Nostos now Accepting Applications for September Closed Beta

NetEase Games’ Nostos could potentially be one of the biggest virtual reality (VR) titles to launch in 2019, a vast post-apocalyptic survival MMO offering hundreds of hours of gameplay. If you’ve been following news of the videogame diligently then you’ll certainly want to have a go at signing up for the closed beta test which is scheduled to take place next week.

Nostos 02 Fight Against Ogen [Screenshot]

The Nostos closed beta will be held from 5th – 9th September 2019 for select applicants. To be in with a chance of playing the videogame well ahead of launch all you need to do is visit the official Nostos Twitter or Facebook pages and share the pinned posts along with the hashtag #NostosBetaTest. Players who share the post with the hashtag will be chosen at random to participate.

In the beta, you’ll be able to play through two main storyline missions offering around two hours of gameplay. New side missions will appear at random for every tester, plus an expanded map will give you a chance to explore the various terrains Nostos has to offer.

With a launch now planned for Q4 2019 on Viveport first followed by Oculus Home for Oculus Rift/Rift S and Quest, Nostos will also be made available on Steam for those with Valve Index and Windows Mixed Reality headsets as well as standard monitor support.

Nostos in Summer [Screenshot]

The world of Nostos features open grasslands, arid deserts, snow-covered mountains and ancient crumbling cities. There will be day and night cycles as well as four seasons, with dynamic weather such as rain, snow, and lightning. With a story set 1,000 years after the collapse of humanity, the ravenous Coral Sea now presents the biggest danger to life on land, slowly corroding it with its toxic waters.

NetEase Games has previously said that each Nostos World will home up to 20 players at any given point, with no limit of the number of worlds available. Players will be able to collect, craft, build and explore this seamless world to their heart’s content. VRFocus will continue its coverage of Nostos as the launch window draws near, reporting back with the latest updates and announcements.

NetEase Open-World RPG Nostos Slips to Q4 2019 Release Window

From what’s been shown so far, NetEase Games’ open-world role-playing game (RPG) Nostos certainly seems ambitious. First appearing at Gamescom in 2018, the studio announced several months ago that it was planning a Q3 2019 launch for the title. However, a statement during ChinaJoy 2019 last week now pushes that schedule into Q4 this year.

Nostos 09 Say Hi to Friends [Screenshot]

HTC Vive revealed that Nostos would be launching on Viveport in Q4 2019 so there hasn’t been any official reason given by NetEase as to slip in date. There’s also been no further word on the beta which was originally timetabled for this summer, a window which is rapidly closing. It’s more than likely that the current lack of a beta has had a knock-on effect, with the team requiring more time than initially expected.

Nostos has garnered plenty of interest since its unveiling, promising players a massive world to explore in virtual reality (VR). From open grasslands, arid deserts and snow-covered mountains, to ancient crumbling cities, the title will feature day and night cycles as well as four seasons. Set 1,000 years after the collapse of humanity, the Coral Seas are now the biggest danger to life on land, slowly corroding it with its toxic waters.

Compatible with SteamVR headsets such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality and Valve Index, Nostos worlds will support up to 20 players at any given point, with no limit of the number of worlds available.

Nostos 10 Say Hi to Friends [Screenshot]

That’s not the only VR videogame the studio is working on, the other being Stay Silent. Currently, in Steam Early Access for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality headsets, the first-person shooter (FPS) will be coming to Viveport in Q4 2019, indicating a full launch window.

A western-themed multiplayer, Stay Silent puts you in the shoes of a sheriff in an American town in the Wild West of the 1880s. While you would expect to come across some ruthless bandits during this era, NetEase Games has added a further component in the form of a few extra-terrestrial aliens. You can use a trusty six-shooter or up the damage factor by using some of the aliens advanced technology.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Nostos, reporting back with further updates.

Stay Silent: Sci-Fi-Western-Shooter startet morgen in Betaphase

Entwicklerstudio NetEase arbeitet derzeit an einem neuen VR-Projekt namens Stay Silent für PC-Brillen. Der Sci-Fi-Western-Shooter kombiniert klassische Western-Elemente mit futuristischen Laserwaffen, Außerirdischen und deren hochkomplexe Technologie. So könnt ihr im Multiplayer auf gemeinsame Alienjagd ziehen oder euch einen Mexican standoff liefern. Ab morgen dem 24. Januar 2019 startet die erste kostenlose Betaphase für den kommenden VR-Titel. Derzeit soll der Shooter allerdings nur mit der HTC Vive kompatibel sein.

Stay Silent – Sci-Fi-Western-Shooter für HTC Vive startet am 24. Januar in die Betaphase

Mit Stay Silent bringen die chinesischen Entwickler von NetEase (bekannt für das kommende Open-World-RPG Nostos) das Western-Genre in die VR. Zumindest in abgewandelter Form, denn innerhalb des neuen VR-Projekts werden die klassischen Revolverhelden kurzerhand Sci-Fi-Elementen ausgesetzt. Entsprechend wird der Wilde Westen um Aliens, Laserwaffen und futuristischer Alientechnologie erweitert, was stark an das Setting des Actionfilms Cowboys & Aliens (2011) erinnert.

So schlüpft ihr als Spieler in die Rolle des örtlichen Sheriffs, der einer unerwarteten Aufgabe ausgesetzt wird: Gerüchten zufolge wird euer Heimatort von brutalen Außerirdischen heimgesucht, weshalb ihr mit der Investigation betraut werdet. Deshalb begebt ihr euch an die Stadtgrenzen, um den Aliensichtungen nachzugehen und bekämpft die unerwünschten Eindringlinge. Diese machen euch allerdings mit ihrer fortschrittlichen Technologie, Laserwaffen und Stealth-Geräten das Leben schwer, doch schafft ihr es die Invasoren zu erledigen, dürft ihr die hochmodernen Waffen selbst verwenden. Insgesamt sollen zehn verschiedene klassische Schießeisen sowie diverse Alienwaffen und -Geräte zur Auswahl stehen.

Beim Schleichen solltet ihr auf das Mondlicht achten, denn dieses gibt eure Bewegungen preis. Und um dem namensgebenden Titel gerecht zu werden, wird ebenso das Mikrofon ins Gameplay eingebunden. So verraten eure Geräusche sowie eure Stimme eure aktuelle Position. Der VR-Titel soll sich dabei auf Online-Multiplayer-Gefechte fokussieren und euch erlauben in Egoperspektive gemeinsam auf Alienjagd zu ziehen. Zusätzlich sollen weitere Spielmodi wie Solospieler-Kampagne, Coop-Missionen und PvP-Optionen integriert werden.

Ab morgen startet die offizielle Betaphase des Spiels, welche euch erlaubt im Zeitraum vom 24. bis 29. Januar in den Sci-Fi-Western einzutauchen. Zu Testzwecken wird hier jedoch zunächst lediglich der Eins-gegen-Eins-Kampf möglich sein. Außerdem wird derzeit von offizieller Seite nur Support für HTC Vive gewährleistet, zukünftig sollen andere VR-Brillen, wie Oculus Rift und PlayStation VR (PSVR) unterstützt werden.

Anmeldungen zur Beta können heute noch im offiziellen Discord-Server abgegeben werden.

(Quellen: Upload VR | VR Focus)

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NetEase Games Reveals Western-Themed FPS Stay Silent, Sign up for Beta Test

NetEase Games, the developer behind open-world virtual reality (VR) adventure Nostos has revealed another VR project in the form of Stay Silent. Set in the Wild West, the new title is an online multiplayer-focused first-person shooter (FPS), and the studio is looking for beta testers. 

Stay Silent

Remember that classic 2011 film Cowboys vs Aliens with Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford, well it seems as though NetEase Games are fans as that’s exactly what you get with Stay Silent. Here’s some background story: “When vicious and brutal aliens arrived at a town on the western frontier, you, as a federal sheriff, were ordered to head there and investigate. With the shadow of night hanging over the small town, you will encounter aliens with advanced technology, as well as their earthling minions equipped with stealth devices.”

So it’s up to you to dispatch some nasty aliens and ruthless bandits using your gun skills, mixing both high-end alien technology and wild west era guns. There will be ten western firearms to choose from – all with real actions – as well as some alien weaponry – laser blades anyone? – plus some sneaky stealth equipment that can hide both you and your opponents. To make finding each other slightly plausible the moon can reveal your shadows and your voice will expose your position – so no sneezing.

NetEase Games has said there will be multiple gameplay modes, from solo campaigns and normal multiplayer to co-op missions where you can invite a mate along for the ride.

Stay Silent

There’s no release window just yet for Stay Silent, but NetEase Games will be holding a closed beta to test the title out and let a few players get an early look. You can do this either by leaving a reason why you’re interested in the test and an email via the Steam comments section, or head on over to Stay Silent’s Discord Channel to sign up there instead.

As further details are released regarding Stay Silent VRFocus will make sure to keep you updated.

Stay Silent Is A Western/Sci-Fi VR Shooter From The Makers Of Nostos, Beta Sign-Ups Launched

Stay Silent Is A Western/Sci-Fi VR Shooter From The Makers Of Nostos, Beta Sign-Ups Launched

Cowboys vs Aliens wasn’t even half the movie it should have been. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t bother looking it up. It’s not a good movie. Anyway, VR might just be able to redeem this promising genre mash-up with Stay Silent.

This is a western shooter in which players are cast as the sheriff of a small town. When an alien invasion threatens to destroy all you know, you take on the hordes. You’ll wield a mix of western firearms and alien technology, including stealth gear to help you get the drop on your foes. Expect the usual mix of VR shootouts hopefully with a few new twists and turns, then.

Stay Silent is developed by NetEase Games, the same company that’s currently working on visually-stunning VR multiplayer game, Nostos. This has also got a multiplayer focus, though can be played in solo mode too. That said we’re not too sure on the game’s structure right now. NetEase hasn’t made it clear if there’s a single-player campaign in place or if solo play is just multiplayer with AI bots.

To that end, there’s going to be a closed beta for the game pretty soon. It’ll run from January 24th – 29th. You can sign up to take place over at the team’s official Discord channel.

We haven’t seen any gameplay yet but we’re sure to get a good feel for the game during the beta. There are a few screenshots showing the environment which are nicely detailed.

Stay Silent will launch ‘in the coming months’ on HTC Vive. No word about official Oculus Rift and Windows VR integration just yet.

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