Rebellion’s Brutal ‘Sniper Elite’ Series is Getting Its First Made-for-VR Game

Sniper Elite is coming to VR. The gritty sniper-focused shooter developed by Rebellion Developments is known for its brutal depictions of long range sniper combat and stealthy action. Now the studio says it’s working on a standalone made-for-VR title for the series in partnership with developer Just Add Water.

The Sniper Elite franchise kicked off in 2005 and now spans eight titles, with the latest, Sniper Elite 4, released in 2017. Today developer and publisher Rebellion Developments announced that four new Sniper Elite projects are in the works including, for the first time, a made-for-VR game.

The studio confirmed development on Sniper Elite V2 Remastered, Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition for Switch, and the “next major title in the Sniper Elite series,” as well as “a new, standalone Sniper Elite game for VR devices.”

‘Sniper Elite V2 (2012)’ | Image courtesy Rebellion Developments

Details are thin on the ground, but Rebellon says that the Sniper Elite VR game is being developed in partnership with studio Just Add Water, known for their work on Gravity Crash (2009) and the Oddworld series.

Rebellion promises “a full reveal” of the new Sniper Elite VR game later this year, but hasn’t said when the game might launch or what platforms it will be on. With significant PlayStation experience under the belts of both studios, PSVR seems like a likely bet, but with Just Add Water’s expertise in mobile development for PlayStation Vita, Oculus Quest could be a smart play too. There’s a good chance the game will reach PC VR headsets too, as Rebellion’s other VR projects have all made their way to PC VR platforms.

‘Sniper Elite’ games often toe the line between long range precision shooting and stealthy up-close action. | ‘Sniper Elite 3 (2014)’, Image courtesy Rebellion Developments

Rebellion released the fully VR compatible hover-tank shooter Battlezone as a launch title on PSVR back in 2016, and brought the title to PC VR headsets in 2017. The studio also launched Arca’s Path (2018), a VR third-person platformer-puzzler for PSVR, PC VR, and Oculus mobile headsets.

Sniper Elite however is a totally different beast from the cockpit-based Battlezone and third-person Arca’s Path. The game title will need to take a completely new approach to VR game design, now incorporating motion input, first person embodiment/movement, and item interactions.

The Sniper Elite series is well known for its signature slow motion depictions of bullets blasting through the skulls of bad guys, often slinging the camera hundreds of meters across the landscape to see the action up close.

Exactly how (or if) this kind of visualization mechanic makes it into the Sniper Elite VR game is unclear, but if they can figure it out, the immersiveness of VR would surely make it a sight to behold.

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Relaxing Maze Game ‘Arca’s Path’ Launches on All Major VR Headsets, Trailer Here

Arca’s Path VR, a single-player VR maze game produced by Rebellion and developed by Dream Reality Interactive, is launching today on all major VR platforms including HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Windows VR, PSVR, Oculus Go, Gear VR, and HTC Vive Focus.

As a controller-free game, you guide a curious sphere along its dangerous path using gaze controls. The physics-based world of Arca offers 25 levels, all dripping with a futuristic, geometric vibe with a chill soundtrack created by experimental electro music artist Raffertie.

Here’s Dream Reality Interactive’s summary of the title:

Tricked by a wicked android witch, you must seek a path home and escape the simulated world of Arca. Fully integrated across all major VR platforms, with intuitive hands-free gameplay. Arca’s Path VR is an atmospheric VR gaming experience

We got a chance to go hands-on with an early version of Arca’s Path at E3 this summer, and it really aims to dial you into the deceptively simple task of leading the ball from point A to point B. With its ambient soundtrack to underscore its slow, but deliberate gameplay, it decidedly presents a critical change of pace in VR for those moments when you just want to sit down and zone out.

'Borderlands 2 VR' Could Come to PC Headsets Five Months After PSVR

Arca’s Path is now available for $18 (10% off) on the Oculus Store (Rift), Steam (Vive, Rift, Windows VR), the PlayStation Store (PSVR).

A mobile version is available for $9 (10% off) on the Oculus Store for Oculus Go and Gear VR.

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Zen-like Adventure ‘Arca’s Path’ to Launch December 4th on All Major VR Platforms

Arca’s Path is a controller-free VR adventure that takes you into a mysterious world, and tasks you with solving puzzles by leading a ball through obstacles using your gaze. The game, produced by Rebellion and developed by Dream Reality Interactive, is slated to launch on December 4th on all major VR platforms.

Arca’s Path follows the story of a young girl who finds a VR video game in a trash heap. While the gameplay itself is based entirely around leading the ball with the game’s gaze-based mechanic, there’s also some story here as well, told through manga-style stills that are dispensed as you make your way through the crumbling road ahead.

The game, launching globally on December 4th, is supporting a wide array of VR platforms including PSVR, HTC Vive, HTC Vive Focus, Oculus Rift, Oculus Go, Gear VR, and Windows VR headsets.

Rebellion is best known in the VR industry for its adaptation of Battlezone (2016), among numerous other PC and console titles including the Sniper Elite series and Rogue Trooper Redux (2018).

Developers Dream Reality Interactive previously worked on VR experience Hold the World (2017) starring iconic broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, and Orbu, an AR game for iOS using Apple’s ARKit. Dream Reality Interactive’s core team previously worked at Sony’s London Studio, with titles such as PlayStation VR Worlds and AR games for Wonderbook.

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‘Battlezone VR’ Studio Announces VR Puzzle Game ‘Arca’s Path’, Teaser Trailer Here

Arca’s Path VR is an upcoming puzzle adventure from Dream Reality Interactive and Rebellion, the studio behind Battlezone VR (2016).

The upcoming game, which is developed by Dream Reality and published by Rebellion, is targeting PSVR, Steam VR, Oculus Rift, Oculus Go and Gear VR, with launch slated for later this year.

Rebellion says in a recent blogpost that no controller is needed to play, as the game relies solely on the VR headset for input.

The studios haven’t released much more information around Arca’s Path, only saying it has puzzle elements, and requires “a little bit of skill but not too much, and that it’s incredibly easy to pick up and play.”

Dream Reality Interactive’s core team previously worked at Sony’s London Studio, with titles such as PlayStation VR Worlds and AR games for Wonderbook.

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Battlezone Publisher Rebellion Announce New VR Game Arca’s Path

Battlezone Publisher Rebellion Announce New VR Game Arca’s Path

Rebellion, the same publisher behind the VR-revival of Battlezone, is today announcing a brand new VR title called Arca’s Path, which is slated for most all major VR platforms later this year.

Arca’s Path is in development by Dream Reality Interactive, a London studio founded by experienced VR developers that helped create PSVR Worlds for Sony’s flagship headset, as well as Wonderbook.

As you can see in the trailer above, Arca’s Path is a beautifully abstract world that raises tons of questions. I’m getting an esoteric endless runner meets adventure game type vibe, but I’ve got no clue if that’s accurate or not. We’re told that “skill, instinct, and awareness” will be needed to guide a girl through a dangerous labyrinth in the land of Arca.

That’s literally all we know.

According to the press release Arca’s Path will also be playable without a controller, which leaves me curious about how exactly it controls. Perhaps it’s all gaze-based, similar to Bazaar?

Arca’s Path is expected for PSVR, Rift, Vive, Windows VR, Go, and Gear VR this year. That’s a lot of headsets. We’ll find out more very soon at E3 2018 next month as we go hands-on with the title and see what it’s really like.

Let us know what you think so far down in the comments below!

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‘Battlezone’ Launches on Steam and Oculus Store

Battlezone (2016), the low-poly, high-action reboot of the classic Atari game, launched as a timed exclusive with PlayStation VR when it hit shelves in October of last year. Today owners of HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and OSVR can now strap into the cockpit of the game’s sci-fi hovertanks.

Designed by Rebellion to work with gamepad (and Touch controllers for Oculus Store purchases), the new PC version of the game promises higher resolution textures, shadows, reflections—basically higher resolution everything to make good use of the graphical horsepower of VR-ready gaming PCs.

You can find it on Steam for all Steam VR supported headsets and Oculus Store for the Oculus Rift.

Here’s a peek into what Rebellion says is possible with Battlezone.

Battlezone offers unrivalled battlefield awareness, a monumental sense of scale and breathless combat intensity.

Experience a thrilling campaign for 1-4 players where different environments, enemies and missions blend together across a procedurally generated campaign. No two playthroughs will be the same!

Unleash destructive weapons and awesome special equipment, from laser-guided missiles and rail guns to EMPs and shield boosts

Unlock more powerful tanks, weapons and special equipment and pick from hundreds of deadly combinations!

Experience where it all started with Classic Mode – featuring original two-track controls and worldwide leaderboards to test yourself against!

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PSVR’s Battlezone Adds New Missions, Weapon and Enemy In Free Update

PSVR’s Battlezone Adds New Missions, Weapon and Enemy In Free Update

Battlezone [Review: 8/10] is one of a handful of PlayStation VR (PSVR) titles celebrating a five month anniversary this March as the headset and its launch games near the half-year mark. In recognition of this, developer Rebellion is dumping a lot of free new content on you today.

Headlining this update are two new difficulty modes for the tank battler. The first, Beginner, is designed to help people struggling with the current modes but the second, Extreme, aims to push them even further. Think of the later as a Very Hard mode with a new trophy to earn for those that can see it through and three new tank loadouts for anyone that can complete it three times over.

There’s also a new weapon to help you tackle the challenge: a Railgun. It lets you charge up and then fire a massive blast that will deal lots of damage. You can use it against a new enemy, the Jet, which soars overhead and rains down machine gun fire upon you. Rebellion is also adding some new missions to the game set in lava-filled environments, and these will be all be free too.

There’s some premium additions too. The developer is offering bundles of Skins for tanks and Bobbleheads for your cockpit. It’s also got a new Bobblehead based on its PS2 shooter, Rogue Trooper, which it’s currently busy remastering for PlayStation 4.

If you haven’t already checked out Battlezone for PSVR then now might be the right time; we called it one of PSVR’s “brightest shining gems” when it released last October. “Battlezone offers super tight controls and immersive gameplay in a clean, attractive package that has easily become one of VR’s best titles,” Games Editor David Jagneaux said.

The game’s also due to launch on the Oculus Rift at some point in the future, though no word on an official release date yet.

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Battlezone soll innerhalb der nächsten Monate für die Oculus Rift erscheinen

Der englische Spielehersteller Rebellion bestätigte, dass Besitzer einer Oculus Rift bald das Spiel Battlezone in VR genießen dürfen. Eine Review für Playstation VR findet ihr hier.

Battlezone wird „in den nächsten Monaten“ für die Rift erscheinen

Auf dem Virutal Reality Evolution Event in London wurde die Neuigkeiten erstmals veröffentlicht. Der Senior Producer James Valls verkündete, dass das Veröffentlichungsdatum von Battlezone für die Rift innerhalb der nächsten Monate sein werde. Dadurch können sich alle Besitzer einer Oculus Rift bald in die futuristischen Panzergefechte begeben. Ein genaues Datum gab er jedoch leider noch nicht bekannt.

Dennoch geben die Nachrichten Anlass zur Freude für jeden Fan der Serie, denn die letzten Neuigkeiten zum Oculus Rift Support gab es 2015 auf der Entwicklerkonferenz Oculus Connect 2. Danach hielten sich die Entwickler bezüglich weiterer Informationen bedeckt.

Panzergefechte innerhalb der Virtual Reality

battlezone PSVR 2

Battlezone ist eine Hommage an den gleichnamigen Atari Klassiker von 1980. Im damaligen Arcadespiel konnte man seinen Panzer innerhalb einer neongrünen Spielwelt in First-Person-Perspektive lenken und Jagd auf gegnerische Panzer machen. Dies war sowohl im Singleplayer als auch im Multiplayer Modus möglich. In der neuen Version hat sich einiges getan. Die heutige Grafik sieht zwar optisch nicht bahnbrechend aus, besticht jedoch durch die Retroästhetik. Nicht nur grafisch, sondern auch inhaltlich kann sich das Remake sehen lassen. Der Spieler kann je nach Spielart und Taktik zwischen unterschiedlichen Panzern wählen. Außerdem gibt es unzählige Upgrades zur Personalisierung der Fahrzeuge, wie lasergesteuerte Raketen, Schildboosts oder Maschinengewehre. Die Kampagne des Spiels ist für einen bis vier Spieler ausgelegt. Interessant dabei ist, ob es im Multiplayer Modus einen Cross-Realm-Support für Playstation VR, Oculus Rift und HTC Vive Nutzern geben wird. Bisher sind diesbezüglich noch keine Informationen veröffentlicht worden.

Selbstverständlich halten wir euch wie immer über neue Ankündigungen zum genauen Veröffentlichungsdatum oder Cross-Realm-Support auf dem Laufenden.


Der Beitrag Battlezone soll innerhalb der nächsten Monate für die Oculus Rift erscheinen zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!