Join Us & A Senior Research Engineer From Mozilla LIVE On YouTube Today To Discuss The Week’s VR News!

UploadVR’s weekly podcast, The VR Download, is LIVE on YouTube today at 10:30 AM PST (18:30 UTC)!

Unlike regular video podcasts, The VR Download is broadcast from virtual reality! Our team are together in a virtual space, giving us many of the benefits of a studio even though we live on different continents.

Our Special Guest this week is Diane Hosfelt, a Senior Research Engineer at Mozilla. Hosfelt is security and privacy lead for mixed reality, identifying emerging threats and potential mitigations to create a better immersive web.

This week’s Hot Topic: with Sony skipping E3 again, what does 2020 have in store for PlayStation VR?

If you want to know more about The VR Download, head on over to our new webpage for the show!

As always, we’ll also be making it available for audio-only listening on Apple, Google, Spotify, TuneIn/Alexa, Stitcher, and more within a couple of hours of airing.

Watch In VR With Bigscreen!

Every episode, you can watch The VR Download LIVE in virtual reality with an audience of other VR users on any major VR headset (including Oculus Quest and Oculus Go!), via the Bigscreen platform.

Click on the image above to subscribe to the event.

The post Join Us & A Senior Research Engineer From Mozilla LIVE On YouTube Today To Discuss The Week’s VR News! appeared first on UploadVR.

Join Us On YouTube LIVE To Discuss The VR/AR Of CES 2020!

It’s been another big year for virtual reality at CES 2020, with lots of announcements and showcases. Join us at 10:30am PST (18:30 UTC) LIVE on YouTube to discuss it all!

This is a special episode of The VR Download, our weekly podcast broadcast from a virtual studio.

Unlike regular video podcasts, The VR Download is broadcast from virtual reality! Our team are together in a virtual space, giving us many of the benefits of a studio even though we live on different continents.

This won’t follow our normal show structure, and we won’t have a guest. You’ll get our opinions, insights, and hopes about everything shown at CES 2020.

Since we’re live, you can give your view by commenting in the YouTube live chat. Our team will be able to see your comments and may even read them out on air.

The post Join Us On YouTube LIVE To Discuss The VR/AR Of CES 2020! appeared first on UploadVR.

Today’s Guest On The VR Download Is Nonny de la Peña, Immersive Journalism Pioneer

UploadVR’s weekly podcast, The VR Download, is LIVE on YouTube today at 10:30 AM PST (17:30 UTC)!

Unlike regular video podcasts, The VR Download is broadcast from virtual reality! Our team are together in a virtual space, giving us many of the benefits of a studio even though we live on different continents.

Our Special Guest this week is Nonny de la Peña, a pioneer in Immersive journalism, founder and CEO of Emblematic Group.

This week’s Hot Topic: Oculus Quest and Valve Index are backordered to February. What does this mean for VR?

Watch In VR With Bigscreen!

Every episode, you can watch The VR Download LIVE in virtual reality with an audience of other VR users on any major VR headset (including Oculus Quest and Oculus Go!), via the Bigscreen platform.

Click on the image above to subscribe to the event.

Show Structure

The show is hosted by our Operations Manager, Kyle Riesenbeck. Kyle was formerly the host of the Rev VR Podcast, a popular VR podcast back in the Oculus development kits era.

[Section 1] The News Discussion: our thoughts on the biggest VR news of the past week, one article at a time. You’ll hear our in depth behind the scenes thoughts on what’s happening in the virtual reality industry.

[Section 2] Release of the Week: the team talks about the VR games they’ve been playing this week and try to come to a consensus as to what is the most significant.

[Section 3] The Hot Topic: an in depth discussion of one big (sometimes controversial) industry trend, topic, or idea per week.

[Section 4] Special Guest Interview: a 1-1 interview with a significant developer, executive, or personality from the VR industry.

You can watch the episode LIVE on YouTube. As always, we’ll also be making it available for audio-only listening on Apple, Google, Spotify, TuneIn/Alexa, Stitcher, and more within a couple of hours of airing.

The post Today’s Guest On The VR Download Is Nonny de la Peña, Immersive Journalism Pioneer appeared first on UploadVR.

Today’s Guest On The VR Download Is The Creative Lead Of Fast Travel Games!

Episode 6 of UploadVR’s weekly podcast, The VR Download, is LIVE on YouTube today at 10:30 AM PST (17:30 UTC).

Unlike regular video podcasts, The VR Download is broadcast from a virtual reality studio! Our team are together in a virtual space, giving us many of the benefits of a studio even though we live on different continents.

Our Special Guest this week is James Hunt, the Creative Lead of Fast Travel Games. That’s the studio behind Apex Construct and The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets, which was released today! He’ll be joining us for the duration of the show, and at the end we’ll be interviewing him.

This week’s Hot Topic is Apple’s future role in the VR market, given the report of them launching a mixed reality Quest competitor in 2022.

Show Structure

The show is hosted by our Operations Manager, Kyle Riesenbeck. Kyle was formerly the host of the Rev VR Podcast, a popular VR podcast back in the Oculus development kits era.

[Section 1] The News Discussion: our thoughts on the biggest VR news of the past week, one article at a time. You’ll hear our in depth behind the scenes thoughts on what’s happening in the virtual reality industry.

[Section 2] Release of the Week: the team talks about the VR games they’ve been playing this week and try to come to a consensus as to what is the most significant.

[Section 3] The Hot Topic: an in depth discussion of one big (sometimes controversial) industry trend, topic, or idea per week.

[Section 4] Special Guest Interview: a 1-1 interview with a significant developer, executive, or personality from the VR industry.

You can watch the episode LIVE on YouTube. As always, we’ll also be making it available for audio-only listening on Apple, Google, Spotify, TuneIn/Alexa, Stitcher, and more within a couple of hours of airing.

The post Today’s Guest On The VR Download Is The Creative Lead Of Fast Travel Games! appeared first on UploadVR.

Today’s Guest On The VR Download Is A Developer Of Pistol Whip!

Episode 5 of UploadVR’s weekly podcast, The VR Download, is LIVE on YouTube today at 10:30 AM PST (17:30 UTC).

Unlike regular video podcasts, The VR Download is broadcast from a virtual reality studio! Our team are together in a virtual space, giving us many of the benefits of a studio even though we live on different continents.

Our Special Guest this week is a developer from Cloudhead Games, the studio behind The Gallery story-based adventure VR game series, and the upcoming VR action game Pistol Whip! He’ll be joining us for the duration of the show, and at the end we’ll be interviewing him.

This week’s Hot Topic is VR killer apps. Is this a meaningful idea? Does VR need a killer app? Is Beat Saber already a killer app? Or will the metaverse be the killer app? Tune in to find out.

Show Structure

The show is hosted by our Operations Manager, Kyle Riesenbeck. Kyle was formerly the host of the Rev VR Podcast, a popular VR podcast back in the Oculus development kits era.

[Section 1] The News Discussion: our thoughts on the biggest VR news of the past week, one article at a time. You’ll hear our in depth behind the scenes thoughts on what’s happening in the virtual reality industry.

[Section 2] Release of the Week: the team talks about the VR games they’ve been playing this week and try to come to a consensus as to what is the most significant.

[Section 3] The Hot Topic: an in depth discussion of one big (sometimes controversial) industry trend, topic, or idea per week.

[Section 4] Special Guest Interview: a 1-1 interview with a significant developer, executive, or personality from the VR industry.

You can watch the episode LIVE on YouTube. As always, we’ll also be making it available for audio-only listening on Apple, Google, Spotify, TuneIn/Alexa, Stitcher, and more within a couple of hours of airing.

The post Today’s Guest On The VR Download Is A Developer Of Pistol Whip! appeared first on UploadVR.

Digital Catapult Examine’s the UK’s VR/AR Industry in new Content Series

Technology innovation centre Digital Catapult has been at the forefront of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) promotion within the UK. Today, it has announced a new partnership with Springwise, a global source for innovation intelligence, on a new content series of reports, podcasts and events delving into the state of immersive technology in the UK.

The first podcasts cover immersive technologies like VR and AR. Featuring guests including Rebecca Gregory-Clarke, Digital Catapult’s Head of Technology – Immersive; Janosch Amstutz, Founder and CEO of HoloMe; Alex Kitching, co-Founder of Lume; and Linda Ligios, Managing Editor at Springwise, these podcasts are now available via iTunes and SoundCloud.

“Springwise and Digital Catapult complement each other in many ways and this collaboration will enable us to combine our expertise to explore trends and innovations in the UK’s immersive landscape,” said Amanda Kamin, Director of Marketing, Communications and Events at Digital Catapult in a statement. “We are both working to connect people in the startup and scaleup community with industry and academia, and Springwise’s incisive, thought-provoking content blends with and enhances our editorial offering and in-depth industry knowledge of the immersive sector.”

Digital Catapult and SoundCloud will likely use the partnership to expand into other areas of expertise covering AI and 5G. Additionally, Springwise will be launching a special bespoke content subscription package for startup companies and those who are already part of an existing Digital Catapult programme.

“Springwise is excited to be partnering with Digital Catapult to explore the world of immersive technology, and deliver to our audience a deeper dive into the opportunities and challenges for innovators and businesses in this sector. Springwise has launched a host of new content in 2018 to help our global audience learn more about the thinking behind emerging technology and business ideas. We share a mission with Digital Catapult to discover new ways to solve big challenges and make connections and look forward to new collaborations coming out of our work together,” adds Springwise Managing Director Sophia Dempsey.

As the collaboration continues to produce further content, VRFocus will keep you updated.

VR-Podcast Base Stories von XRBase mit Petr Legkov am Start

Eine Dreiviertelstunde lang Hintergründe zu Virtual Reality und der XRBase bietet die erste Folge des Podcasts Base Stories, der nun offiziell gestartet ist. Ab jetzt soll es alle 14 Tage eine frische Veröffentlichung geben mit Hintergründen zu der europäischen AR- und VR-Entwicklergemeinde sowie Tipps und Tricks. Einer der Gastgeber ist der ResearchVR-Macher Petr Legkov.

Base Stories von XRBase: Alle 14 Tage Innansichten aus der VR-Scene

Wie die Betreiber der XRBase bekannt geben, startet nun offiziell eine neue Podcast-Serie mit dem Namen Base Stories. Die Folgen werden sich kostenlos über iTunes hören, laden und abonnieren lassen, eine erste steht bereit. Als Gastgeber fungieren in den künftigen Folgen Sara Lisa Vogl vom VR-Coworking-Space XRBase aus Berlin sowie Petr Legkov. Legkov ist „ein alter Hase“ im VR-Podcast-Geschäft und betreibt seit dem Januar 2016 seinen empfehlenswerten ResearchVR-Podcast. Auch die XRBase ist kein Unbekannter, bisher existieren VRBase-Standorte in Berlin und Amsterdam. Erst kürzlich waren Google-Größen aus New York anlässlich eines Workshops zu Besuch in der deutschen Hauptstadt.

Die Base Stories sollen nun alle zwei Wochen mit einer frischen Folge an den Start gehen, inhaltlich will man VR- und AR-Entwicklern sowie –Künstlern eine Plattform geben. Darüberhinaus versprechen die Macher Brainstorming-Sessions, News und Tipps und Tricks zu AR, VR und Mixed Reality. Außerdem will man naheliegend aus dem XRBase-Umfeld plaudern.

Die Start-Episode wurde bereits im Anschluss an die VR Days Europe 2017 aufgenommen, die Ende Oktober in Amsterdam stattfand. Mit dabei sind neben Sara Lisa Vogl und Petr Legkov auch der CEO der XRBase Daan Kip sowie der VR-Evangelist Boo Aguilar. Damals stand offensichtlich der Name Base Stories noch nicht fest, weshalb die Teilnehmer noch von Touch Base sprechen. Wir wünschen unseren Kollegen jedenfalls viel Erfolg mit dem Podcast und erwarten gespannt die weiteren Folgen.

Der Beitrag VR-Podcast Base Stories von XRBase mit Petr Legkov am Start zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!


Der WHAT VR PLAYING Podcast mit Lars und Lukas meldet sich passend zur heißen Phase des Jahres mit einem ebenso heißen Titel zurück!

Episode 14

In Episode 14 erfahrt Ihr alles über das Spiel SUPERHOT VR welches ihr mit Occulus Touch und seit kurzem auch mit der HTC Vive spielen könnt.

Im Puzzle-Shooter SUPERHOT könnt ihr endlich in die Rolle von Neo, Max Payne oder Cage aus Edge of Tomorrow schlüpfen und immer wieder aufs Neue und mit maximaler coolness eure Gegner zur Strecke bringen. Dabei sind nicht nur eure Künste an der Waffe gefragt, sondern auch geschicktes taktieren und einstudierte Moves. Mit euren Bewegungen steuert ihr nämlich gleichzeitig die Geschwindigkeit im Spiel und habt somit völlig neue Möglichkeiten wenn es um die Bekämpfung eurer Widersacher geht.

Wenn Ihr also erfahren möchtet wie sich die beiden Neos geschlagen haben, was den Titel so besonders macht und was das neue Forever Update alles mit sich bringt, dann hört euch unbedingt die neue Episode an.

Feedback oder Themenwünsche für die kommenden Episoden könnt ihr dem Team auf der eigenen Webseite geben. Wenn ihr die beiden Nerds zusätzlich mit ihrem Projekt unterstützen wollt, könnt ihr mit einem Review bei iTunes helfen.

SUPERHOT VR ist aktuell auch im Steam Summer Sale reduziert.

Der Beitrag WHAT VR PLAYING Episode 14 zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!