The idea of using augmented reality (AR) to allow consumers to test out products before they buy them is gradually growing in popularity, with several retailers incorporating the idea, and even Facebook introducing it into Facebook Messenger. One of the latest to explore the concept is WatchBox.
WatchBox is an online e-commerce platform that allows for the buying, selling and trading of pre-owned luxury watches. The company has noticed that many of the product returns are due to a disparity between what is seen on a screen and what they receive, so WatchBx is turning to AR to help.
The solution being incorporated by WatchBox involves using AR to let customers view for sale watches in more detail, allowing them to view how a watch would appear on their wrist, complete with accurate size and shape.
The system involves printing out and wearing a bracelet, available through the WatchBox website, which acts as a marker for the AR to WatchBox customers can virtually ‘try on’ hundreds of watches from the product inventory, including famous brands such as Rolex, Omega, Audemars Piguet and Petek Philippe, among others.
“Technology plays a crucial role for WatchBox and our omni-channel approach,” said Danny Govberg, co-founder of WatchBox. “But it’s not just technology for technology’s sake. Every innovation we pursue always has the end goal of providing personalized service, education, expert council and convenience for our customers. Our investment into augmented reality is for our e-commerce customers to feel confident in their online purchase.”
The company’s venture into AR technology has been led by its nee Chief Technology Officer, Shri Ballal, who previously worked within the videogame industry as part of the EA Games Core engineering Group.
The WatchBox app is available for free on iOS and Android. The AR function is currently only available through the iOS version at the moment, though an Android version is due to be released later this year.
Further news on new uses for AR and immersive technology will continue to be reported on here on VRFocus.