SUPERHOT VR Forever Update Gets a Release Date

Last month Oculus teased several details about an incoming update for popular first-person shooter SUPERHOT VR. Having only launched a month prior alongside the arrival of Oculus Touch, the videogame is set to see more content and game modes arrives, with a released date now confirmed for March.

Renowned for being somewhat short, the developers will now be addressing this issue to a degree by adding more replayability with challenges and achievements. The first mode revealed in January was the 10-minute challenge, which as the name states requires players to complete the title in 10 minutes – hence being short.

Superhot Forever update

The title will also feature an Endless Mode, requiring players to survive as long as possible; Headshots only, make sure enemies are hit right between the eyes (if they had any); Time Trial, racing against best scores in both in-game time (slowed down) and real-time; Don’t Shoot, for those that love melee combat; Hardcore Mode, where enemies are faster and players reaction time is reduced; and Don’t Die, with death taking players back to the start of the entire game.

Today also saw SUPERHOT VR honoured at the 2017 D.I.C.E. Awards, taking the top prize in the Immersive Reality Game of the Year category, beating off competition from Eagle Flight, I Expect You To Die, Job Simulator and The Lab.

The SUPERHOT VR Forever update will officially launch 7th March for Oculus Rift with Touch controller support. For further updates to the title, keep reading VRFocus.

Superpunch Is a Game That Uses Punching for Locomotion

Superpunch Is a Game That Uses Punching for Locomotion

Superhot [Review: 9/10] is easily one of the best Oculus Touch titles available today. The beautiful art direction, ingenious gameplay mechanic of time only moving when you do, and creative puzzle environments all add up to one of the most memorable and enjoyable adaptations for VR we’ve seen thus far. Naturally, when the Make it Superhot Game Jam was announced, it came as no surprise. In the Game Jam, people are asked to create a Superhot-inspired piece of fan art, game, or mod, for a chance to win prizes. Available prizes include a GTX 1080 graphics card, Oculus Rift headset, thousands of dollars in cash, and much more. It’s not a Game Jam for the faint of heart.

One of the short Superhot-inspired game entries, Superpunch, immediately caught our attention when we saw it in action on Twitter, being promoted by designer and programmer, Joe Radak. With Andreas Jorgensen handling the art artwork and Keegan van der Laag with Davin Dobson (also known as 

“The core mechanic of the game is the punching locomotion, which I’ve been developing for the past couple months,” explained Radak in an email to Upload. “The science behind the locomotion is the impulse force that is imparted on your body when you punch (because of the punch), tricks your body into thinking that it’s accelerating in that direction. With the impulse, you can mask sliding the player over short distances with minimal motion sickness. Basically, the punch creates artificial acceleration in the direction of motion, which reduces motion sickness. So far it’s shown to be pretty motion-sickness free, but I haven’t tested it wide-range yet.”

Mechanically, the idea seems similar to other limb-movement-based locomotion systems we’ve seen, such as arm-swinging, running in place, and the Freedom Locomotion System. What makes this one different though is how important the mere act of punching is, seeing as how you have to always be punching to get much of anything done.

“The game itself is a simple wave-based game,” said Radak. “Instead of shooting your enemies though, they fire at you, and you punch the bullets back at them, or you can punch them directly if you get close enough. When I was developing the prototype, I wanted something that complimented the punching locomotion and had a bit of action behind it, thus, how this game was born. The current contest entry has 3 levels, each with 3-5 waves each. If I had more time and resources, or was to turn this into a full-fledged game, I would probably do something that wasn’t wave-based. Co-Op could be fun too.”

If you’re interested in trying out Superpunch, you can find out more information and download the short game on the page or the ModDB page. Only HTC Vive support is guaranteed, Oculus Rift and Touch was not tested. You can see more of the contest entries here if you scroll down to the bottom.

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SUPERHOT VR: Forever Update angekündigt

Außerkörperliche Erfahrung 2.0 – Das SUPERHOT Team hat SUPERHOT VR zusammen mit den Entwicklern der Oculus Rift auf der E3 2014 zum ersten Mal vorgestellt. Seitdem sind zwei Jahre vergangen und der First-Person Shooter erfreut sich in der VR-Community großer Beliebtheit. Das Team hinter dem stilisierten Timeshift-Spektakel hat nun angekündigt, dass das brandneue Forever Update bereits nächsten Monat an den Start gehen wird.

SUPERHOT VR: Ihr kontrolliert die Zeit

Seit nunmehr zwei Monaten können sich Shooter- und VR-Freunde frei nach dem Motto „Time moves only when you move“ in SUPERHOT VR austoben. Über die Oculus Touch-Controller erfahrt ihr in Echtzeit wie es wohl ist, eine außerkörperliche Erfahrung zu haben – so zumindest das Gefühl, wenn die Zeit von euren Bewegungen abhängt. Gerade in VR macht die Headshot-Jagd und überstilisierte Kampfkunst so richtig Laune.

Nachdem Fans von SUPERHOT VR den FPS bereits zu Release in den höchsten Tönen gelobt hatten, kam vergleichsweise schnell die erste Ernüchterung. Mit lediglich zwei Stunden Spielzeit, die ihr in der Virtual Reality Experience verbringen konntet, fiel die Menge an Content doch eher Mau aus. Die ersten Rufe nach mehr wurden schnell laut und so haben die Macher nun reagiert und bringen bereits im Februar frische Inhalte, in denen sich die Spieler deutlich länger austoben können sollen.


Vor allem die Vielzahl an neuen Modi soll euch lange bei der Stange halten und, so wie es ausschaut, in die Verzweiflung treiben. Denn nicht nur im Standardspiel, sondern auch beim neuen Update steht die Herausforderung im Vordergrund.

Eine Auswahl der frischen Spielvarianten

  • Ein Modus, in dem nur Kopfschüsse Gegner töten
  • Ein Race-Modus, in dem ihr gegen eure Bestzeiten antreten könnt
  • Ein Hardcore-Modus mit schnelleren Gegnern und weniger Reaktionszeit
  • Eine Challenge, bei der ihr das Spiel durchspielen müsst, ohne einen Schuss abzugeben
  • Eine Challenge, bei der ihr nur 10 Minuten habt, um das komplette Spiel durchzuzocken

Im offiziellen Blogeintrag des Oculus Teams kündigen die Entwickler vollmundig Stunden von neuem Gameplay und zahlreiche weitere Neuerungen an. Der Reddit-Detective Leviatein soll im Spielcode darüber hinaus auch ein Achievement-System sowie einige Secrets entdeckt haben. Worum es sich dabei handelt, bleibt abzuwarten. Wir jedenfalls haben richtig Bock auf neuen Content in SUPERHOT VR.

(Quelle: UploadVR)

Der Beitrag SUPERHOT VR: Forever Update angekündigt zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

SUPERHOT VR Forever Update Includes 10-minute Challenge

Yesterday VRFocus reported on Oculus releasing a teasing tweet announcing an update for SUPERHOT VR. The tweet revealed very little but Oculus hasn’t made players wait too long for further info, with a blog posting today going into greater detail.

So what’s in store for fans of the first-person shooter (FPS)? Oculus has unveiled some of the challenges that player will have to face, which the company claims will add hours more gameplay. These challenges include taking out enemies using only headshots; racing against a players best score in bullet time and real-world time; completing the video game without shooting and a hardcore challenge where enemies are faster and reaction times are reduced. That’s not all though, for true SUPERHOT VR experts there’s the ten minute challenge, simply complete the entire title in that time.

Superhot - Forever Update

Talking about the inspiration behind the new content, lead designer Cezary Skorupka said: “The community is awesome at this game—way better than us! We need to keep them happy, so we looked for ways to make SUPERHOT VR even more challenging.”

While this news certainly does answer one of the bigger questions about the Forever Update, there’s still no confirmation on when its likely to be available, or what secrets players are likely to uncover.

As VRFocus learns more about the SUPERHOT VR update, we’ll let you know.

Oculus Teases SUPERHOT VR Forever Update

For Oculus Touch owners who’re fans of first-person shooter (FPS) SUPERHOT VR, Oculus has teased an upcoming update with a Tweet today.

Called ‘FOREVER UPDATE’ the only details the tweet conveyed were through a short GIF showing some very old computers and CRT monitors. The GIF shows a floppy disc (remember those) being inserted into the central computer, doing so momentarily changes the screen to ‘Updating SUPERHOT’.

Superhot - Forever Update

It’s whats written on the disk itself that holds the most info. In a hand written note style you can just make out what’s on the label, saying SUPER HOT UPDATE, Challenges, Achievements, Bugfixes and Secrets.

Further details have yet to be released on what challenges these might just be, but as its called the ‘FOREVER UPDATE’ there’s a good chance an endless mode for hardcore SUPERHOT VR fans could be included.

The update hasn’t gone live on Oculus Home (at time of writing) so this does look to be a early tease at present.

Last week the developers behind SUPERHOT VR teamed up with Mod DB, alongside with IMGN.PRO, Oculus, Nvidia, Intel for a #MAKEITSUPERHOT competition. It challenges modders, game designers, artists and other creative types to make stuff inspired by the video game.

As VRFocus learns more about the update, we’ll let you know.

Can You Make it SUPERHOT as Mod DB Launches Competition

If you’re regular reader of VRFocus you’ll have likely heard of SUPERHOT, a first-person shooter (FPS) that launched on PC early last year before finally getting a virtual reality (VR) release for Oculus Touch in December 2015. It’s become a popular title with its unique gameplay mechanic and so today Mod DB, in association with IMGN.PRO, Oculus, Nvidia, Intel and several others has launched a #MAKEITSUPERHOT competition today.

For fans of the videogame that are modders, game designers, artists, programmers, level designers, illustrators, filmmakers, or just some who’s feeling a bit creative, they can all enter into one of two categories; Games & Mods, and Arts & Crafts. The challenge is simple enough, just create a SUPERHOT inspired game, mod, addon, video or image.

superhot vr - first screenshots 8

There are plenty of prizes on offer depending on which category entrants submit to.

In the Games,Mods & Addons Award Prizes are as follows:

  • 1st Place
    • $5,000 cash
    • 1x NVIDIA GTX 1080
    • 1x Intel i7 Processor
    • 1x Oculus Rift
    • MSI Keyboard, mouse and swag
    • GOG Swag and discounts
    • Trophy
  • 2nd Place
    • $2,000 cash
    • 1x Intel i7 Processor
    • 1x Oculus Rift
    • MSI Keyboard, mouse & swag
    • GOG swag & discounts
  • 3rd Place
    • $1,000 cash
    • MSI Keyboard, mouse & swag
    • GOG swag & discounts

For the Art & Crafts Award

  • 1st Place
    • XBOX One
    • $500 cash
    • MSI Keyboard, mouse & swag
    • GOG swag & discounts
    • Trophy
  • 2nd Place
    • Gear VR
    • $350 cash
    • MSI Keyboard, mouse & swag
    • GOG swag & discounts
  • 3rd Place
    • $200 cash
    • MSI Keyboard, mouse & swag
    • GOG swag & discounts

There’s also a Special Award which sees everyone who enters wining a copy of SUPERHOT on Steam, and a $50,000 USD publishing contract selected and awarded by the SUPERHOT and IMGN teams.

While SUPERHOT VR only supports Oculus Touch at present the developer does plan further support for more headsets in the future, so keep reading VRFocus for the latest updates.

2017 Game Developers Choice Awards Introduces New Category for Best VR/AR Game

In March the 17th annual Game Developers Choice Awards will be taking place, welcoming back Double Fine Productions founder Tim Schafer as host for the sixth time. The organisers have also added a new virtual reality (VR)/ augmented reality (AR) category for this years awards, showcasing some of the best immersive entertainment.

The Best VR/AR Game category has five main nominations with several honourable mentions. Those that made the cut were Rez Infinite, Superhot VR, Job Simulator: The 2050 Archives, Pokémon Go and Fantastic Contraption. Niantic’s Pokémon Go also made it into the Best Mobile/Handheld Game and Innovation Award categories.

superhot vr - first screenshots 8

Whilst pure VR titles appear in any other category, Drool’s Thumper, which wasn’t made for VR but does support PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, does feature in Best Audio and Best Debut.

The 17th annual Game Developers Choice Awards are held at the San Francisco Moscone Center during the 2017 Game Developers Conference (GDC) on 1st March. For the latest news on the event, keep reading VRFocus.

Full list of categories and nominations:

Rez Infinite (Monstars / Enhance Games)
Superhot VR (SUPERHOT Team)
Job Simulator: The 2050 Archives (Owlchemy Labs)
Pokémon Go (Niantic)
Fantastic Contraption (Radial Games / Northway Games)

Honourable Mentions: Thumper (Drool), Superhypercube (Kokoromi / Polytron Corporation), Batman Arkham VR (Rocksteady Studios / Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment), Space Pirate Trainer (I-Illusions), The Lab (Valve)

Battlefield 1 (EA DICE / Electronic Arts)
Thumper (Drool)
DOOM (id Software / Bethesda Softworks)
Inside (Playdead)
Overwatch (Blizzard Entertainment)

Honourable Mentions: Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (Naughty Dog / Sony Interactive Entertainment), Rez Infinite (Monstars / Enhance Games), Hyper Light Drifter (Heart Machine), Firewatch (Campo Santo / Panic), Dishonored 2 (Arkane Studios / Bethesda Softworks), The Last Guardian (JAPAN Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment), Titanfall 2 (Respawn Entertainment / Electronic Arts)

Heart Machine (Hyper Light Drifter)
Campo Santo (Firewatch)
ConcernedApe (Stardew Valley)
Drool (Thumper)
Night School Studio (Oxenfree)

Honourable Mentions: SUPERHOT Team (SUPERHOT), Numinous Games (That Dragon, Cancer), Giant Squid Studios (Abzu), Ghost Town Games (Overcooked), iNK Stories (1979 Revolution: Black Friday)

Overwatch (Blizzard Entertainment)
Dishonored 2 (Arkane Studios / Bethesda Softworks)
The Witness (Thekla)
Inside (Playdead)
DOOM (id Software / Bethesda Softworks)

Honourable Mentions: Titanfall 2 (Respawn Entertainment / Electronic Arts), Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (Naughty Dog / Sony Interactive Entertainment), Dark Souls III (From Software / Bandai Namco Entertainment), Firewatch (Campo Santo / Panic), Hitman (IO Interactive / Square Enix)

Super Mario Run (Nintendo EPD / Nintendo)
Clash Royale (Supercell)
Pokémon Go (Niantic)
Reigns (Nerial / Devolver Digital)
Pokémon Sun/Moon (Game Freak / The Pokémon Company)

Honourable Mentions: Mini Metro (Dinosaur Polo Club), Severed (DrinkBox Studios), Deus Ex: Go (Square Enix Montreal / Square Enix), Fire Emblem Fates (Intelligent Systems and Nintendo SPD / Nintendo), Imbroglio (Michael Brough), Swap Sword (AP Thomson and Diego Garcia)

The Witness (Thekla)
Inside (Playdead)
No Man’s Sky (Hello Games)
Firewatch (Campo Santo / Panic)
Pokemon Go (Niantic)

Honourable Mentions: That Dragon, Cancer (Numinous Games), The Last Guardian (JAPAN Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment), SUPERHOT (SUPERHOT Team), Thumper (Drool), Quadrilateral Cowboy (Blendo Games)

The Last Guardian (JAPAN Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Oxenfree (Night School Studio)
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (Naughty Dog / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Inside (Playdead)
Firewatch (Campo Santo / Panic)

Honourable Mentions: That Dragon, Cancer (Numinous Games), Dishonored 2 (Arkane Studios / Bethesda Softworks), The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine (CD Projekt RED / CD Projekt), Kentucky Route Zero – Act IV (Cardboard Computer), Mafia III (Hangar 13 / 2K Games)

Battlefield 1 (EA DICE / Electronic Arts)
No Man’s Sky (Hello Games)
Overwatch (Blizzard Entertainment)
DOOM (id Software / Bethesda Softworks)
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (Naughty Dog / Sony Interactive Entertainment)

Honourable Mentions: Inside (Playdead), Pokemon Go (Niantic), The Last Guardian (JAPAN Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment), Dishonored 2 (Arkane Studios / Bethesda Softworks), The Witness (Thekla)

Firewatch (Campo Santo / Panic)
The Last Guardian (JAPAN Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Overwatch (Blizzard Entertainment)
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (Naughty Dog / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Inside (Playdead)

Honourable Mentions: The Witness (Thekla), Battlefield 1 (EA DICE / Electronic Arts), Abzu (Giant Squid Studios), Thumper (Drool), DOOM (id Software / Bethesda Softworks)

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (Naughty Dog / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Overwatch (Blizzard Entertainment)
Inside (Playdead)
Dishonored 2 (Arkane Studios / Bethesda Softworks)
Firewatch (Campo Santo / Panic)

Honourable Mentions: DOOM (id Software / Bethesda Softworks), The Witness (Thekla), Battlefield 1 (EA DICE / Electronic Arts), The Last Guardian (JAPAN Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment), Titanfall 2 (Respawn Entertainment / Electronic Arts)

UploadVR’s 2016 Game of the Year Winners

UploadVR’s 2016 Game of the Year Winners

Last week we announced a comprehensive list of nominees for our 2016 Game of the Year Awards. There were over 20 categories selected with approximately 4-8 different games and experiences nominated for each category. That all adds up to a ton of amazing content we saw in VR’s first full year of consumer adoption.

We teamed up with the prolific Christopher Sabat (the voice of Piccolo, Yamcha, and of course Vegeta in Dragon Ball Z as well as Roronoa Zoro in One Piece) to record a video announcing each winner in every category. In my opinion, getting a glimpse of gameplay combined with that epic voice is absolutely the best way to experience our award selections. Check it out:

Since there were so many categories to decide and so many voices to hear, we actually had a true deliberation process in real-time using AltspaceVR. That means for three hours I, the Games Editor at UploadVR, Staff Writer Joe Durbin, Staff Writer Jamie Feltham, and Senior Editor Ian Hamilton, all discussed the nominees and who we thought deserved to win each and every category. That entire process was recorded, so get your popcorn ready.

We know it is three hours long, at the very least the first 25 or so minutes are pretty funny. The whole thing is embedded below.

We also have the third, and quickest, way to digest our selections and that’s in plain old text format.

Check them out below!

Best Music/Sound Design Winner: Thumper


EVE: Valkyrie

The Gallery: Episode 1 – Call of the Starseed


Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

Best Art Direction Winner: Bound



The Climb


Robinson: The Journey



Best Online Game Winner: Werewolves Within

Arizona Sunshine


Dead and Buried

EVE: Valkyrie



The Unspoken

Werewolves Within

Best Narrative Winner: The Gallery: Episode 1 – Call of the Starseed

The Assembly

Edge of Nowhere

The Gallery: Episode 1 – Call of the Starseed


Robinson: The Journey

Best Immersive Film Winner: KÀ The Battle Within


Gnomes and Goblins


KÀ The Battle Within

Best Productivity App Winner: Bigscreen




Virtual Desktop

Best Creativity App Winner: Tilt Brush

Gravity Sketch



Tilt Brush

Best Racing Game Winner: DiRT Rally

Blaze Rush

DiRT Rally

Driveclub VR

Project CARS


Best Horror Game Winner – A Chair in a Room: Greenwater

A Chair in a Room: Greenwater

The Brookhaven Experiment

Dark Days


Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

Best Action/Adventure Game Winner: Vanishing Realms


Edge of Nowhere


Vanishing Realms


Best Puzzle Game Winner: SUPERHOT VR

Fly to KUMA

Hitman GO: VR Edition


Please, Don’t Touch Anything


Water Bears VR

Best Shooter Winner: Onward

Arizona Sunshine

Damaged Core


Raw Data


Space Pirate Trainer

Most Surprising New Game Winner: Onward

The Brookhaven Experiment

Eagle Flight


Space Pirate Trainer


The Unspoken

Vanishing Realms

Best Mobile VR Game Winner: Minecraft

Dark Days

End Space






Best Rift Game Winner: The Unspoken

Arizona Sunshine


The Climb

Damaged Core

Edge of Nowhere

Lucky’s Tale


The Unspoken

Best Vive Game Winner: Arizona Sunshine

Arizona Sunshine

The Brookhaven Experiment

The Gallery: Call of the Starseed

Job Simulator

The Lab


Raw Data

Vanishing Realms

Best PS VR Game Winner: RIGS



How We Soar

Job Simulator

Rez Infinite



Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

Best Social Variety Experience Winner: AltspaceVR




High Fidelity

Rec Room


Most Innovative VR Game Winner: Fantastic Contraption


Damaged Core

Eagle Flight

Fantastic Contraption

The Gallery: Episode 1 – Call of the Starseed

Job Simulator

The Lab


Breakout VR Game Studio Winner: Owlchemy Labs

CCP Games (EVE: Valkyrie, Gunjack, Project Arena)

Cloudhead Games (The Gallery)

High Voltage (Damaged Core, Dragon Front)

Insomniac (Edge of Nowhere, The Unspoken)

Owlchemy Labs (Job Simulator, Rick and Morty)

Playful Corp (Lucky’s Tale, Wonderland)

Squanchtendo (Accounting)

Survios (Raw Data)

Best VR Game of the Year Winner: Arizona Sunshine

Arizona Sunshine

Damaged Core

The Gallery: Episode 1 – Call of the Starseed

Job Simulator


Rez Infinite


The Unspoken

Most Anticipated Upcoming VR Game of 2017 Winner: Star Trek – Bridge Crew


Fallout 4 VR


Lone Echo

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

Rock Band VR

Star Trek: Bridge Crew

Wilson’s Heart

What are your picks for some of the best games and experiences this year? Did your favorite not win what you thought it would? Let us know in the comments below!

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