The Gallery Episode 2 will be ‘More Challenging, More Spatial’ States Cloudhead Games’ CEO

Danny Unger CEO Cloudhead Games talks to VRFocus about episodic virtual reality (VR) videogame The Gallery.

Episode 1 of The Gallery was called Call of the Starseed. The developer is now working on episode 2, which is titled Heart of the Emberstone. Episode 1, Call of the Starseed was bundled with the HTC Vive, so for many people it was their first experience of VR.

Unger talked about the inspirations behind The Gallery. He says that while episode 1 was heavily inspired by kids comedy/adventure film The Goonies, for episode 2 the developers turned to other classic 80s films such as The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth for inspiration.

The Gallery - Call of the star seed 1

Cloudhead was one of the first companies in the VR industry to break $1 million USD in revenue. Ungar says that episode 1 was a litmus test for the concept as well as being a way to introduce the VR mechanics and environments. As such, things were very controlled so as not to overwhelm the player. Episode 2 will offer more challenging content, freeing the player for the constrictions of the previous episode now that the player grasps the fundamentals.

Ungar expects that The Gallery Episode 2 Heart of the Emberstone will be available for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift in the Spring, and will have roughly 4-6 hours of content. A PlayStation VR version is also in development.

You can watch the full interview video below.

VRFocus will continue to bring you updates on The Gallery and other VR titles in development.