Skyfront VR Devs Examine the Future of VR eSports

With esports being the huge business that it is, it only makes sense that virtual reality (VR) and VR devs will want to take a bite of that juicy apple! The first steps have already been taken in that direction and ESL’s VR League and Virtual Athletics League are among those paving the way. However, the minimal prize funds and lukewarm viewer interest are a clear indication that perhaps the market needs a bit more time to evolve. Without going too much into the technicalities, let’s take a look at some of the most obvious yet critical factors holding VR esports back.

A topic that keeps popping up with regard to VR esports is the difficulty in making a spectacle out of it. Granted, watching traditional esports where we’re used to seeing the athletes sit pensively at their PCs isn’t that thrilling either. What is thrilling though, is seeing the battles on the big screen – the viewer can always see how well his or her favourite is doing and can cheer them on. All of the action, all the athletes, are right there on the screen, going at each other.

In VR, it’s a bit different. Let’s not even get started with the fact that many think a person wearing an HMD and flailing around wildly looks a little silly. The more important “problem” for esports is the fact that VR is a first-person experience. Even if the first person views of all individual athletes are broadcast onto a big screen, there is still a lack of emergency and tension. But tension – you know that moment when the opposing team ALMOST grabs the football or, in esports, when only one member of the party is still alive and somehow manages to take over the opposing team – is at the core of all sports. There’s a reason why we hardly ever have first-person views in movies – the viewer just doesn’t get into it the same way they do when the scene is filmed from a third-person view. The same applies to esports.

The solution to this problem actually isn’t all that difficult. What we as viewers and devs need, is a spectator function that adapts the VR experience into a spectacle. Ideally, of course, this would be part of the game but creating a separate app to run the game would suit perfectly. Some core traits required would be the possibility of third-person views and a free-roaming camera option. Of course, this creates the need for someone really good at live editing, but people do that for a living, so it’s hardly a hindrance. Camera smoothing might also be on the top of the list of requirements. Although the athlete playing doesn’t notice it, the micro-jitters of the head and hands translate to pretty annoying shaking when broadcast onto a screen.


Obviously, there are a ton of other technical aspects to take into account, but you see where I’m going with this. For seasoned VR enthusiasts, these are well-known problems that all factor into the relatively low adoption rates of VR. They are only magnified when viewed from the esports perspective.

If VR esports hopes to convince athletes, viewers and, perhaps financially most importantly, sponsors, the issues discussed above should be on the top of the to-do list for those driving VR forward. Luckily Oculus, HTC, Intel and HP, to name a few, have all shown clear interest in boosting VR onto the same level with traditional esports. The fact that ESL has also taken VR under its wing let’s all those devs hoping that their game will be embraced by fans as the next VR esports staple sleep a little easier at night.

Skyfront VR to Hold a Three-week Tournament in Partnership With Viveport

Levity Play is due to launch its zero-gravity multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS) Skyfront VR out of Early Access in a couple of days. To celebrate the event the studio has announced a three-week tournament called Skyfront Skirmish: Ready, Set, Whoosh! in partnership with Viveport and Museum of Future Sports.


The tournament will start on launch day, 20th December, and run through until 9th January. Skyfront Skirmish: Ready, Set, Whoosh! will take place across three rounds with a 24-hour cooldown period between the rounds.

  • Round 1 will begin Thursday, December 20th at 6 PM UTC and end Wednesday, December 26th at 6 PM UTC.
  • Round 2 will begin Thursday, December 27th at 6 PM UTC and end Wednesday, January 2nd at 6 PM UTC.
  • Round 3 will begin Thursday, January 3rd at 6 PM UTC and end Wednesday, January 9th at 6 PM UTC.

“We’ve been running the Skirmishes for nearly a year now and seen how much the community loves these events. Naturally, we wanted the launch Skirmish to be a bit more special and offer something back to every player that has helped shape Skyfront during EA and to all the new players who have yet to try our game out,” explains Community Manager, Sandra in a statement.

Thanks to Levity Plays partnership with Viveport and Museum of Future Sports there are some great prizes on offer. Awarded to the top 3 players at the end of each round, the prizes are:

  • First place – Vive Wireless Adapter + $50 Steam gift card + Skyfront VR swag
  • Second place – RC Racing Drone and Goggles + $25 Steam gift card + Skyfront VR swag
  • Third place – $25 Steam gift card + Skyfront VR swag


“I think everybody knows that the future of VR will be wireless. The Vive Wireless Adapter allows for so much more freedom, especially for the home user. It’s pretty amazing that we get to untether our most talented players thanks to Viveport – not a bad Christmas present, if you ask me!,” adds Skyfront’s Game Lead, Kaaren.

Skyfront VR features four zero-gravity arenas, three game modes including team and solo deathmatches, weapons such as pistols, shotguns, automatic rifles, sniper rifles, and rocket launchers. Players will also have access to special abilities – six in total – to aid them in battle. The full version will also feature a progression system and customisation options.

Skyfront VR will be launching on Steam, Viveport and Oculus stores on 20th December 2018. For further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

Skyfront VR: VR-Shooter ab 20. Dezember im Full Release erhältlich

Der VR-Shooter Skyfront VR für Oculus Rift, HTC Vive und Windows-VR-Brillen befindet sich seit knapp einem Jahr im Early Access. Nun gibt es Neuigkeiten zum Spiel, denn der Multiplayer-Titel verlässt am 20. Dezember die Early-Access-Phase und erscheint im Full Release auf Steam, im Oculus Store sowie im Viveport.

Skyfront VR – Ab 20. Dezember im Full Release für Oculus Rift, HTC Vive und Windows-VR-Brillen erhältlich

Entwicklerstudio Levity Play wagt den Schritt aus dem Early Access und veröffentlicht seinen Multiplayer-Shooter Skyfront VR im Dezember im Full Release. Innerhalb des VR-Titels kämpft ihr im schwerelosen Raum gegen eure Widersacher, indem ihr durch die Lüfte fliegt und mit Enterhaken spezielle Manöver an der Umgebung durchführt. Dabei steht euch ein großes Waffenarsenal mit reichlich Feuerkraft zur Verfügung, um euch spannende Luftduelle zu liefern.

In der finalen Fassung erwarten euch insgesamt drei verschiedene Spielmodi, vier Arenen, zahlreiche Waffen und spezielle Fähigkeiten für mehr taktischen Tiefgang. So könnt ihr unter anderem im Solo-Deathmatch alleine im Free For All antreten oder euch gemeinsam mit Verbündeten im Team-Deathmatch duellieren. Mit Laserpistolen, Schnellfeuerwaffen, Schrotflinten und Raketenwerfen ist für jeden Spielertyp etwas geboten. Zusätzlich beinhaltet die Vollversion ein Fortschrittssystem zur Langzeitmotivation sowie spezielle Individualisierungsoptionen für die eigene Gestaltung des Charakters.

Da das Spiel neben Steam ebenso im Oculus Store sowie im Viveport erscheint, gibt es zudem Cross-Plattform-Support, um die verschiedenen Communites auf dem Schlachtfeld zusammenzuführen.

Skyfront VR ist ab 20. Dezember offiziell im Full Release für Oculus Rift, HTC Vive und Windows-VR-Brillen auf Steam sowie im Oculus Store und Viveport erhältlich.

(Quellen: Upload VR | Video: Levity Play YouTube)

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High-Flying VR Shooter Skyfront Gets Full Release Date

High-Flying VR Shooter Skyfront Gets Full Release Date

It’s nearly time to swing into action with the full release of Levity Play’s Skyfront.

The airborne multiplayer shooter, which releases in Early Access late last year, will be launching its full version on December 20th, the developer confirmed today. The news was accompanied by the reveal of a launch trailer for the game which you can see below.

Skyfront arms players with jetpacks and sets them loose in levitating arenas to do battle in solo and team-based gameplay modes. A hook shot equipped to the player’s arm allows them to quickly navigate the terrain and get the jump on unsuspecting foes.

The full version of the game will feature four maps with three modes as well as a character progression system. You’ll be able to wield a range of weapons and abilities.

Look for Skyfront on Steam, Oculus Home and Viveport at the end of the month, with support for Rift and Vive.

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Aerial Shooter Skyfront VR Will Leave Early Access in December

Having initially launched via Steam Early Access just over a year ago, multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS) Skyfront VR is now ready to be fully released developer LevityPlay has now confirmed. 


The action takes place purely in the air, with players able swoop around futuristic landscapes using thrusters and grappling hooks to defeat opponents using an array of weaponry.

Skyfront VR features four zero-gravity arenas, three game modes including team and solo deathmatches, weapons such as pistols, shotguns, automatic rifles, sniper rifles, and rocket launchers. Players will also have access to special abilities – six in total – to aid them in battle.

“It’s been an intense and exhilarating year! Being in Early Access has taught us so much about our players and what people expect from VR. For the most part that is quality content and more than just an hour or few of fun in the game. We really think Skyfront can deliver that!,” explains Kaaren Kaer, Game Lead at Skyfront VR in a statement.


The full version of the title will also add two new features, a progression system and customisation options. These will allow players to customise their character assets and see proper character progression the more they play.

And for the first time, Skyfront VR will be available to purchase on more than one platform, coming to Oculus Store and Viveport alongside Steam.

“Cross-platform gameplay means that we will be merging three amazing communities [Viveport, Steam, Oculus store], giving the players access to this great new content. Steam players will also have free hands in creating the arenas they’ve always dreamed of with the help of Steam Workshop. As far as future plans go, we intend to keep adding new content – whether that be more arenas, customisation options or weapons and abilities – every four months or so,” promises Kaaren.

Skyfront VR will be available on all three stores from 20th December 2018. Check out the new gameplay trailer below, and for further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

Skyfront VR Partners with Virtual Athletics League for Tournament

Though E-Sports are becoming increasingly popular all over the world, virtual reality (VR) is yet to break into the scene in a big way. Attempting to change this, the Virtual Athletics League (VAL) have decided to team up with Springboard VR along with HTC Vive, LIV and HP in order to hold a global VR eSports tournament featuring zero gravity VR title Skyfront VR.

The tournament was due to commence on 1st November, with 32 teams will be beginning, all competing for the grand prize of $1,500 (USD). The tournament will end on 17th November, and the entire event will be broadcast on the VAL Twitch channel.

Skyfront VR screenshot

Skyfront VR was launched into Steam Early Access back in November 2017, where it gathered a following, as a regular stream of updates introduced new content for players to enjoy. The title is set in a utopian future where people are raised in floating cities, and the ultimate contest involves zero gravity battle arenas where contestants from around the world compete for the title of ‘Guardian – keeper of the peace’.

VAL’s CEO, Ryan Burningham, explains, “VR is perfect for the next generation of eSports athletes.” But it isn’t just VR that’s perfect. “Skyfront – a game that promotes PvP rivalry and is one of the top played arcade games – was an easy choice for this coming tournament.”

VAL believes that this this will be a big step for VR eSports. Burningham says: “The playerbase may still be small but the audience potential is huge! And we intend to make a spectacle!” Frankly, we at VGR can’t wait to head onto Twitch and watch the tournament. While VR is still behind when it comes to eSports on PC, we’re excited to see what will happen in the future.”

Skyfront VR screenshot

For future coverage on new VR esports titles, keep checking back with VRFocus.

Here Are Some Of The VR Games Attending EGX 2018

Later this month videogame developers, publishers and players will get meeting in Birmingham for EGX 2018. Being one of the biggest gaming events to take place throughout the year in the UK, it is a fantastic chance for people to get hands-on with countless number of videogames. Among the large list of AAA releases sit a number of virtual reality (VR) titles that are inviting players to immerse themselves in a range of different experiences, which are definitely worth checking out.

Astro Bot Rescue Mission - Screenshot (E3 2018)

Starting things off with a bang, PlayStation are bringing a number of different PlayStation VR titles to the show including the upcoming Astro Bot Rescue Mission, Blood & Truth and the ever popular Wipeout Omega Collection with it’s VR mode. These titles all offer a different and unique experience and showcase just what the PlayStation VR headset is capable of doing. Other PlayStation VR titles on display at the show are the much anticipated Tetris Effect from legendary videogame developer behind REZ Infinite, Tetsuya Mizuguchi.

The list doesn’t end there. Maybe you want to experience some fast paced action at the show. If that is the case then Skyfront VR will be for you. Offering intense multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS) fun, players will be flying through zero-gravity battle arenas as they fight for the best score. Speaking of zero-gravity, the roguelike space shooter Everspace with it’s VR support will also be attending the show. Likewise Sublevel Zero Redux and its six-degrees-of-freedom will also be in attendance.

Beat Saber Arcade Machine - Screenshot

Other experiences that players will be able to immerse themselves in at the show include They Suspect Nothing. In which players need to blend in as a robot and complete a series of mini-games. Arca’s Path VR will be there as well with it’s charming visual design and captivating gameplay from developers Dream Reality Interactive and Rebellion. There is even a chance to check out Titanic VR in which players will explore the famous ship and learn more about the events that unfolded. Finally, the ever popular Beat Saber will also be at EGX 2018 giving those at the show a chance to let lose and enjoy some rhythm gameplay.

EGX 2018 will be taking place at The NEC in Birmingham from 20th to 23rd September, 2018. Tickets are still available for those who need one and can be purchased from the event website and you can see the full list of games playable here. VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on the VR happenings of the event so stay tuned for more.

Skyfront VR Developer Talks Maps, Customisation and Leaving Early Access

Fast-paced multiplayer first-person shooter Skyfront VR was launched into Steam Early Access in November 2017, and since then has seen a fairly consistent stream of updates featuring not just bug fixes but new content for players to enjoy. One of the team behind the title talks about what players can expect when Skyfront VR emerges from Early Access.

Nina spoke to Sandra Müür, community manager and PR at Skyfront VR developers Levity Play about the title and what might be coming next.

Skyfront VR screenshot

Müür began by explaining that Skyfront VR was tantalisingly close to its full release, “We’ve been in Early Access for quite some time, and now we’re really close to releasing the final version of our game.”

When asked what players could expect from playing Skyfront VR, Müür said: “While we’re still in Early Access we have two maps, though a third map is coming out the week after Gamescom. We currently have two game modes, seven weapons and six special abilities. Before we launch we’re gonna add two more game modes. One of them is going to be domination, and the other is a yet-to-be disclosed secret game mode.”

Explaining what would be added to the final version, Müür said: “The final version will have four maps and four different game modes and we’ll also be adding both customisation and progression.”

Going into a bit more detail on customisation, Müür explained: “For customisation, we’re not promising anything crazy, but we know people love, as we do ourselves, customising your characters and making it your own. We really want to give that to our players.”

Special abilities have become a stable of arena-based FPS titles, and Müür explains the types of abilities players can choose from: “We have things like self-heal, so you can save yourself from dying, there’s a shield and there’s Shockwave, which is my personal favourite ability. We also have stealth and some other ones for you to try.”

Skyfront VR animated gif

The full interview can be viewed below. For future coverage of Skyfront VR and other upcoming VR projects, keep checking back with VRFocus.

The Top 5 VR Experiences from Gamescom 2018

Gamescom 2018 has now been and gone, offering European gamers the chance to get their hands on the very latest videogames ahead of launch. Of course VRFocus was there to bring you our hands-on impressions of virtual reality (VR) titles from across the globe, and we’ve now compiled a roundup of the five best on display. 

First up is Konami’s remastered version of its PlayStation 2 title, Zone Of The Enders: The 2nd Runner – M∀RSTraditionally 3rd-person, the VR edition includes a first-person viewpoint for the first time, where you get to jump into a giant mech cockpit, a JEHUTY for a whole new experience on PlayStation VR.

Then there’s Skyfront VR. Currently available on Steam Early Access for both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, developer Levity Play showcased the latest build of the videogame that takes first-person shooters (FPS) skywards. Set in massive zero-gravity arenas, you have to master boosters and grappling hooks to get about as well as fighting opponents in Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch Modes.

One of the most well known VR titles made an appearance at the event, Vertigo Games’ Arizona Sunshine. This time however it wasn’t the standard home version on demonstration, rather the location-based entertainment (LBE) edition. Arizona Sunshine LB VR Edition still features everyone’s favourite undead, just this time you’re in a much larger room-scale environment with wireless headsets and an actual team. Read VRFocus’ full hands-on to find out more.

Exodus Burned

Another out-of-home experience to make VRFocus’ top five is Pillow’s Willow VR Studios’ Exodus Burned. Better known for its Gear VR title Spark of Lightthe team has been working on not only a fully competitive VR experience using standalone headset HTC Vive Focus, but a full body tracking system in conjunction with VRee to compliment the experience. Check out VRFocus’ hands-on of Exodus Burned for more info.

Lastly there’s Love Story from a team of South Korean students. As a complete tangent from the other titles, Love Story is an educational experience that takes viewers through the history of the country. You’ll find more information on Love Story and the rest of the titles from Gamescom 2018 in the video below. And watch out for more hands-on content from the VRFocus team.

Skyfront VR Reveal Major Update That Adds Grenade Launcher

Skyfront VR, the fast-paced multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS) that pits players against each other in virtual reality (VR) has announced a new major update that brings with it the long awaited new weapon.

Skyfront Pineapple Pop

The release of the Pineapple – what the grenade launcher has come to be known as – follows weeks of hype from the developers Levity Play. The new weapon allows players a chance to deliver some explosive justice to other players with not one but three grenades that can be then detonated remotely. To mark the release of the new weapon, Levity Play have also announced the return of the Skyfront Skirmishes to give players a chance to play in a limited-time gamemode that is all about this new weapon.

Titled Skyfront Skirmish: Pineapple Pop, the gamemode will take place between April 13th until April 16th at 5am UTC. The event is being run in collaboration with Aerial Sports League and will feature many prices for players to earn include a drone, Skyfront merch and Steam gift cards.

Skyfront VR screenshot

The weekend long event will challenge players to compete for a certain high score with the highest earner being called the victor. For this one the number of grenade launcher kills is what counts with deaths not having any impact on the score. Other weapons and skills are allowed by only those with the grenade launcher will count towards the high score. The remaining full rules, including how abusive behavior will not be tolerated, can be read on the Steam announcement.

Skyfront Skirmish: Pineapple Pop will also bring the first real-life trail of the Skyfront tournament app, which will allow VR arcades and eSports event organizers to tweak the game’s settings, such as match length and number of players, alongside a spectator function which is designed for broadcasting tournaments. Though the release of this depends on Steam’s approval process, it is a big step forward for the title and the business customers who want to expand their coverage and offering of the Skyfront VR.

VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on Skyfront VR in the future so stay tuned for more.