If you love a good scare whether for Halloween or at any other time of year then virtual reality (VR) horror is where it’s at. As any VR gamer knows once that headset is on and the doors start to creak and the wind begins to howl, no other horror medium really compares. So to celebrate the spooky season VRFocus has got a bunch of codes to giveaway for Fallen Planet Studios’ Affected: The Manor on Oculus Quest.

Becoming a horror favourite with VR fans since its initial release back in 2016 for Gear VR, the studio has kept the title up to date by expanding platform support as well as adding new elements to the experience. The title is set around the classic haunted manor, offering a sort of ‘walkthrough horror’ in the first instance.
But as VR has progressed so has Affected: The Manor. When the Oculus Quest version was first revealed last year the studio said: “To take advantage of Quest’s abilities, we brought hand avatars and interactivity to the experience for the first time, making you feel more ingrained in the environment.” This meant interacting with doors for example.
Then during the summer, the team released The Gauntlet, free DLC which allows players to speed run with randomised events for a new challenge. This month saw the launch of The Darkness update to coincide with the launch of Oculus Quest 2. A new gameplay mode, this provides players with only a candle as their source of light. Quest 2 also got some enhancements like dynamic lighting and improve visuals.

And so onto the competition. VRFocus has 10 codes available for the Oculus Quest platform. All you need to do is follow us on Twitter and retweet this tweet ensuring that VRFocus and Affected VR are tagged. The competition will be open for 24 hours, closing at 6 pm GMT on Friday 30th October. Best of luck.