Waltz of the Wizard’s Latest ‘Telepath’ Movement Showcases the Possible Future of VR Locomotion

Waltz of the Wizard

Virtual reality (VR) developers the world over are trying to create comfortable movement systems for virtual exploration, expanding upon standard smooth or teleportation locomotion. In 2017 Aldin Dynamics released ‘Telepath’ for Waltz of the Wizard, offering a solution between the two. Now the studio has released further improvements to the feature whilst preparing for a major gameplay expansion.

Waltz of the Wizard

Currently only available for the PC VR version of Waltz of the Wizard: Extended Edition, the new Telepath update offers players more advanced features to experiment with.

The original Telepath allowed users to draw a line where they wanted to walk, the videogame then followed this path, whether it was a small one around a room or down a long corridor. Players would then automatically move between smaller points along this path.

The update introduces features which include Presence Control, a Smooth option, along with Arc Roll. Presence Control ensures that Telepath isn’t some rigid locomotion system, that it can be adaptable. So you can physically step away to dodge an incoming projectile or smash a crate and Telepath will pause, resuming once you return, no button presses required.

Waltz of the Wizard

A smooth option has been added so players have an alternative to the step-based mode. Gradually moving along the path, smooth movement can also be sped up by physically moving your hands. Arc Roll then takes Telepath’s line drawing a step further, rolling sideways with a twist of the wrist to get around corners or other obstacles.

What’s most exciting about these and future developments are Aldin Dynamics plans for Oculus Quest. The studio previously detailed its experiments with hand tracking on the headset and now it seems implementation isn’t too far away. Combined with Telepath, Waltz of the Wizard: Extended Edition could offer one of the most natural and comfortable VR locomotion systems yet.

Waltz of the Wizard: Extended Edition lets you become a powerful sorcerer, combining arcane ingredients into a boiling cauldron to create all manner of spells. You can then step out of your sanctuary and embark on quests to unleash your new magical skills.

As further details are released, VRFocus will let you know.