Storytelling And Animation Tool Tvori Is Now Available On The Oculus Store and Viveport

Virtual reality (VR) allows users to witness first hand a limitless number of experiences and stories. With titles such as Tvori, users are invited to create their own stories and animations, in this VR content creation tool set where the only limit is the users own imagination.  Following a release into Early Access on Steam back in 2016, the title has now released a new update and has released onto the Oculus Store and Viveport.


Users are able to bring their ideas to life within Tvori as they build their own characters and scenes, then bring them to life with animation and sound directly within VR. The title has been designed to be accessible to as many people as possible with prior knowledge of 3D content creation said to not be required. Designed for use in creating everything from storyboards and prototypes, to fully animated stories and movies, Tvori is able to empower users to create whatever they can dream up.

Within Tvori, users will find a large library of simple shapes, props, and effects which can all be sued within their creations in any way the user sees fit. Though who want to import their own objects, images, and sound files can do so and then make use of the animation tools within Tvori to really bring their creative vision to life. This support for external 3D assets means that those with more advance knowledge of 3D content creation can really leverage both Tvori and their skills to create true masterpieces.


Having now released onto the Oculus Store and Viveport, Tvori is opening itself up to more users which will be invaluable during the Early Access process. Writing on their Steam page, the team note that the Early Access period is set to last between one to four years with feedback from users helping to shape Tvori to the needs of the creators.

Tvori is available now in Early Access from Steam, the Oculus Store, and Viveport. It is priced at £14.99 (GBP) on Steam and Oculus will the Viveport release costing £15.09. You can see a short video below that showcases Tvori in action and for more on the title in the future, keep reading VRFocus.