It’s all Gone Psychedelic in VRFocus’ Polybius Gameplay Video

A few days ago Llamasoft, the developer behind Tempest 2000 and TxK, launched its first virtual reality (VR) title for PlayStation VR, Polybius and today VRFocus has some gameplay footage for you to enjoy.

Offering 120 FPS and up to 4K resolution, Polybius is an 80’s infused, neon rich, trance-shooter, where players control a small spaceship that hurtles down a course shooting everything in its path. The aim being to build as big a multiplier as possible with successive kills for a ridiculously highscore.

As the video below shows, the videogame eases players into the simple gameplay mechanics of collecting point scoring items, while shooting anything and everything in sight. That easy start soon disappears as speed is built up, creating a psychedelic, visually overloading avalanche of polygons, light and sound – which Llamasoft’s previous titles were known for.

Levels switch between flat plains, to tunnels, to hurtling down tube shaped levels and more, all swathed in as much colour as you could possibly imagine.

Comeback each day for another VR gameplay video from VRFocus.