Microsoft Wins $480M Defense Contract to Provide U.S. Army with AR Headsets

Microsoft has won a $480 million contract with the U.S. Army which is poised to outfit soldiers with 100,000 Microsoft-built AR headsets.

While the contract hasn’t been publicly released on the Department of Defense’s site yet, advanced word from Bloomberg maintains that the contract will supply the Army with “prototypes for augmented reality systems” from Microsoft, which will be used in both combat missions and training.

A description of the contract filing states that winners should aim to “accelerate lethal defensive and offensive capabilities utilizing innovative components, including commercial items, for the selection of an Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS).”

The contract, Bloomberg states, has a few other stipulations for its winner: the device must be able to integrate things like night vision and thermal sensing, be able measure vital signs like breathing and combat readiness, and monitor for concussions and offer hearing protection—something decidedly more involved than HoloLens can do on its lonesome.

Image courtesy Limpid Armor

HoloLens is however certified for use as basic protective eyewear, now sporting an IP50 rating for dust protection, and can also integrate into a purpose-built hard hats and helmets, making it an ideal candidate for a consumer device retrofitted with government-supplied kit.

“Augmented reality technology will provide troops with more and better information to make decisions. This new work extends our longstanding, trusted relationship with the Department of Defense to this new area,” a Microsoft spokesman said in a statement provided to TechCrunch.

Microsoft Affirms New HoloLens Headset is in Development

The company hasn’t released any further public comments about the contract, however Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says in a recent blog post that the company believes firstly “in the strong defense of the United States and [wants] the people who defend it to have access to the nation’s best technology, including from Microsoft.”

According to information released to the European Patent Office (EPO) in May, Microsoft has sold around 50,000 HoloLens units—half the number stipulated by the Army contract. That’s a pretty strong incentive for the company to dive head-first into their next iteration of HoloLens.

The post Microsoft Wins $480M Defense Contract to Provide U.S. Army with AR Headsets appeared first on Road to VR.

US-Militär nutzt zukünftig Microsoft HoloLens für 480 Millionen US-Dollar

Ein Vertrag zwischen dem amerikanischen Militär und Microsoft sorgt zukünftig für die Nutzung der HoloLens zu militärischen Zwecken. Insgesamt 480 Millionen US-Dollar werden für die Lieferung von ungefähr 100.000 Exemplaren der AR-Brille bezahlt, um ein “integriertes visuelles AR-System” (Integrated Visual Augmentation System: IVAS) zu entwickeln. Das ausgelieferte Spezialmodell soll sich dabei von der Verbrauchervariante unterscheiden und zusätzliche Funktionen bereitstellen.

US-Militär und Microsoft – 480 Millionen US-Dollar für militärischen Einsatz der HoloLens

Militärforscher arbeiten bereits seit mehreren Jahren an der Verbesserung von Kampfeinsätzen durch Augmented Reality. So soll beispielsweise Tactical Augmented Reality (TAR) für moderne Kriegsführung sorgen und das GunnAR-System alte Prozeduren überholen.

Microsoft beliefert das amerikanische Militär zukünftig mit ungefähr 100.000 HoloLens-Brillen für rund 480 Millionen US-Dollar, wie beide Parteien in einem Vertrag festhielten. Diese sollen zukünftig als Prototypen für ein AR-System genutzt werden, welches sowohl in Trainings- wie auch Kampfsituationen Einsatz findet. In einem offiziellen Statement beschreibt die US-Regierung das Ziel der neuen AR-Technologie folgendermaßen:

Die Letalität der Soldaten soll erhöht werden, indem der Feind schneller aufgespürt wird, schnellere Entscheidungen getroffen werden und er dadurch früher bekämpfbar wird.”

Tactical Augmented Reality

Und auch Microsoft beschreibt die zukünftige Kooperation in einem Statement ähnlich:

Augmented-Reality-Technologie versorgt unsere Truppen mit zusätzlichen und besseren Informationen, um Entscheidungen zu treffen. Diese neue Zusammenarbeit erweitert unsere langjährige, vertrauensvolle Beziehung mit dem Verteidigungsministerium und trägt sie auf eine neue Stufe.”

Im Gegensatz zur Konsumentenversion der HoloLens soll die militärische Spezialhardware mit zusätzlichen Features ausgestattet werden. Dazu zählen Infrarotsensoren mit Nachtsichtfunktion, Thermaldetektoren, eine Messfunktion für Vitalzeichen und vieles mehr. Vorerst stellt Microsoft testweise zunächst ca. 2500 Brillen innerhalb der nächsten zwei Jahre zur Verfügung.

Microsoft HoloLens

Nicht nur Microsoft war an diesem Vertrag interessiert, auch Magic Leap und insgesamt 25 weitere Unternehmen umwarben das US-Militär, um seine Hardware vertraglich abzusetzen.

Die neue Kooperation dürfte die Diskussion rund um die Zusammenarbeit von Technologieunternehmen mit der Militärregierung erneut anfachen. Sowohl bei Alphabet Inc. und seinem Tochterunternehmen Google wie auch bei Microsoft kritisierten Mitarbeiter/innen den Einsatz von KI und Technikprodukten zu militärischen Zwecken innerhalb des letzten Jahres. Mit Petitionen und Kündigungen entstand Druck auf die Führungsebene. Während sich Google daraufhin aus etwaigen Projekten zurückzog, blieb Microsoft seiner Linie treu und möchte auch zukünftig mit dem US-Militär zusammenarbeiten.

(Quellen: Bloomberg | Upload VR | Microsoft Blog | Video: USArmyCERDEC YouTube)

Der Beitrag US-Militär nutzt zukünftig Microsoft HoloLens für 480 Millionen US-Dollar zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality Shared Experiences Are Coming to Revit

Arvizio have announced that its MR Studio mixed reality software platform will be getting a Revit plugin. The new plugin will allow for a accurate transfer of models between Revit and MR Studio Director.

The release of the plugin means that users will be able to move models and assets between Revit and MR Studio while preserving the relevant geometry, textures and associated metadata in order to craft fully-featured mixed reality (MR) or augmented reality (AR) experiences.

The transfer of the data between software means that groups of architects, engineers or clients and customers can review different design iterations in a frictionless way. MR Studios director has been designed to allow Revit models and LiDAR scans to combined and shared using devices such as Microsoft HoloLens.

The platform also allows for long-distance collaboration, letting participants in various different physical locations conduct meetings in mixed reality, complete with sharing of 3D models, documents and other visual information.

“Our goal has always been to enhance the design experience through mixed reality, enabling professionals to more efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage their projects,” said Jonathan Reeves, Arvizio’s CEO. “The seamless integration of Revit with our MR Studio platform allows firms to more accurately view their models, document key milestones and collaboratively communicate progress to project stakeholders.”

MR Studio is designed for business and enterprise-level projects and is capable of providing multi-user and multi-site MR experiences for working with 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models as well as real-world 3D LiDAR scans.

MR Studio is available in two tiers, Local Edition lets users walk through models and designs at life-size, and line up models with the real world counterparts for AR or MR comparisons. Enterprise Edition extends theme capabilities towards virtual design reviews and multiple participants across locations.

Further information can be found on the Arvizio website. For future coverage on new developments in mixed reality, keep checking back with VRFocus.

Novarad AR System for HoloLens Cleared by FDA for Medical Use

There have already been a number of applications for immersive technology in the medical and healthcare sector, from teaching new doctors to helping people overcome addictions and phobias. Now The OpenSight augmented reality (AR) system has become the first medical AR solution for the Microsoft HoloLens to be cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US.

The OpenSight AR system from Novarad has been given 510(k) clearance fr use in pre-operatove surgical planning. The system renders 2D and 3D images of patients interactively, while accurately overlaying them on to the patients body.

“This is transformative technology that will unite preoperative imaging with augmented reality to improve the precision, speed and safety of medical procedures,” stated Dr. Wendell Gibby, Novarad CEO and co-creator of OpenSight. “This internal visualization can now be achieved without the surgeon ever making an incision, improving outcomes in a world of more precise medicine.”

While VR systems have been used in pre-operative planning before, the OpenSight system lets surgeons see the 3D patient images and the patient themselves at the same time, avoiding the possible disconnect that can happen when using VR systems.

The OpenSight system lets medical personnel get a better understand of the relevant anatomical relationships, or highlight certain specific areas to avoid or concentrate ob. Multiplate headsets can be used so those present can see the same thing, allowing for the training of less experienced personnel.

Novarad have also developed a teaching version of the software that lets medical students perform virtual dissections on medical cadavers.

The company has been working in medical imaging for many years, providing a customisable workflow and imaging solutions, which it hopes to continue into the new frontier of immersive technology. Further information can be found on the Novarad website.

For future coverage of VR and AR in healthcare, keep checking back with VRFocus.

Spatial: Gemeinsam Arbeiten in VR, AR und auf dem Monitor

Nach zweijähriger Arbeit im Geheimen, konnte sich das Startup Spatial nun 8 Millionen US-Dollar als Startfinanzierung für eine gleichnamige Plattform sichern. Spatial soll  Menschen in VR, AR und am Monitor zum gemeinsamen Arbeiten an Projekten verbinden.

Gemeinsam Arbeiten in VR, AR und auf dem Monitor

Spatial arbeitet an einem digitalen Arbeitsplatz, der in der Virtual Reality besucht oder dem durch Augmented Reality, Bildschirme oder dem Smartphone beigewohnt werden kann. Das Ziel ist es, jeden Raum in einen Arbeitsplatz für Menschen auf der ganzen Welt zu verwandeln, die gemeinsam an Projekten arbeiten wollen.

Damit der Kontakt persönlich bleibt, bietet das Avatar-System einen Face Scan an und Mitarbeiter/innen am Monitor werden per Webcam als fliegende Tafel in der Virtual Reality angezeigt. Zudem können bereits Dokumente, Fotos und 3D-Modelle im virtuellen Arbeitsraum geteilt werden und die platzierten Inhalte bleiben beim erneuten Besuch des Raumes erhalten.

Spatial - Collaborate from Anywhere in AR

Derzeit kann Spatial noch nicht frei heruntergeladen werden, aber ihr könnt eine Anfrage für einen Zugang auf der Webseite stellen.

Die aktuellen Investitionen stammen von iNovia Capital, Garrett Camp (Expa), Samsung Next, Joi Ito, Mark Pincus und Andy Hertzfeld. Wir haben bereits einen Zugang zu Spatial angefragt und hoffen, dass wir euch schon bald von unseren Erfahrungen mit der Anwendung berichten können.

(Quelle: Road to VR)

Der Beitrag Spatial: Gemeinsam Arbeiten in VR, AR und auf dem Monitor zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Upskill Expand Skylight Early Access Programme

At the beginning of the month, Upskill – the United States-based enterprise software developer that creates augmented reality (AR) solutions with companies such as Accenture and The Boeing Company – revealed an Early Access release for its Skylight Mixed Reality platform on Microsoft HoloLens.

AWE EUToday at Augmented World Expo (AWE) Europe, Upskill followed up that announcement with one about its expansion of the Early Access, previously only available in America, to global customers. As well as confirmed that its version of Skylight AR for mobile will be getting an updated release on an expanded array of mobile devices.

Skylight allows employees easy hands-free access to reference materials to complex information allowing them to visualise what they are doing when out in the workplace, while gesture and gaze controls allow for intuitive interactions.

“As the AR hardware ecosystem matures, enterprises have more options for bringing specialized experiences to their hands-on workforces – some requiring a more immersive digital interaction than others.” Explains Upskill’s CEO and Co-Founder Brian Ballard. “By extending Skylight across the device spectrum – handheld devices, assisted reality smart glasses and mixed reality headsets – we are helping customers future-proof their investments, connecting them with rich AR content through devices that meet their job requirements, at scale and upon request.”

upskill logo“Our customers see augmented reality as the force multiplier that allows them to fully realize the potential of their workforce and digital investments,” said Ballard at the initial release earlier this month. “Skylight for Microsoft HoloLens will serve as the foundation that delivers the latest advances in visualization, cloud computing and artificial intelligence in a mixed reality environment.”

More information can be found at the Upskill website.VRFocus will bring you more stories from AWE EU 2018 as we get them.

Theorem Solutions Bringing Engineering Solutions App Digital Realities And ‘Visualization Pipeline’ Tech To AWE EU 2018

While what we would consider to be the ‘main’ events season is now over with the end of this year’s Oculus Connect, there are still a number of events in the pipeline that are set to be of particular interest to those interested in immersive technology.

Digital Realities HoloLens key artOne such event is the 2018 European edition of the Augmented World Expo – better known as AWE – which will be taking place at the MOC Exhibition Centre in Germany from October 18th 2018 through to the 19th. There is, no doubt, a large number of announcements to come from European firms involved in what is increasingly being termed “XR”, and we now have confirmation of at least one firm who will be bringing new experiences not just to virtual reality (VR) via the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, but augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) too.

Engineering and manufacturing partner Theorem Solutions – which VRFocus last reported on in January upon the reveal of their unified immersive reality engineering solution app, Digital Realities – will be bringing their range of associated CAD and PLM utilising experiences to AWE EU 2018 along with launching its new ‘Visualization Pipeline’ server technology. 

“To complement our Digital Realities experiences we are also launching our Visualization Pipeline technology, which is a server based technology that rapidly processes CAD data into a wide variety of formats for use in 3D Engines – Unity and Unreal, Photorealistic Rendering or AR/MR/VR tools, applications and with lightweight viewers.” Explains the firm in a statement. “Engineering and Manufacturing businesses are increasingly looking into the benefits of using AR, MR and VR to improve processes and collaboration, cut costs and make access to data easier. The Visualization Pipeline is helping to make that possible with a single application.”

Thoerem Solutions - Digital Realities

“Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality is everywhere at the moment and is making its way from the recreational gaming world into the commercial enterprise world. Integrating these innovative technologies into existing engineering and manufacturing workflows opens up new ways of working, and modernises current processes, futureproofing them as technology evolves, and ultimately saves organisations time and money in the long run.”

Attendees to AWE EU 2018 will be able to try out demonstrations of the upgraded Digital Realities experiences across a number of devices. Theorem Solutions will be locatable at stand #109 during the event.

VRFocus will bring you more news on the goings on at AWE as we get it.

Digital Surgery Designated As A Microsoft Mixed Reality Partner

Digital Surgery, a health technology company working to reshape the future of surgery, has announced that its designation as an official Microsoft Mixed Reality Partner (MMRP). This exciting partnership will allow Digital Surgery the means to create mixed reality (MR) solution to improve the delivery of surgical care as part of the MMRP. Studies show that nearly one in seven patients hospitalized for major surgical procedures are readmitted within 30 days of discharge, with financial implications for the health system and clinical implications for the patients. Digital Surgery is working to utilize this new partnership, together with other demonstrated capabilities in artificial intelligence (AI), to power a radical shift in surgical care.

Microsoft HoloLens

“The Microsoft recognition is truly an honor and sets the stage for our larger mission, which is to deliver safe surgical care for all. With our AI technology and database of digital surgical processes, we’ve trained a computer to understand surgical procedures and predict what happens next.” Explains Dr. Jean Nehme, CEO, Digital Surgery, discussing the strategic importance of the partnership: “With HoloLens, we open the exciting opportunity to use the system’s integrated camera as the visual recognition system to deliver even more immersive experiences for the entire surgical team. This collaboration is a critical part of our strategy to partner with the world’s best technology firms, especially providers of breakthrough hardware, to support the delivery of safer surgery. I am excited to see what we can accomplish together.”

By being a part of the MMRP, Digital Surgery will be able to leverage technology, knowledge and experience along with Microsoft’s HoloLens MR headset to bring their goal to reality. According to the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery, more than five billion people lack access to safe surgical care, with operative knowledge being one of the critical factors that has yet to scale globally. Addressing this problem is one of the goals of Digital Surgery by leveraging innovative technologies and intelligent operation systems.

Digital Surgery

“We are delighted to have Digital Surgery accredited as a Mixed Reality Partner. Given the pace of technological change, it is key that customers can access partners who understand mixed reality potential and have the proven ability to deliver transformative solutions.” Added Leila Martine, Product Director, Mixed Reality, Microsoft: “It’s great to see Microsoft HoloLens being added to Digital Surgery’s impressive content catalogue, and help us jointly shape the future of surgery and improvements in patient outcomes.”

VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on the work from Digital Surgery as they now work as part of the MMRP, so stay tuned for more.

RETINA Are Bringing Augmented Reality To Air Traffic Control Towers

A new project is aiming to make it easier for staff in airport control towers to visualize information to help make their job easier by leveraging augmented reality (AR) technology. The project, dubbed RETINA, is looking to modernise Europe’s air traffic management for safer, smarter and even smoother air travel.


As the technology in synthetic vision and AR continues to improve at rapid speeds the range of applications of for the technology expand as well. AR has been adopted into a number of different aviation areas including aircraft and maintenance. With RETINA, staff in the air traffic control towers will be able to take advantage of the tools to enable more seamless operating under difficult or busy conditions.

Funded by the European Union, the RETINA project has investigated the potential and applicability of synthetic vision tools along with the use of AR display techniques for air traffic control staff. “Built upon technology developed by the SESAR project, RETINA aimed to enhance sight capabilities and situational awareness of air traffic controllers in control towers, allowing them to better manage traffic especially when bad weather sets in,” Said Professor Sara Bagassi, reports pddnet.


The solution that RETINA are developing allows for enhanced sight capabilities and situational awareness of air traffic controllers in control towers. This allows for better management of traffic aiding in monitoring take-offs, landings and ground traffics alongside other information such as weather and wind details. This is handled via head-mounted displays (HMDs) which display over the actual ‘out-of-the-window’ view and leverage the technology to superimpose the required information to the wear all while allowing them to maintain their view of the busy airport environment.

The validation campaign for the project was completed in the VR and Simulation Laboratory at the University of Bologna, Italy. The space mimics the environment at Bologna airport which is a typical regional airport where low-visibility conditions such as fog are an often occurrence. The Microsoft HoloLens HMD has been used for the testing period and is seen to be the ideal headset for the application use.

As the solution continues to be developed and put through testing, it may be sometime until it is rolled out to airports around Europe. VRFocus will be sure to keep you up to date on all the latest in the future, so stay tuned for more.

Microsoft Now Hosts Free HoloLens Demos Across US & Canada

Haven’t been able to make it to any of the big gaming expos (or you don’t know anyone with the $3,000 AR headset)? Microsoft Stores across the US and Canada are now hosting free HoloLens demos, so you can finally see what the hubbub is all about.

Appointments, a Microsoft phone operator told Road to VR, aren’t necessarily required in some cases, although this depends on the location, so it’s best to confirm beforehand to double-check that both a demo unit and demo slot is available. At the time of this writing, no online sign-up sheet is available specific to HoloLens demos, only a list of participating stores.

While you’re at it, if you haven’t tried out the company’s swath of VR headsets (dubbed Microsoft “Mixed Reality” headsets), you might request another demo on top of your time with HoloLens.

Here’s the full list of the participating Microsoft Stores:























New Hampshire

New Jersey

New York

North Carolina













British Columbia

The post Microsoft Now Hosts Free HoloLens Demos Across US & Canada appeared first on Road to VR.