How These VR Developers Keep Fans Happy With Free Iterative Updates

How These VR Developers Keep Fans Happy With Free Iterative Updates

Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades – often referred to colloquially as H3VR – stands out in the saturated sea of VR shooters for a few reasons. For one, it features anthropomorphized sausages as its enemies, making this a relatively child-friendly shooter. Rather than be about respawn rates and fragging enemies, it’s billed more as a gun shooting simulator with hyper-realistic and intricate interactions. It’s also never on sale, owing to RUST LTD’s faith in their product and it’s value – for good reason, too. H3VR has over 70 updates, notably including this week’s Meat Fortress event, all of which have been released free of charge since the game entered Early Access in 2016. It’s this that really makes H3VR stand out from the pack, the exhaustive dedication to iterative improvement.

Anton Hand, CTO of RUST LTD, was kind enough to lend me his time to help explain this phenomenon. H3VR’s Early Access state came about essentially due to Hand’s virality and the HTC Vive’s initial launch. Upon uploading some test footage in early 2016 of him goofing around with gun models in VR, viewers started asking for him to release something to coincide with the Vive’s launch that they, too, could play with. His plan was initially to rush out the “beginning structure of an early access game,” Hand explained, adding that they’d be incredibly open about their intention to update it frequently.

“Something that’s very philosophically ‘us’ is the opposite of the ‘hard sell'”, Hand added, alluding to the fact that they never wanted to pressure people into buying their game only to  end up feeling disappointed. They’d much rather their community adopts the approach of “Follow along, we’re doing weekly videos and putting out weekly updates, buy in when/if it looks interesting enough for you to pay for.”

Though they initially planned to leave Early Access some time in 2018, H3VR still hasn’t seen a 1.0 release, because, “The experiments are ongoing and this is a project that [is] reactive to its community, ” as Hand put it. A key example of this is the Take and Hold mode, which “stemmed from [me] wanting to do a lighting test with a modular hallway kit”, and after fans flocked to the mode and expressed their approval, ended up getting “several iterations of improvement,” from the team.

Update #52 was so large that it took them around 3 months to complete and “was the most extensive refactor of the game’s systems that it ever got… especially given the complexity of it, [it was a] more extensive rebuild than a game tends to get,” Hand  remarked, adding that “I think a lot of people probably would have just released a brand new game at that point,” but they were determined to see out their vision of H3VR.

I commented that some of these updates were easily expansive enough to qualify as DLC, but questioned why they’d kept everything free. His response was cheerful but he clearly has a strict code of conduct: “I’ve joked for a while that we’re a live service game that you only pay for once… I’m very much not [a fan of the] monetization strategies of our industry, I find them sort of predatory.”

“There are two reasons why these various updates aren’t structured like DLCs that you pay for,” Hand said. The first of which is technical, mentioning that they were strictly aiming for regular updates, so anything that would slow that infrastructure down is an immediate red flag. “The second one is just a general, philosophical/emotional [reason, that] there are people who’ve been following this game for several years who save up their pennies and buy into VR – especially young kids,” and the last thing Hand wants is “little Timmy to buy the game because he got a VR system for Christmas as his one gift,” only to discover that “he doesn’t have 80% of the guns because he doesn’t have the money to buy them for $2.99 each.”

“If you’re a creator and you’re trying to make something that’s a positive part of someone’s day and existence, that just isn’t something you do to other people who you care about,” Hand explained. “If I had to do that to survive making media products, I wouldn’t make media products, I would go be a carpenter or something – I just don’t believe in doing that to people.”

He embellished this with the story of a holiday event that he ran over one December. “I got through my head to do [this] advent calendar where I did an update a day from December 1st to December 25th.” These updates included a hidden advent box that would unlock new guns, grenades, and more for players to enjoy, and despite describing it as a gruelling experience that he’d grossly underestimated the workload for, the response was overwhelming. “I was originally like ‘no, there’s no way I’m ever going to do that [again]’,” but he received some heartwarming messages from the community: “[They told me] how important it was to them, one guy [wrote] ‘you’re the only one that got me anything for Christmas this year.'”

Another recently separated fan felt that the event gave him a reason to keep living “and so I always try to do something special [for] the holidays, and I think even after we hit [version 1.0] for H3VR… I will absolutely keep doing the holiday stuff… because that kind of stuff is so special to some people,” Hand remarked.

If Hand’s passion for his craft was ever in question, you’d need look no further than his YouTube channel. He uploads fairly regular devlog videos and his most recent upload is an excellent example. While discussing the Team Fortress 2 weapons that they’ve implemented into H3VR for the Meat Fortress update, we get a good insight into his perspective. Not only is he incredibly respectful of the source material he’s working with, going to great lengths to maintain as much authenticity as he can while also adapting the guns to realistic physics, but you can hear genuine glee in his voice when he’s testing out the weapons.

He left me with an eye-opening take on the current state of the gaming industry and why live service models are effective: “You’re not actually fighting for anyone’s money, anymore. Actually, you’re fighting for minutes of their time; that’s the commodity now. You are trying to deliver something that’s worth their time, not trying to pick money out of their wallet, because we’ve reached saturation in this industry.”

Another game that surprised me with the depth of free updates is the chaotic Sairento VR, which received a new Oculus Quest spinoff this week. Despite launching in Early Access in 2016 and later releasing in 2018, they still weren’t done iterating on Sairento VR. I posed my questions to Aldric Chang, CEO of Mixed Realms, about their title. “Sairento VR was born of a desire [to] mesh the iconic ‘bullet-time’ scenes from The Matrix, the slow-motion mayhem of Max Payne… while looking and feeling as badass as the Bride from Kill Bill,” Chang explained. “Our mistake was coming out of EA a tad early, but that [didn’t stop] us from continuing to roll out updates.”

They were striving for perfection with their updates, Chang told me, clarifying that “Of course there is no true perfection as a game can always be improved, but we think that we owe it to our fans to at least bring the game to a state where they can play it the way we intended for them to.” This desire to serve their fans was important to them, stating that, “As a game developer, we are clear that we answer chiefly to our fans. We owe any sales and success to them…they deserve the best that we can give them. And if something can be improved, we want to do it.”

Unlike H3VR, however, this approach was never really part of the plan for SairentoVR. Chang and the team “simply felt that we owed it to our fans to make the game as good as we could make it. It was clear at least to us that Sairento still needed improvement in some areas, so we decided to work on them.” He also elaborated on how the fans can – and often should – be a part of this process: “The ‘jump’ mechanic that defines Sairento now… The player feedback was tremendously in favor of making this the default option.”

As with Hand, I asked why these updates remained free of charge, and Chang reiterated a similar sense of morality. “Of course we could have waited to compile all the updates and sold them as a DLC but that would mean delaying the updates. That wouldn’t be right…we had many bugs in the earlier iterations of our game…we wanted to give away the later updates to reward our fans for being patient with us.”

It was humbling to hear this sentiment of loyalty to the fans echoed throughout our interview. “Players don’t want to be told what they can’t experience – only to be shown what they can,” Chang concluded.

Both H3VR and Sairento VR are notable titles that wouldn’t be what they are today without the tireless work of their developers. These are shining examples of how continual iteration can be the ethical future of gaming, and we can only hope other developers follow suit.

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Sairento Untethered Coming to Oculus Quest This Week

First-person combat experience Sairento VR is one of the more intense virtual reality (VR) experiences for PC VR, mixing fast gun and melee combat with super-human manoeuvring capabilities. Mixed Realms has now confirmed that gameplay will be coming to Oculus Quest in Sairento Untethered.

The reason for the slight name change is quite simple, it’s not exactly the same videogame as the previous version. Due to the Oculus Quest’s capabilities, the studio isn’t porting Sairento VR to the standalone headset, instead, providing a cut back version with new content.

Mixed Realms want to keep the same gameplay mechanics as the original, allowing players to wield a variety of guns alongside katanas, throwing knives and shuriken, whilst being able to perform massive leaps and crazy wall runs. But to do this on Oculus Quest meant the amount of content had to be reduced. So there are five brand new locations to fight through instead of Sairento VR’s 13 locations.

As with most Oculus Rift ports to Quest such as Apex Construct, Sairento Untethered has also taken a graphical hit to maintain the gameplay. “Graphics are understandably not as good as compared to the PCVR version due to the Quest’s technical limitations but we focused on maintaining the awesome gameplay Sairento is known for,” states the team on Reddit.

Sairento Untethered will also be a single-player only experience, losing both the co-op modes and multiplayer PvP and PvE modes. Because of this, the Oculus Quest version will be cheaper than its PC cousin, although Mixed Realms has yet to confirm what that cost will be.

VRFocus enjoyed the original Sairento VR, giving it four stars, saying: “Sairento VR is one of the best free-flowing combat titles available for VR headsets, showcasing how far development of VR locomotion has come.” So as long as the gameplay is still in place as the developer states, then Sairento Untethered maybe worth a look.

For those that happen to own a PlayStation VR, don’t forget the Sairento VR will be getting a physical launch thanks to Perp Games on 5th July. Sairento Untethered arrives for Oculus Quest on Thursday, 27th June. For further updates keep reading VRFocus.

Sairento VR Gets Physical With PlayStation VR in July

It was in December 2018 when Mixed Realms and Perp Games announced plans to bring ninja action title Sairento VR to PlayStation VR, initially in Q1 2019. After several months of silence, the companies have now confirmed a release date for a physical retail launch, set to take place in July.


It will, in fact, be a dual launch both in retail stores as well as online across European territories. A North American release date has yet to be confirmed.

“We are thrilled to bring our game through Perp Games to the PSVR fans who have been incredibly excited but patient for its release. Our game is to let them experience what it is like to move and fight like a cyber ninja!,” said Aldric Chang, CEO of Mixed Realms in a statement.

Often described as a cyber ninja simulator, Sairento VR is a first-person combat experience set in a near-future Japan. You play a member of the Silent Ones, a secret organisation of citizens trained in the martial arts of ancient samurais and ninjas. In the story campaign, a conspiracy will force you to fight against those you once called allies.

“The wait is over and we are so proud to bring the physical release of Sairento VR to PSVR fans all over the world” adds Rob Edwards, MD of Perp Games. “This is a truly great game and Mixed Realms is a very talented team.”


Sairento VR mixes both close combat fighting with long-range shooting mechanics, whilst at the same time allowing you to perform crazy manoeuvres to evade enemies. Using an arsenal of weapons includes katanas, guns, arrows, kunais and throwing glaives which can be upgraded and evolved throughout the videogame, you can effortlessly kill opponents whilst perform somersaults, triple jumps, side flips, wall runs, and power slides.

VRFocus reviewed Sairento VR in 2018 on PC, giving it four stars, saying: “Sairento VR is one of the best free-flowing combat titles available for VR headsets, showcasing how far development of VR locomotion has come.”

Perp Games and Mixed Realms will release Sairento VR on 5th July. When details of the North American release are available, VRFocus will let you know.

Sairento VR erscheint 2019 für PlayStation VR (PSVR)

Der VR-Action-Titel Sairento VR war bisher nur für PC-Brillen verfügbar, ab nächstem Jahr soll die Cyber-Ninja-Action dank Perp Games nun auch für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erscheinen.

Sairento VR ab 2019 für PlayStation VR (PSVR) verfügbar

Sairento VR spielt in einer Sci-Fi-Cyberpunk-Welt in Japan im Jahr 2066, in der ihr euch als Cyber-Ninja mit Katana und Pistolen durch Gegnerscharen prügelt. Als Mitglied der Silent Ones folgt ihr dem Weg der Samurai und Ninjas und erfüllt diverse Missionen für eure Auftraggeber.

Besonders der Action-Aspekt steht dabei im Vordergrund, so kämpft ihr euch in visuell aufwendigen Animationen durch Gegnerhorden in Nah- und Fernkampf und dürft währenddessen im Stil von SUPERHOT den Slow-Motion- bzw. Bullet-Time-Modus anwerfen, um dadurch Attacken ausweichen und ganze Effektfeuerwerke auszulösen. Zusätzlich könnt ihr akrobatische Hochleistungen ausführen und an Wänden entlang rennen, dreifach Sprünge ausführen oder über den Boden rutschen.

Sairento VR

Sowohl eine Singleplayer-Kampagne mit Story, verschiedene Missionen sowie PvP-Modi, wie Vier-gegen-Vier-Kämpfe stehen zur Auswahl. Nebenbei dürft ihr zur Langzeitmotivation eure Fähigkeiten und Waffen ausbauen. Die entsprechenden Belohnungen erhaltet ihr durch das Erfüllen der Missionen. Seit dem Release versorgen die Entwickler das Spiel kontinuierlich mit Updates, um die Spielerfahrung zu verbessern.

Anfang 2019 soll der VR-Titel dank Perp Games nun auch für die Konsole erscheinen und mit einer PlayStation-VR-Brille spielbar werden. Ein genaues Veröffentlichungsdatum ist derzeit aber leider noch nicht bekannt.

(Quellen: Upload VR | Perp Games | Video: Perp Games YouTube)

Der Beitrag Sairento VR erscheint 2019 für PlayStation VR (PSVR) zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Become a Badass Ninja When Sairento VR Hits PlayStation VR in Q1 2019

For those that have the stomach for all the jumping, wall running and mid-air acrobatics, Mixed Realms’ Sairento VR is one of the more interesting first-person shooters (FPS) available for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Having garnered a strong fan base since its Early Access debut back in 2016, the studio has just announced it’ll be expanding support to PlayStation VR in Q1 2019.

Sairento VR new screenshot 2

Mixed Realms has teamed up with Perp Games to make the release possible, with the latter’s expertise in bringing VR videogames to physical retailers being used to provide PlayStation VR owners with the choice of a digital download or on disk.

On the announcement Rob Edwards, MD of Perp Games said in a statement, “As one of the best-selling PC based VR games ever released, PSVR fans are in for a real treat.  It is a great honour to release the physical version of Sairento and to work with such a talented group of developers as Mixed Realms.”

Sairento VR takes the action up a notch by combining both ranged gunplay and close-quarters melee combat, with somersaults, multiple jumps, side flips, wall runs, and power slides, allowing players to hack, slash, duck, and weave through hordes of enemies.


At their disposal are an arsenal of weapons includes katanas, guns, bows, kunais and throwing glaives which can be enhanced with items called relics. Additionally, players also possess the ability to slow time down, enabling them to gracefully switch from one artistic execution to another.

“We are very pleased to have found a reliable partner in Perp Games to bring our game to PSVR gamers in the US, Europe and the Middle East,” said Aldric Chang, CEO of Mixed Realms. “We are confident that with their strong repertoire, fans of Sairento will soon be able to get their hands on a physical copy in retail stores in these countries.”

Check out VRFocus’ PC VR review of Sairento VR for more game details. When Perp Games and Mixed Realms reveal a specific release date in 2019, VRFocus will let you know.

Somersaults and Sideflips Are Coming to Action FPS Sairento VR

After an Early Access release in 2016 followed by a full launch in January, Mixed Realms’ ninja-based action title Sairento VR has proved to be a tidy little success, receiving a positive response from press and gamers alike. But the team hasn’t stopped there, continually releasing improvements. It has now laid out plans for the next major update. 

Sairento VR new screenshot 2

Sairento VR is very much an intense experience, partially due to its mixture of sword and gun battles, but mainly thanks to the movement system where you can bound about and leap off walls at leisure. The studio is taking this aspect one step further in its v1.5 update by allowing players to perform somersaults and sideflips. So you soon be able to perform directional flips in the air and sideflip off a wall run.

The aim is to give players even more dexterity when battling opponents, dodging incoming fire to get in close for some brutal sword attacks. The flip can be timed at any portion of the upward jump enabling even greater heights to be reached. Additionally, a gliding function will also be included to soar across the battlefield or to aid a miss-timed jump.

A new map will also be introduced called The Hangar. The multilevel arena will have various areas of interest to engage enemies in, while blast doors and cargo pods grant some cover in the central area. An assortment of bridges and scaffolding connect the upper areas and can be used to your advantage if you prefer a more stealthy approach.

Sairento VR new screenshot 3

A graphics overhaul of the Street and Alley levels help to make the experience even more visually striking.

Check out the changelog below for further details. Mixed Realms hasn’t stated when the update will be released, just that it’s coming soon. For more updates on the title, keep reading VRFocus.

Sairento VR v1.5 Changelog:

– Added new map : Hangar.
– Added indicator for front of play area in loading scenes.

– Added control option ‘Allow Gliding’ :
– Stretch out both arms to arrest your descent speed
– Angle the level of your arms left or right to control your glide direction
– Gliding will cancel out sliding when you land
– Added ‘Allow Front/Back/Side flips’ control option. When enabled, flips can be triggered along the upwards portion of a jump by raising both hands.
– Perform a front flip if jumping forward.
– Perform a back flip if jumping backwards.
– Perform a side flip if jumping to your side.
– As before, you can backflip off wall hops.
– Overhauled movement system – jumps are now physics-based.
– You will now collide with platforms/overhangs in a jump, rather than clipping through them.
– Clipping out of the world will happen less often.
– You are no longer limited to one snap rotation in any locomotion method. Turn as many times as you need.
– Fixed a long-standing bug where you would rewind to your original jump position before starting the jump.
– Added Control option : Accelerate Locomotion.
– This option let the user decide if locomotion should be affected by Acceleration (default is Off)
– Added Accessibility option : Display Subtitle
– This option let the user decide where subtitles should be displayed
– Screen: Subtitles will be displayed on the center of the screen. This is the default option
– Wrist: Subtitles will be displayed on non-master hand wrist

– Graphics revamp for Street map.
– Graphics revamp for Alley map.
– Improved third person animations.
– When performing a flip, weapons on your waist now properly flip together with you.
– Statues in the dojo now act as DPS dummies.
– Ground slides now travel further if you landed with more horizontal velocity.
– Blade Waves colliding against the environment now have spark particles.
– Increased follow speed of the direction pointer to extraction points.
– Reduced player collider size.

SUPERHOT Team Puts Together a ‘VR Essentials’ Bundle on Steam

When it comes to virtual reality (VR) videogames – depending on the headset you own – there are generally several titles that are considered ‘must haves’. Experiences that really showcase the power and immersive qualities of the technology, whilst being great introductions for first-time players. Of course, this is all subjective, but one title likely to appear on most lists is bullet dodging SUPERHOT VR. Well, the team behind the videogame have listed their VR essentials by creating a ‘Complete Your Collection’ bundle on Steam.

superhot vr - first screenshots 8

What the SUPERHOT team have done is create a list of eight videogames you should own and dropped their prices by 15 percent on Steam, making for an attractive pickup if you’ve been thinking about any of the titles selected.

So which VR experiences have been selected. Naturally, SUPERHOT VR is on there – and so it should be – a first-person shooter that’s entirely in slow-mo, only when a player moves do things start to speed up. So this means lots a Matrix-style bullet dodging as they shoot enemies, or grab an ashtray or bottle to fling in their faces.

Next up is Budget Cuts, a robotic stealth title by Neat Corporation. Keeping with the arcade action is Sairento VR which mixes ninja style swordplay and acrobatics with a first-person shooter (FPS). If that all sounds a bit intense then there’s always old-school favourite Job Simulator by Owlchemy Labs which players never seem to tire of.

For those FPS fans out there what’s a must-have list without a zombie title somewhere in the mix. For the SUPERHOT team, it has to be Vertigo Games’ Arizona Sunshine which has a finely crafted campaign alongside a Horde mode which can be enjoyed in single or multiplayer.

Another classic in the list is Space Pirate Trainer from I-Illusions, a great entry level experience to tet those VR skills, yet difficult enough in the later stages for the pros.

The last two both have their own unique qualities, with GORN going for a brutal, brawler with rag-doll physics and copious amounts of gore. While Thumper is an insanely fast and frantic on-rails rhythm action title, where players control a beetle along a cosmic course, taking out mini-bosses along the way.

Check out the Steam bundle here. And for anymore VR deals keep reading VRFocus.

Viveport Offering Five Games for £1 Each to Subscription Members

From today things take a turn for the worst as retailers start to offer early Black Friday deals ahead of the supposed main discount day next week. Either online or instore there are going to be plenty of deals going on, all of which VRFocus will try to keep you updated on. For those virtual reality (VR) gamers who use Viveport and its subscription service, the platform has a limited time offer running where five big-name titles have been massively discounted.

Arizona Sunshine screenshot

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an existing subscriber or if you start a free trial today, from now until 19th November, subscribers will be able to purchase Arizona Sunshine, The Wizards, SUPERHOT VR, Accounting+ and Sairento VR for £1 GBP/$1 USD each.

If you buy all five then you’ll save yourself £120 on their normal total price. There is a small catch, however, and that is there’s only a limited number of every videogame available at this price, so its first come first served.

To add an additional enticement into the mix, if you do so happen to start a free trial or fully subscribe, all Viveport Subscription members will be given $10/£8 in Viveport Wallet credit on 20th November, sent via email.

The Wizards: Trials of Meliora

That’s all the deals Viveport has available for now, but that won’t be the end of them. Its official Black Friday sale starts on 20th November – yes that is a Tuesday – with plenty of discounts on videogames and apps expected. When those are revealed, VRFocus will let you know.

Something For The Weekend: Chilly Sunday Steam VR Deals

Every for another entry of Something for the Weekend, the weekly series where VRFocus bring you a number of deals on virtual reality (VR) titles. This weekend we return to the Steam store to find the latest deals on a wide variety of titles that you can enjoy this chilly Sunday. There is sure to be something for everyone be it fighting off against zombies or teaching yoga. As always, be sure to check back every weekend for even more deals right here on VRFocus.

Throw Anything

Throw Anything

Okay, so zombies are attacking and there is nowhere left to run. As they climb up the walls to reach you there is only one thing you can do to hopefully survive – throw anything! As the title suggests, in this VR title you’ll be needing to pick up and use everything and anything to hold off against the ever growing waves of zombies who want your brain. Featuring a story that takes you through numerous stages and up against challenging bosses, Throw Anything is a fun title that is sure to provide some laughs and terror.

Throw Anything is available now for £6.50 (GBP) down from the usual £9.29.

Together VR

Together VR

Together VR is a virtual reality experience that allows players to experience everyday life with Hoshihara Mei in their own private den. The game offers players the opportunity to play different games with Mei and enjoy couple-like interaction. Players can also transform into digital warriors and engage in an exciting space battles.”

Together VR is available now for only £7.20 (GBP) down from £10.29.

Club Dancer Party VR

Club Dance Party VR

Looking to let loose and enjoy the thrill of dancing in a neon filled club with heart racing music? If so, then this is the VR title for you. Get ready to raise your hands, step to the beat and lose yourself in a realistic club experience where you can pick a digital partner to enjoy the dance with. More than just company on the dance floor, these digital partners can even join in for ‘couple dances’ where you’ll be able to tear up the dance floor even more.

Club Dance Party VR is available now for £5.69 (GBP) down from £11.39.

BARDO image1


Put your archery skills to the test as you find yourself trapped in the void between death and rebirth and confront hordes of reanimated and corrupt Tsen spirits. This fast-paced, atmospheric action title will provide players with a satisfying and challenging experience with stunning visual design and numerous bow powers to master.

BARDO is available now for £6.79 (GBP) down from £7.99.

Super Zombie Arcade

Super Zombie Arcade

“A flu causing a zombie apocalypse has rampaged the world. There are few survivors. After a long night of heroically saving others, looting and good ol zombie killing you find yourself in a rather tricky situation. Wave after wave of zombies are coming and there’s no escape. They’re coming from everywhere. It’s only a matter of time now. Question is how long will you last?”

Super Zombie Arcade is available now for £3.11 (GBP) down from £5.19.

Sairento VR new screenshot 3

Sairento VR

“In the end though it all comes down to how much time and enjoyment you’ll get out of Sairento VR and rest assured it’ll be plenty. If Mixed Realms hadn’t managed to nail down the movement system then Sairento VR could’ve been just another FPS with a myriad of options. Instead, Sairento VR is one of the best free flowing combat titles available for VR headsets, showcasing how far development of VR locomotion has come.” – Read VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham’s review of Sairento VR.

Sairento VR is available now for £17.24 (GBP) down from £22.99.



Step into the shoes of Night Knight, part of the kingdom’s royal guard and sworn protector of Princess Day. A wicked witch has cursed the kingdom and turned everyone into the undead and now they seek vengeance and are terrorizing everyone in their path. It is up to you to put a stop to the madness and seek out and kill the witch before it is all to late. Defend the castle gates, protect Princess Day and defeat the wicked witch.

NightKnight is available now for £7.63 (GBP) down from £11.39.

Holo Ball


HoloBall plunges players into an action-sports arcade arena inspired by one of the most iconic games of all time. Use your paddles to hit, smash and curve the HoloBall past your opponent to score. Learn and master skillshots to outmatch your increasingly difficult opponents.”

HoloBall is available now for £6.59 (GBP) down from £10.99.

Yoga Lesson VR

Yoga Lesson VR

In this VR title you take on the role of a Yoga Master and have been requested by an adorable girl to instruct her and help her learn new poses. With over 20 different yoga and fitness poses to practice and multiple viewing angles, this title will provide you with an immersive way to learn and teach yoga at home.

Yoga Lesson VR is on sale now for £13.29 (GBP) down from the usual £18.99.

Time Carnage VR

Time Carnage is well-made, and is a fine, competent example of its genre, with some excellent music and sound design, though it ultimately fails to stand out amidst many other similar titles that litter VR videogame libraries. Shooting dinosaurs is still lots of fun, though.” – Read VRFocus’ Staff Writer Rebecca Hills-Duty review of Time Carnage.

Time Carnage VR is available now for £7.49 (GBP) down from £14.99.


Solar System Ultimate

Bonus – AstroReality LUNAR

As a bonus deal this week there are a number of deals available on AstroReality products thanks to Popular Science. These products allow users to enjoy highly detailed models of planets and moons from our solar system while also using an augmented reality (AR) app to further enhance the learning experience. With four products on sale, people can pick up the LUNAR Regular Moon for $79 (USD) down from $101.99, LUNAR Mini Moon $35 down from $43.99, LUNAR Pro Moon $199 down from $238.99 and the LUNAR AR Notebook for $16.99 down from $25.99.

That is all for this week but remember that VRFocus gathers all the best sales and deals every week, so check back next weekend at the same time to discover more.

Something For The Weekend: Chilly Sunday Steam VR Deals

Every for another entry of Something for the Weekend, the weekly series where VRFocus bring you a number of deals on virtual reality (VR) titles. This weekend we return to the Steam store to find the latest deals on a wide variety of titles that you can enjoy this chilly Sunday. There is sure to be something for everyone be it fighting off against zombies or teaching yoga. As always, be sure to check back every weekend for even more deals right here on VRFocus.

Throw Anything

Throw Anything

Okay, so zombies are attacking and there is nowhere left to run. As they climb up the walls to reach you there is only one thing you can do to hopefully survive – throw anything! As the title suggests, in this VR title you’ll be needing to pick up and use everything and anything to hold off against the ever growing waves of zombies who want your brain. Featuring a story that takes you through numerous stages and up against challenging bosses, Throw Anything is a fun title that is sure to provide some laughs and terror.

Throw Anything is available now for £6.50 (GBP) down from the usual £9.29.

Together VR

Together VR

Together VR is a virtual reality experience that allows players to experience everyday life with Hoshihara Mei in their own private den. The game offers players the opportunity to play different games with Mei and enjoy couple-like interaction. Players can also transform into digital warriors and engage in an exciting space battles.”

Together VR is available now for only £7.20 (GBP) down from £10.29.

Club Dancer Party VR

Club Dance Party VR

Looking to let loose and enjoy the thrill of dancing in a neon filled club with heart racing music? If so, then this is the VR title for you. Get ready to raise your hands, step to the beat and lose yourself in a realistic club experience where you can pick a digital partner to enjoy the dance with. More than just company on the dance floor, these digital partners can even join in for ‘couple dances’ where you’ll be able to tear up the dance floor even more.

Club Dance Party VR is available now for £5.69 (GBP) down from £11.39.

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Put your archery skills to the test as you find yourself trapped in the void between death and rebirth and confront hordes of reanimated and corrupt Tsen spirits. This fast-paced, atmospheric action title will provide players with a satisfying and challenging experience with stunning visual design and numerous bow powers to master.

BARDO is available now for £6.79 (GBP) down from £7.99.

Super Zombie Arcade

Super Zombie Arcade

“A flu causing a zombie apocalypse has rampaged the world. There are few survivors. After a long night of heroically saving others, looting and good ol zombie killing you find yourself in a rather tricky situation. Wave after wave of zombies are coming and there’s no escape. They’re coming from everywhere. It’s only a matter of time now. Question is how long will you last?”

Super Zombie Arcade is available now for £3.11 (GBP) down from £5.19.

Sairento VR new screenshot 3

Sairento VR

“In the end though it all comes down to how much time and enjoyment you’ll get out of Sairento VR and rest assured it’ll be plenty. If Mixed Realms hadn’t managed to nail down the movement system then Sairento VR could’ve been just another FPS with a myriad of options. Instead, Sairento VR is one of the best free flowing combat titles available for VR headsets, showcasing how far development of VR locomotion has come.” – Read VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham’s review of Sairento VR.

Sairento VR is available now for £17.24 (GBP) down from £22.99.



Step into the shoes of Night Knight, part of the kingdom’s royal guard and sworn protector of Princess Day. A wicked witch has cursed the kingdom and turned everyone into the undead and now they seek vengeance and are terrorizing everyone in their path. It is up to you to put a stop to the madness and seek out and kill the witch before it is all to late. Defend the castle gates, protect Princess Day and defeat the wicked witch.

NightKnight is available now for £7.63 (GBP) down from £11.39.

Holo Ball


HoloBall plunges players into an action-sports arcade arena inspired by one of the most iconic games of all time. Use your paddles to hit, smash and curve the HoloBall past your opponent to score. Learn and master skillshots to outmatch your increasingly difficult opponents.”

HoloBall is available now for £6.59 (GBP) down from £10.99.

Yoga Lesson VR

Yoga Lesson VR

In this VR title you take on the role of a Yoga Master and have been requested by an adorable girl to instruct her and help her learn new poses. With over 20 different yoga and fitness poses to practice and multiple viewing angles, this title will provide you with an immersive way to learn and teach yoga at home.

Yoga Lesson VR is on sale now for £13.29 (GBP) down from the usual £18.99.

Time Carnage VR

Time Carnage is well-made, and is a fine, competent example of its genre, with some excellent music and sound design, though it ultimately fails to stand out amidst many other similar titles that litter VR videogame libraries. Shooting dinosaurs is still lots of fun, though.” – Read VRFocus’ Staff Writer Rebecca Hills-Duty review of Time Carnage.

Time Carnage VR is available now for £7.49 (GBP) down from £14.99.


Solar System Ultimate

Bonus – AstroReality LUNAR

As a bonus deal this week there are a number of deals available on AstroReality products thanks to Popular Science. These products allow users to enjoy highly detailed models of planets and moons from our solar system while also using an augmented reality (AR) app to further enhance the learning experience. With four products on sale, people can pick up the LUNAR Regular Moon for $79 (USD) down from $101.99, LUNAR Mini Moon $35 down from $43.99, LUNAR Pro Moon $199 down from $238.99 and the LUNAR AR Notebook for $16.99 down from $25.99.

That is all for this week but remember that VRFocus gathers all the best sales and deals every week, so check back next weekend at the same time to discover more.