Watch: Gorgeous VR Zombie Slayer Undead Citadel Returns In 9 Minute Clip

It’s been a good while since we’ve checked in on Undead Citadel from Dark Curry. But we just got a massive new gameplay video to pick apart.

Over nine minutes of footage from the VR zombie slayer can be found here. In Undead Citadel, players explore a medieval setting overrun with hordes of the undead. That means your only weapons are breakable swords and axes.

The new footage is actually taken from the start of the game, which we’ve seen a few times before, but Dark Curry is showing off some new updates. We could be wrong but combat looks a little more physical than it has in the past (when we played it at Gamescom a simple flick of the wrist could kill enemies). The game is still visually impressive, though, which is something that caught our attention when we first reported on Undead Citadel in early 2019.

We’ll echo other people’s comments though that maybe the game’s narration could maybe be a little less frequent. Clearly, it’s going for a humorous tone, but in these opening moments you’re barely given a moment to think before some sort of joke interrupts your train of thought and few lines hit their mark. Hopefully that will be a bit more balanced in the full game.

Either way, we’re looking forward to trying out the full game in the future. Will it measure up in a post-Saints & Sinners world? We’ll have to wait and see. Undead Citadel is due for release on PC VR and PSVR headsets. No word yet on a possible Quest launch, but we’ll keep an eye out.

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Dark Curry Eyes Q2 2020 Window for Undead Citadel Launch

Undead Citadel

Last summer in the many halls that encompass Gamescom in Cologne, Germany, VRFocus came across indie developer Dark Curry demoing for the very first time a medieval adventure called Undead CitadelThe studio held a closed alpha last year but there has been little in the way of updates since. But a Steam listing now puts the launch very near.

Undead Citadel

As the name suggests Undead Citadel is a zombie-filled fight through a fantasy world set in a time of swords, knights and a lot of monsters. Offering a story where you play a battle-weary soldier who finds themself in the middle of a plague which creates hordes of undead creatures, there are over 10 levels to complete as you look for the source.

These aren’t your normal brain ravenous zombies either, as they can use swords, bows, axes and other weapons to stop you in your tracks. So you can fight back with an assortment of more than 60 weapons, from single-handed rapiers to two-handed broadswords, while bows, arrows and explosives help to deal ranged damage.

As with a lot of virtual reality (VR) titles at the moment – Boneworks, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners – whether they’re fantasy-themed or not realistic weapon handling is a big part of the experience. Undead Citadel prioritizes 1:1 movement to give players as much combat control as possible, simulating physics when they slash, stab or simply destabilize opponents. This is used in conjunction with weapon stats like damage and durability so that players have to continually assess which favourites to keep or throw away.

Undead Citadel

As well as all those classic medieval weapons players can also make use of potions to give themselves an advantage, augmenting their strength, freezing enemies or making them move in slow motion.

In addition to the story mode, Dark Curry will also provide players with a Horde Mode to take on endless waves, with online leaderboards. There will also be an Armory where players can test all the weapons they’ve found in the previously mentioned modes in a sandbox environment.

Undead Citadel is listed on Steam to arrive Q2 2020 which means the next couple of months hopefully. A PlayStation VR version is also in the works but it’s unclear if this will see the same launch window. As Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) has been delaying several titles more might be pushed back. When VRFocus has further details we’ll let you know.

Gamescom 2019 Interview: Fighting the Hordes in Undead Citadel

Melee combat can be brutal and very satisfying in virtual reality (VR), actually feeling like you’re swinging a sword or blocking a blow with a shield. Currently, Spanish studio Dark Curry is in the process of developing its next virtual reality (VR) title  Undead Citadel which is all about cleaving monsters with any dangerous object to hand. The team attended Gamescom 2019 to showcase an early demo and naturally VRFocus had a play and chat to find out more.

Undead Citadel

Set in medieval times of knights, castles and grand quests you play a battle-weary soldier who is looking for a place to rest and recuperate. Spotting a town you head inside looking for shelter and food, yet all you find is death and destruction, a settlement crumbling and apparently empty…but not for long.

Undead Citadel is unapologetically a brutal first-person combat experience, there’s a storyline revolving around finding what happened but mostly its all about hacking undead enemies into little bits. There are two modes, the campaign itself and a horde mode for those who love endless arena battles. The campaign is very much an adventure where players do have to explore to find new weapons, potions and other secrets.

While there is a bow, most of the weapons are melee-based, swords, axes, hammers, maces and alike. To make the combat realistic and visceral Dark Curry has employed a physics system allowing limbs to be removed with a quick slice here or dice there. And there’s no keeping hold of a favourite weapon, they can all break, each one taking a particular amount of damage which needs to be monitored – having a weapon break mid-fight will lead to death.

Undead Citadel

Attending Gamescom was CEO and Dark Curry co-founder Daniel Solis to discuss the idea behind Undead Citadel.  Interestingly, the studio teamed up with 3dRudder for the event, demoing the videogame using Oculus Rift and the foot-based controller. This was a fairly good match, being able to naturally walk around the dilapidated citadel using 3dRudder.

Check out what Daniel had to say in the interview below and as further details are released keep reading VRFocus for the latest updates.

Undead Citadel Promises Stunning VR Visuals In Latest Trailer

Undead Citadel Promises Stunning VR Visuals In Latest Trailer

Undead Citadel first caught our attention late last year. It’s a VR zombie-slaying game from Dark Curry (still a great name) that looks visually astonishing. That remains the case in this new minute-long clip.

Players make their way through a gorgeous medieval setting, dismembering zombies and locking blades with skeletons. Swords and axes are at the ready as is that most trusted of VR weapons, the bow and arrow. This trailer also sees the debut of a shield and throwable explosives.

Of course, the jury’s still out on if these visuals are truly the real deal. It all looks a little too good, doesn’t it? Plus, inside headsets, visual quality is somewhat distorted by the screen door effect.

Combat still looks promising, though. Dark Curry says the game runs on a “hybrid physics-driven combat system.” You can see it in the hefty axe swings that cause skulls to explode and the way enemies react to arrows. We’re still looking for what will really separate this from the other 100 VR zombie games out there, though. We’ll need to get our hands on it to find out.

There’s still a lot to learn about Undead Citadel. The previous teaser trailer suggested the game would have some sort of story-based progression. The end of this footage also confirms there are bigger, tougher enemies ahead.

Undead Citadel is due for release on Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR and Windows Mixed Reality later this year. No specific release window has been announced but the developer says it’ll be out “when it’s perfect”. Ambitious.

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Undead Citadel: Mittelalterlicher Fantasy-Action-Brawler erscheint 2019 für PSVR und PC-Brillen

Mit Undead Citadel veröffentlicht Entwicklerstudio Dark Curry einen mittelalterlichen Action-Titel im Fantasy-Setting mit RPG-Elementen für Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Windows-VR-Brillen und PlayStation VR (PSVR). Der Indie-Titel lässt euch während einer Kampagne im Nah- und Fernkampf Horden von Zombies und Skeletten vernichten und setzt dafür auf ein realistisches Kampfsystem.

Undead Citadel – VR-Action-Brawler erscheint 2019 für PlayStation VR (PSVR) und PC-Brillen

In Undead Citadel schlüpfen die Spieler in die Rolle von Sir Anvil Capheus, ein vulgärer Antiheld, der sich als Verbrecher durchschlägt. Trotz seiner groben Art besitzt der heruntergekommene Ritter jedoch einiges an Kampferfahrung. Deshalb macht er sich eines Tages auf, um die Stadt Ingolstadt von einer desaströsen Untotenplage zu befreien.

Der VR-Brawler ist in einem mittelalterlichen Fantasy-Setting angesetzt und setzt den actionbasierten Nah- und Fernkampf in den Mittelpunkt. So schlagt ihr euch durch zahlreiche Horden von Widersachern und macht mit einer großen Waffenauswahl den gefährlichen Widersachern den Garaus. Über 40 verschiedene Waffenarten, wie Schwerter, Äxte, Kriegshämmer und mehr stehen dafür zur Verfügung.


Das Kampfsystem basiert auf physikalisch realistischen Bedingungen, sodass Schläge mit Zweihandwaffen auch langsamer sind als leichtere Alternativen. Dafür verschafft euch jedoch die Slow-Motion-Funktion Kampfvorteile und Reaktionszeit. Diese dürft ihr nutzen, um kreative Lösungen zum Zerteilen eurer Gegner zu finden.

Somit schnetzelt ihr euch eher als übermächtiger Kämpfer durch die Reihen, um euch an den Gore-Elementen zu erfreuen. In einer Kampagne mit zehn verschiedenen Leveln wird dabei eine Story erzählt, die sich euch beim Erklimmen der namensgebenden Zitadelle inmitten der Stadt eröffnet. Verschiedene Gegnertypen mit mehr oder weniger Panzerung sorgen währenddessen für Abwechslung im Kampfgeschehen.


Neben der Geschichte wird zudem ein Horden-Modus mit globalem Leaderboard angeboten. Zur Fortbewegung stehen anpassbare Optionen, wie freie Bewegung oder Teleporation zur Auswahl.

Undead Citadel soll 2019 für Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Windows-VR-Brillen und PlayStation VR (PSVR) auf Steam sowie im PlayStation Store erscheinen.

(Quellen: Undead Citadel Press Kit | Video: Dark Curry YouTube)

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Medieval Brawler ‘Undead Citadel’ Coming to Vive, Rift, & PSVR

If you’ve been honing your skills in a VR combat simulator but have been waiting to test your skills against swarms of the undead, your wait may soon be over with Undead Citadel, a zombie-filled action adventure title coming to SteamVR, Vive, Oculus and PSVR headsets at an unannounced time this year from developer Dark Curry.

The newly released combat trailer shows off swordplay that seems inspired by ‘The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’, but with a natural fluidity and physics-based approach that’s similar to what we’ve seen so far from games like Blade & Sorcery. Weapons collide with one another in a believable way, but what’s most impressive and satisfying here is how bodies break apart when struck.

The trailer shows how naturally Undead Citadel lets you rip bones and limbs off of your undead adversaries; most notably at the 20 second mark, where the player launches an explosive device at a group of skeletons. Pay attention to how each skeleton goes flying as their legs and arms disintegrate.

Schell Games' New Title 'Until You Fall' Aims to Raise the Bar on VR Sword Combat

The level of graphical fidelity and detail shown in the Undead Citadel trailer stands out, showing off just how good a VR game can look even when forcing the system to calculate a hefty number of physics operations. The shadows and textures presented in the trailer look on-par with those of a high-budget ‘flatscreen’ game from the last three years, but Dark Curry has also clearly put work into animating its undead horde; zombies and skeletons move with intention, making them feel tangible and intimidating. Whether or not the fidelity shown in the trailer is representative of the final product is unclear, but it’s expected that the team would be targeting the usual ‘VR Ready’ hardware specs.

Image courtesy Dark Curry

All weapons shown off in the combat trailer are what you’d expect from any other medieval slasher, showcasing the standard arsenal of bows, blades, and blunt objects with which to enact mayhem. The addition of incendiary weapons like torches and bombs does tease creative possibilities for destroying enemies, as does the slow motion mechanic shown off at 0:45. Two-handed weapons like the mace at 0:40 also appear to have much more weight and handle more ‘correctly’ than two-handers implemented in similar games.

Dark Curry is promising the following features for Undead Citadel:

  • Innovative hybrid physics-based combat engine.
  • Smash or cut your enemies down with over 40+ different close combat weapons with real-life movements: swords, axes, war hammers, maces, shields, longswords or even your own fists.
  • Take the undead down with ranged weaponry like javelins, bow and arrows, or blow them up with powerful explosives.
  • Engage against dozens of different close combat, ranged or heavily armored enemy types.
  • Find and use slow motion, strength, invulnerability or freeze magic potions to mutate your power and obliterate the dead ones.
  • Full-size campaign: find your way through a huge apocalyptic fantasy environment, with 10+ levels to explore, including exterior and interior scenery.
  • Horde mode: Survive through endless armies of foes and reach the top leaderboards.
  • Customizable movement options, including locomotion(smooth movement) and teleport.

Undead Citadel due to release some time in 2019 on Steam (Vive, Rift, WMR), Oculus (Rift), and PlayStation (PSVR). Until then, you can follow the official website for more information.

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Undead Citadel Is A Gorgeous-Looking Medieval Zombie Slayer

Undead Citadel Is A Gorgeous-Looking Medieval Zombie Slayer

If you’re fed up of the Christmas spirit and want to get back to the bloodthirsty videogame murderizing we enjoy for the rest of the year, then you might want to check out this new trailer for Undead Citadel.

The game’s being developed by Dark Curry (great name) and appears to be a medieval-era zombie slayer. We really don’t know that much about it but the impressive visuals seen in this teaser clip caught our eye. It sounds like someone called Carnax has perhaps transported you back in time to face off with hordes of the undead. The developer says the game will focus on “physics driven close/ranged” combat.

We’ll no doubt learn more about Undead Citadel in the coming year, though you can already sign up to a newsletter via the game’s official website. We also got the featured image from the developer’s own website which reveals that this team also worked on goal-saving VR game, Final Soccer. That’s quite a switch in tone.

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