Review: World of Mechs

What makes giant fighting robots so cool? Whether it’s in movies like Pacific Rim or classic Japanese anime such as Evangelion, humungous war machines never seem to get old, and franchises like Transformers have literally milked that fact. But seeing mechs wage battle and being inside one offer two completely different perspectives and virtual reality (VR) is the best way to jump in the driver’s seat to unleash all hell. Vox Machinae has ruled the roost for a while in that respect but now there’s a new challenger, one that embraces a far more arcade-like dynamic for quick-fire battles; World of Mechs.

World of Mechs

Just like its rival, World of Mechs’ speciality is online multiplayer warfare, pitting teams against one another until one comes out victorious on points. Developer Studio 369 has kept things nice a simple when it comes to modes, you can pick your friends but you can’t pick your modes, they automatically revolve in multiplayer. And it’s purely 4v4, whether it’s Team Deathmatch, fighting to hold an area or trying to destroy the opposition’s VIP. The only caveat to that is the all-out death match where everyone is game.

There might not be much in the way of multiplayer options but you do get a few more where the mechs are concerned. These are glorious looking machines of war, and they really do look impressive as you stand on a platform flicking through the 32 models available – once you’ve got them unlocked of course. Starting with the mid-range Trooper model which has average armour, movement and weapons – the “Mario” choice from Mario Kart if you willto gain access to more requires cash and XP. Both of which can be earnt by winning matches as well as found on the maps as hidden icons.

There are eight classes of mech in World of Mechs, unsurprisingly from the small, lightweight walkers which can nip around the battlefield and hide, to the huge behemoths that you can see from a mile off. These do, of course, have colossal amounts of armour and the most formidable weaponry because they are the biggest walking targets. With cool names like Wraith and Cyclone, these all have their own specific loadouts rather than providing a frame which you can customise endlessly.

World of Mechs

With no way of tailoring a specific robot to your needs World of Mechs very much relies upon players happening upon one that suits them instead. Not particularly easy or simple when you have to earn valuable cash and XP to purchase them, easily picking a mech that you might hate. What you can customise once a mech is unlocked is a hull perk and one upgrade for each weapon. These can range from increased health or faster shield regen to more damage or faster projectile speed for your guns. These can then be further upgraded to add some extra oompf.

Further ticking all those arcade gameplay boxes is the control scheme. Now this will likely divide VR fans as to whether the lack of immersive controls detracts from the whole experience or not, but for me, World of Mechs’ system works for the kind of experience it wants players to have. The cockpits are quite sparse with a notable lack of virtual buttons to push or big clunky levers to operate. Apart from several screens giving you ammo counts, radar and other info depending on the match mode, there’s a sizeable amount of glass real estate to view your teammates and opponents through.

That means everything is left to classic controller scheme operation, pressing one button to reload whilst another operates the brief flight capability. So yes, you’re not quite as involved in the whole mech operation as you are in other titles so that’s something to be very aware of before going in. However, I’m not as sad about that fact as I thought I’d be. The Quest controllers are shown inside the cockpit which is a nice touch and the whole thing allowed me to simply get on with the fun of shooting other robots. I still felt connected to the mech and its moving cabin – a feature that can be turned off – and honestly, when surrounded by a couple of opponents having quickly accessible controls is a bonus. Plus, all the aiming is gazed based which makes life super straightforward and intuitive (a thumbstick aim is an option though).

World of Mechs

This makes matches feel fast and sometimes over before they’ve even begun. You can dive right in and cause some mayhem, coordinating with teams or going rogue if you so wish. World of Mechs is an instantly enjoyable experience. There is a massive chasm between the single-player campaign and multiplayer, however. There are only five maps available at present which the campaign reuses to the point of saturation. The 20 levels are essentially the five maps reused four times each, just with a different objective. The best is always the final one as it’s a boss battle. None of which are particularly difficult, more like one extended training mission than a campaign. Oh, and your teammates like to talk which unfortunately highlights the repetitive dialogue the single-player suffers from.

So it falls on the multiplayer to carry World of Mechs, which it does so admirably. You can invite mates in or join a group but there’s only that one quick match option. World of Mechs isn’t barebones yet there are certain features you’d expect to see in a multiplayer notably absent like lobby options. And with that controller focused gameplay approach, button mapping would’ve been nice because having the reload on the same side as locomotion was awkward. Trying to strafe and hit reload just wasn’t an option.

There’s no denying that World of Mechs has been an absolute blast to play, from unlocking new mechs to unleashing a barrage of missiles in an opponent’s face it definitely scratches that mecha itch. That exuberance comes at the price of any narrative depth or reason to care about playing against the bots, they’re just too dumb to provide any challenge. Occasional matchmaking issues did occur with a “Pending connection failure” appearing but not enough that it was game-breaking and Studio 369 has been releasing regular patches to smooth launch issues out. World of Mechs has the beginnings of a great mech brawler and with a few more maps and multiplayer options could easily stand 50 feet tall.

What gmw3 has Been Playing: May 2022

The weather might be getting nicer and summer is almost upon us but that doesn’t mean our love of videogames needs to stop. Gmw3 has been playing all sorts during May, in between writing lots of awesome articles for you folks, of course.



This month I’ve had very little time to really dig into my gaming pile of shame. Real-life keeps getting in the way, so whenever I do snatch some time, I’m putting it into familiar titles, often with friends so I can socialise at the same time.

Regardless of what many say, Fortnite is still one of the best shooters in the market right now, and with the release of the ‘no builds’ mode, the game is completely refreshed. A large part of my career before joining GMW3 revolved around Fortnite, it has been a mainstay in my gaming rotation; a game I play with friends, but most importantly, a game I play with my daughters.

And it’s more fun than ever. It’s no surprise that streamers have flocked back to a game that was, despite its market dominance, becoming a little stale. Over recent seasons, Fortnite had lost the sense of enjoyment it established early on, it had become an unwieldy beast in desperate need of balance.

In the past few seasons I rarely played without friends or family, this season, however, I grab a few rounds each day; I’ve reinstalled the game onto my Nintendo Switch to play in bed. For a game I believed could constantly reinvent itself, I never believed it could do so to the point where it felt like a brand new release. In the words of Al Pacino in The Godfather part 3, “just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.” 

While I’ve played the game for years, I was never a very competent builder. I could barely use ramps to gain high ground, let alone ‘crank 90s’ or ‘box fight’. With the building removed, my win rate has significantly improved. I’m now popping heavy sniper distance shots, ‘one-pumping’ unsuspecting players and reaching double-digit frags every game.

Apex Legends

For Apex Legends, however, I’m still trash. My win rate here feels ridiculously low. Much like Fortnite, I’ve played every season; I have my favourite legends and weapons I love. I used to be decent at the game, but it seems 99.9% of the player base is either cracked out of their minds or a sweaty Chad. Occasionally I pop off, knock out over 2,000 damage and several kills, but I’ve relaxed into my role of sub-par player.

It doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the game. In some ways, I prefer it to Fortnite, because of the different legends who establish roles within the game and its meta. My ‘go-to’ legends tend to be more defensive or offer ability to my team, so I use Gibraltar for his bubble shield and bombardment, or Loba for her access to all items and weapons in a nearby radius.

While this season seems to have brought with it some interesting changes, it does feel like a backwards step for the game. Newcastle is a great legend who utilises defensive strategy, but outside of small map changes and a few tweaks here and there to weapon stats, the biggest change came to ranked mode and has the community (and myself) up in arms. The change to earning ranking points, by spreading them across the team, makes rising in the ranks ridiculously difficult compared to previous seasons.

Hopefully, the mid-season update reverts the ranking changes or rebalances them, but regardless I’ll keep playing and my teammates will continue to carry me every match until I finally discover a pool of untapped skill.

Rogue Legacy 2

I’ve been whiling away the hours this month with Rogue Legacy 2, which recently came out of early access.

It’s a sequel to Rogue Legacy, a formative game for the so-called “rogue-lite” genre which includes many of the features of roguelikes (such as procedural level generation and permanent death for the player character) while being generally more forgiving, with the ability to carry over upgrades between lives.

As one of the earlier examples of the genre, it lacked many of the welcome innovations made by the likes of The Binding of Isaac or Hades. Fortunately, Rogue Legacy 2 smartly updates the formula for the modern palate with conveniences like unlockable quick travel across the sprawling, randomised map.

As fans of the genre will expect, it’s suitably difficult while not veering into frustration thanks to snappy controls and quick restarts upon death. Once you get into the rhythm of dying, buying upgrades to improve yourself and getting a little further before the next time you die, it’s hard to resist the call of just playing one more turn.


Continuing the theme of sequels perfecting the original, I recently picked up 2016’s Inside. Having long ago played and enjoyed developer Playdead’s first game Limbo, I wasn’t disappointed to find that spiritual successor Inside cleaves pretty close to the same formula, being a puzzle platformer that relies heavily on a realistic physics system and a dark and mysterious story.

What is remarkable is the added level of polish. Inside very much embraces being “2.5D” – meaning while it remains two-dimensional in terms of where the player can traverse, Inside makes much better use of the third dimension to add depth to scenes and help to tell its minimalist story. Devoid of dialogue, it forces you to infer everything from the dystopian world around you as you pass by – from masked pursuers to mind-controlled pigs to a truly unexpected ending.

It’s a game that’s absolutely chock-full of ideas, and that extends to the gameplay too. Despite its relatively short length, new mechanics are constantly being introduced and smartly subverted, before being ditched for a new idea. Case in point being mind control helmets that let you control other characters. Initially, these render you stationary while you’re using them. As soon as you’ve gotten to grips with that, however, you’re moving around in tandem with the characters you’re mind-controlling. 

Considering the six-year interval between Limbo in 2010 and Inside in 2016, I’m very much hoping we hear something about the developer’s next game this year, now we’re once again six years ahead.

Loot River


Loot River

Such is my seemingly newfound love for roguelites that I’ve added several more to the list. I’m still playing Hades but this month I also began delving into Loot River, a new dungeon crawler from Straka.Studio.

It can be quite rare to say a game has unique features nowadays yet Loot River manages it by mixing its combat with something unexpected, spatial block-shifting – think fighting on tetrominoes. Yup, to explore these procedurally generated dungeon domains you not only have to pick your weapon, upgrade and try not to die for as long as possible but you also have to move the floor beneath your feet to get where you’re going.

At first, I honestly wasn’t sure I’d like it, seemingly a mashup for the sake of it. Lo and behold, having something else to think about other than fighting and trying to stay alive can be entertaining. Especially when trying to manoeuvre the blocks through levels or using them to strategically attack enemies when my life was low.

I will be honest, it hasn’t grabbed me as much as others in this genre. Even so, playing Tetris whilst simultaneously swinging an axe at opponents is keeping me amused.

World of Mechs

Having previewed World of Mechs earlier this month I’ve been spending time with this game in preparation for its review – which you’ll see later this week. A Meta Quest 2 exclusive, World of Mechs is part single-player campaign and part online team multiplayer, so without spoiling too much I will say this is easily digestible all-out mech warfare.

Given just one mech to start with, the mid-range “Mario” of mechs, there’s a rather substantial 32 of the war machines to unlock, each with laser cannons, miniguns and rocket launchers to play with. They’ve all got upgrades to unlock and secondary abilities depending on the actual model.

Unusually for a VR game, what I like is the standard control interface rather than finicky VR motion controls, where you’re trying to grab a lever whilst trying to look where the enemy is about to pop up. It’s all on the controllers and there’s gaze-based aiming, all of which means I can just go hell for leather in battles and try different combinations out.

I’m all for more VR multiplayer content as long as it scratches a particular itch, giant mechs shooting each other to pieces has been scratched off that list.

World of Mechs

Meta Quest 2’s World of Mechs Delayed

Yesterday was supposed to be the launch of Studio 369’s first virtual reality (VR) title, the promising World of Mechs. But due to the US suffering from another school shooting, the World of Mechs team has decided to delay the launch out of respect.

World of Mechs

In a statement, the team said: “We are shocked and saddened at the shooting tragedy that occurred on Tuesday in Uvalde, TX. Out of respect during this sensitive time, Studio 369 will delay this week’s release of World of Mechs with a new release date to be determined shortly.”

This statement has been followed up with another over on World of Mechs’ Discord server, revealing that the new release date will be next Thursday, 2nd June. And for those that have been part of the beta testing the studio adds: “This weekend we are opening servers for you to test starting tomorrow 5pm PST through Monday 12pm PST.”

World of Mechs is one giant competitive squad-based brawler, where 10-ton machines fight one another over various terrains. With a rolling selection of multiplayer modes, from Team Deathmatch to Domination, the game supports up to 8-players at once (4v4). There’s a selection of 32 mechs to unlock, all offering their own load-outs and strategies. You’ve got hulking great Juggernauts that can take a beating or more nimble, lightly armoured mechs which can skit across the battlefield and outmanoeuvre bigger opponents.

World of Mechs

They can all be upgraded using cash and XP collected during battle, so players can upgrade their health, improve weapon reloading or increase their damage output. Plus there’s a single-player campaign mode to enjoy in between online matches.

Previewing World of Mechs earlier this month, gmw3 said of the title: “Worlds of Mechs has all the ingredients for what could be the essential mech game on Meta Quest 2, it is loud, brash and unashamedly entertaining.”

World of Mechs is a Meta Quest 2 exclusive, so you’ll have to wait another week to find out if it was worth the wait. For continued updates from Studio 369, keep reading gmw3.

The VR Drop: Slim May Pickings

As 2022’s spring season draws to a close there’s been a notable reduction in the amount of virtual reality (VR) titles hitting stores. Some big games have arrived such as Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Tempestfall this week for Meta Quest 2, but all in all this coming week is no different. In fact, it’s the modding community that’s been filling in those gaps lately.

Shores of Loci

Shores of Loci – MikeTeevee

Coming to Early Access on SteamVR as well as Meta Quest’s App Lab, Shores of Loci is a casual, narrative-driven, single-player puzzle game. You’ll be transported to stunning environments where you have to solve elaborate challenges to help Giants and Villagers alike reclaim their lands and rebuild their cities.

World of Mechs – Studio 369

The big VR videogame gmw3 has been looking forward to after previewing it earlier in May, World of Mechs is a mechanised brawler with both single-player and multiplayer modes. The multiplayer is the core of the experience, pitting players in teams of 4 to fight across a variety of maps or go head-to-head in a deathmatch. With easy to pick up controls, players can quickly jump into 32 giant mechs, each with its own loadouts and upgrade options.

Manny Boxing VR

Manny Boxing VR – Appnori Inc.

Finally, the only other VR game so far confirmed for the final week of May is Appnori Inc’s Manny Boxing VR. A boxing title featuring world-renowned boxing star, Manny Pacquiao, there’s a selection of training modes including speed ball, dummy hitting practice and heavy bag training before fighting a selection of AI characters including Pacquiao himself.

Team-based Combat Game ‘World of Mechs’ Coming Exclusively to Quest 2 May 26th

A new squad-based online battle game called World of Mechs is coming exclusively to Meta Quest 2 on May 26th, and it’s promising a bevy of mechs to pilot.

Developed by Studio 369 and funded by Meta’s Grant Program, World of Mechs lets you choose from 32 different mechs for online team battles that pits you against teams of four. The game is also said to include five maps, four multiplayer modes, and a 20-mission single player campaign.

The developers say the game will include missiles, jump jets, radar jammers, landmines, and the ability to physically ram other players. Check out a quick peek at some of the gameplay below:

World of Mechs delivers the feeling of thrashing across city blocks in a 10-ton robotic steel gladiator while launching a salvo of barrage missiles on the opposition,” says Studio 369. “Feel the adrenaline rush of leading a flanking charge with weapons ablaze and jump-jets engaged. Blast off into the single-player campaign to take down menacing bosses, walk away with their mechs, and become the world’s most-feared ace pilot.”

Studio 369 is made up of industry veterans previously from Activision, Epic Games, Paramount Pictures, Skybound, and Sony. Prior to founding the studio its members worked on a host of games including Fortnite, H1Z1, The Walking Dead, Star Trek, and Gears of War 3.

Besides World of Mechs, the studio is also currently developing a blockchain-based play-to-earn MMO for flatscreen PC and mobile called MetalCore, and a unnamed “AAA” game for PS5, Xbox and PC.

World of Mechs is set to launch on Meta Quest 2 on May 26th, priced at $20. You can wishlist the game here on the Oculus Store. And in case you missed it, here’s the reveal trailer which was published late last year:

The post Team-based Combat Game ‘World of Mechs’ Coming Exclusively to Quest 2 May 26th appeared first on Road to VR.

Preview: World of Mechs – Having a Mecha Blast

There aren’t many mech titles in VR let alone for Meta Quest 2, with Vox Machinae being the one notable one and then you’ve got Ultimechs which is due out in 2022. So the announcement of World of Mechs from Studio 369 this week was welcome, giving us giant robots fans something to look forward to. And you definitely should, gmw3 was treated to a preview of this team-based shooter, stepping into all manner of assault mechs and coming away pretty darn impressed.

World of Mechs

Studio 369 has a solid history in the mecha game space with CEO Matt Candler having previously worked on MechWarrior 2 during his time at Activision. Just like those other games mentioned, World of Mechs’ primary focus is on competitive matches, dropping players in 4v4 matches across a range of maps and gameplay modes.

The maps gmw3 got to play with ranged from an industrial, dockside location with a massive aircraft carrier in the middle to an arid, undulating canyon with rocky outcrops to use for cover. Whilst the gameplay modes switched between your usual selection of free-for-all deathmatch and team-based dominion involving A/B/C objectives to hold and accrue points at.

Even though there’s a tutorial to get acquainted with the basic control scheme, what’s noticeable is the simplicity and functionality of the system. World of Mechs is designed for fast-paced, arcade-style combat so the team has dispensed with any traditional VR mechanics like physical inputs. Everything is located on the controllers, heck, you can even see the controllers in VR just in case you forget where the face buttons are.

World of Mechs

That might seem a little silly but it’s highly useful, especially if you’re new to the headset. To jump and hover is the A button, the B button is your special ability whilst Y reloads your weapons. There’s also an additional utility depending on the mech, some can stomp by pressing the right stick in whereas the small machines can quickly strafe with the grip. Yes, there’s a lot going on but it’s far less daunting than having to grab a lever to activate one function while a different stick does something else. What this means is you can focus on the battle at hand, not where your virtual hand is.

As for the mechs themselves, there is a huge range of choices, once you’ve managed to unlock them. There are 32 to choose from (8 classes with 4 models in each), ranging from light Scouts which are nimble to the huge Juggernaut that stomps across the battlefield. To begin with, you get the Trooper, a mid-range mech that’s nicely balanced with a medium laser to whittle down enemy shields and a mini-gun that’s great for chipping away at the main health bar.  

Once a few battles have been played and some cash and XP have been earned – there are additional cash, XP, shield, health and cooldown bonuses hidden on each map – there’s the option to upgrade. World of Tanks provides an extensive array of customisation options, from upgrading the main hull and its various components like the health bar and shield to the main guns themselves. There was no way to change the actual gun-type though, they’re fixed to each model, so changing loadouts means changing your mech as well.

World of Mechs

Thankfully this can be done in each match, dying brings up your roster of unlocked mechs to select from. Thus each match could dynamically change as players mix and match their mechs and tactics to the environment or game mode. I’m not always the best player when it comes to these types of shooters but I found World of Mechs both easy to pick up and hugely enjoyable to play. The weapon options were varied whilst the control scheme with its head controlled aiming reticule made combat intuitive.

Being inside a mech also made for a comfortable experience thanks to being sat down and surrounded by a cockpit. For those that are sensitive to motion sickness Studio 369 has employed various comfort options to reduce this issue.  

Worlds of Mechs has all the ingredients for what could be the essential mech game on Meta Quest 2, it is loud, brash and unashamedly entertaining. It’s not even solely multiplayer as there’s a single-player campaign mode plus the ability to jump into a bot match to test a new mech or level. Currently, World of Mechs doesn’t have a release date, it’s just “coming soon” so keep an eye for this mechanized brawler as it’s firmly on gmw3’s wishlist for 2022.   


World Of Mechs Is A Huge New Mech Battler For Quest 2

More mech battling is on the way to Quest 2, this time in the form of World of Mechs.

UploadVR can exclusively reveal this new project from Studio 369, a team comprised of developers that have worked on titles like Fortnite, Gears of War 3 and, notably, MechWarrior 2. Supported by the Meta Grant Program, World of Mechs throws players into the driver’s seat of massive war machines. Check out the first trailer for the game below.

World of Mechs Reveal Trailer

World of Mechs is set to offer both single and multiplayer modes as players jump into one of 32 different mech types and head out onto the battlefield. Matches consist of eight players, with two teams of foure. Online, you’ll face off in arena-style maps, with five levels available at launch across four different modes (Team Deathmatch, Domination, Assault, and VIP). Each mech comes with unique abilities, including cloaking devices and powerful melee attacks.

The single-player mode, meanwhile, features 20 missions and will see you taking on bosses and then claiming their mechs for yourself. The game can now be wishlisted over on the Quest Store.

The game joins a growing list of mech titles for VR. Just recently we saw the full release of Vox Machinae and, earlier today, Resolution Games unveiled a first look at its Rocket League-like esport, Ultimechs. Even the most recent addition to the MechWarrior franchise, MechWarrior 5, has unofficial support via a mod. We’ll find out exactly where the game fits into the scene when it hits Quest 2 in the near future. No other platforms have been confirmed at this point in time.

Are you going to be checking out World of Mechs? Let us know in the comments below!