/Lost +25% but -25 to Max Health and Max Mana.
In addition to the new powers Cortopia Studios has introduced five new wands to the game: Aspis Claw, Ophidian’s Vigil, Celestial Spine, Ortus Armament, and Dead Master’s Staff. Making for a total of 15 wands to experiment with.
“The new wand powers add an extra dimension of fun and strategy to the game. Some of the wands will offer simple bonuses, and others will provide the opportunity for innovative playstyles that have never been seen in The Beyond. All players will benefit from this update, even if they never change their currently equipped wand. The five new wands that we’ve added to the game are as interesting as they are beautiful since they possess some of the most unique powers on offer. We’ve balanced every wand so the ones you choose are a matter of preference, not an easy path to victory. With this update, we’re happy to finally make the wands a bigger part of Wands!,” says Elliott, QA & Community Manager at Cortopia in a statement.

Alongside the wands, players will also have the chance to select a new character, The Templar. She is no ordinary character as she cannot be bought, instead only the top three players in a monthly event can attain her.
Wands last big update came during the summer, adding dual wielding so that it made better use of 6DoF controls, in the process halting further updates for older headsets like Gear VR.
The update is now available on the Oculus Quest platform and for PC VR headsets. It’s coming soon to PlayStation VR. For further updates, keep reading VRFocus.