Marvel Powers United VR, the upcoming co-op superhero adventure game for Rift, revealed that two of its twelve payable heroes are coming from the Inhuman franchise: Black Bolt and Crystal.
The upcoming Inhumans TV series just debuted its first two episodes back-to-back September 1st at IMAX screens across the world, and while it wasn’t particularly well-received—it’s rated 0% on Rotten Tomatoes—the VR teaser trailer seems to look promising, with Black Bolt’s booming voice and Crystal’s elemental powers offering the player an interesting departure from the beat-em-up abilities of the already announced cast of heroes.
Marvel Powers United VR doesn’t have a launch date yet, but a number of playable characters have already been announced including Hulk, Rocket Raccoon, Captain Marvel, Ronan the Accuser, and Deadpool. With Black Bolt and Crystal in the mix, six spots remain.
image courtesy Marvel
While we’re hoping for more ‘main franchise’ characters, future hero reveals could sync up with heroes featured in Marvel’s upcoming films; Thor: Ragnorok (2017),Black Panther (2018), and Captain America: Civil War (2018).
[Update] Stück für Stück enthüllt Marvel Entertainment weitere Charaktere des Spiels Marvel Powers United VR. Nach Deadpool, Rocket Raccoon, Captain Marvel, Hulk und Ronan reihen sich nun Black Bolt und Crystal in die Riege der Superhelden ein. Auf der Webseite zum exklusiven VR-Spiel für die Oculus Rift befinden sich acht Platzhalter. Sechs Charaktere aus dem Marvel-Universum sollten also noch hinzustoßen und das Team auf insgesamt 13 Spieler erhöhen. Die Veröffentlichung ist für 2018 geplant.
Erst vor Kurzem kündigte Oculus die Zusammenarbeit mit Disney an, um das Marvel-Universum in die Virtual Reality zu bringen. In Marvel Powers United VR von Sanzaru Games könnt ihr eure Lieblings-Superhelden auswählen, um eure Feinde zu bekämpfen. Nun kündigte Oculus einen weiteren spielbaren Helden an, der viele Fans erfreuen sollte: Deadpool.
Deadpool als spielbarer Charakter in Marvel Powers United VR
Am 19.7.2017 kündigte Oculus den nächsten spielbaren Superhelden für das Koop-Action-Adventure Marvel Powers United VR an. Der experimentell veränderte Antiheld Deadpool wird zukünftig darin auswählbar sein. Er besitzt zwei Katanas, eine Pistole und seine Selbstheilungskräfte, die ihm erlauben, einiges einzustecken. Insgesamt 13 Superhelden sollen zur Verfügung stehen. Deadpool reiht sich mit anderen bekannten Comichelden wie Captain Marvel oder dem unglaublichen Hulk in die Auswahl ein.
Marvel Powers United VR ist ein First-Person-Action-Adventure im Marvel-Universum, das euch im Koop-Modus gegen die Kree – eine Alienrasse aus Guardians of the Galaxy – und andere Superschurken kämpfen lässt. Der VR-Titel soll im Jahr 2018 erscheinen. Außerdem kündigte Oculus an, im Laufe der Zeit noch weitere Enthüllungen über spielbare Charaktere und andere Überraschungen bekannt zu geben. Diese Ankündigungen sollen jedoch erst zum Näherrücken des Veröffentlichungsdatums erscheinen.
Das Spiel wird vom kalifornischen Unternehmen Sanzuru Games entwickelt, das bereits in der Vergangenheit des Öfteren mit Oculus zusammenarbeitete. Dabei erschienen bereits bekannte Titel wie Ripcoiloder VR Sports Challenge. Vermutlich wird der Action-Titel exklusiv für die Oculus Rift erscheinen.
Nachdem der skurrile Held im Jahr 2016 durch Ryan Reynolds verkörpert auf den Kinoleinwänden erschien, eroberte er die Herzen der Fans. Er erfreut sich aber auch großer Popularität bei Menschen, die wenig mit Comics zu tun hatten. Die Ankündigung dürfte also viele Spieler glücklich stimmen.
At the weekend Oculus announced upcoming virtual reality (VR) title MARVEL Powers United VRan action-packed, multiplayer co-op title from Marvel, Sanzaru, and Oculus Studios. Several characters were confirmed, but today Oculus has revealed that the famous ‘merc with a mouth’ will be joining the roster, whilst confirming there will be 12 heroes in total.
The wise-cracking, fast-talking, mercenary will be bringing his hand cannon pistols, deadly Katana’s, SMG’s, and Shurikens to the fight as he joins Captain Marvel, Hulk, and Rocket Raccoon.
MARVEL Powers United VR will be at the San-Diego Comic-Con this week, where visitors to the Marvel booth will be able to play as one of the four iconic characters fighting Ronan the Accuser. If you’re not playing as Deadpool then you can choose The Hulk with his seismic punch and thunder clap ability, take to the skies as Captain Marvel with his photon beams and super strength, or there’s Rocket Raccoon with his his trademark blasters and scatter rifle.
The videogame is scheduled to launch sometime in 2018 for Oculus Rift and Touch, so expect further surprise announcements and character reveals to come.
With the help of Oculus' motion control scheme, Marvel Powers United VR does a pretty great job of letting you feel what it's like to wreck bad guys with superpowers.
Prepare your best superhero landing; Deadpool is coming to Marvel Powers United VR.
Oculus Studios and Sanzaru Games’ four player co-op superhero sim was announced at D23 last weekend but with just three confirmed characters: Hulk, Captain Marvel, and Rocket Raccoon. To celebrate San Diego Comic-Con, though, Oculus today announced that everybody’s favorite Merc with a Mouth is joining the fray. We’ve got seven minutes of gameplay in his shoes from our recent hands-on event, which you can see below.
Unlike Rocket, who focuses more on guns, Deadpool uses a mix of weaponry to take down the bad guys. He’s got a pair of hand canons that deal heavy damage and SMGs for quick-fire satisfaction, but you’ll also want to make use of the katanas fixed to his back and shurikens for quick distractions. It wouldn’t be Deadpool without a deafening amount of quips, and – judging by the gameplay – Sanzaru has delivered on that front.
Deadpool wasn’t actually on the list of seven heroes we’d like to see in the game that we put out earlier this week, but he’s a welcome addition all the same. We did, however, include him in a pitch for our X-Men Danger Room simulator. We’re not surprised to see him given the success of his last movie with a sequel fast approaching. Powers United is due for release on Oculus Rift next year, so there’s still plenty of time to expand the roster.
Back in May of this year UploadVR Staff Writer Jamie Feltham penned an editorial about what his dream Marvel game might look like. While it focused mainly on the X-Men, the reality of Marvel’s first VR game is actually really, really close to what he dreamed up. This past weekend Marvel announced at the D23 Expo Marvel Powers United VR (by Sanzaru) in partnership with Oculus. The game is designed as an Oculus Rift with Touch exclusive and will be coming to headsets next year in 2018.
At a preview event in San Francisco, CA yesterday, just before San Diego Comic Con (SDCC,) we got the chance to go hands-on with the game and its previously announced characters, as well as the newly announced Deadpool. For my session I played as Deadpool, The Incredible Hulk, and Rocket Raccoon before having to call it quits.
Everything about Marvel Powers United VR is designed from the ground up to encourage and foster “cooperative” multiplayer gameplay. I use the term cooperative loosely though because it felt more like a race to see who could rack up the most points in a single mission than it did an actual battle against bad guys. Things may have been toned down for my demo, but I never once felt like I was in danger or having difficulty fighting enemies. Part of me also thinks that’s sort of the point.
From top to bottom Marvel Powers United VR is all about fantasy fulfillment. Have you ever wanted to blast energy beams from your hands as Captain Marvel and rampage around a level crushing everyone as The Hulk? What about lighting up enemies with hand cannons right before slicing them in half with a sword as Deadpool, or hovering high in the sky as you throw down grenades and shoot missiles from above as Rocket Raccoon?
This is a game that, like no other to date, really does make you feel like a superhero. The closest comparison I can think of is that it plays a bit like a mixture of Raw Data and Robo Recall with a heavy dose of Marvel-colored flavorings.
All characters in Marvel Powers United VR have full, smooth locomotion using the left analog stick. Some characters can also hover in the air while others can quickly leap across levels to close distances or as an attack in and of itself. The right stick rotates the camera, or you can physically turn in a 360-setup. Approximately 12 total characters are planned, with potentially more on the way post-launch, so this is only about a third of the roster right now for when the game ships.
We only got to try a single mission but it just consisted of clearing out enemies, reaching the end of the floor, activating the elevator, going to the next floor, and repeating. On the roof we faced off against a boss and then saw our scores and ranks at the end with a team photo that becomes a neat comic book cover shot.
The Merc With a Mouth
Deadpool was the first hero I got the chance to take for a spin. Funnily enough he was also the most diverse and complicated of the three I tried. On his arms he has shurikens that can be thrown at enemies for big damage, two pistols strapped to his back for quick firing, two SMGs on his hips because why not, and two swords behind his shoulders. He’s like a walking death machine.
What made Deadpool so fun is just how versatile of a character he is. No matter if enemies are far away, up close, mid-range, on a ledge, or even behind cover I was able to quickly take them down with my massive arsenal of weaponry.
When you get a chance to play as the one and only Wade Wilson, I recommend waiting until you’ve played one of the other characters first. He was a little overwhelming to try as my first swing. That being said, I still kicked ass.
The Big Green Monster
Playing as The Incredible Hulk was hands-down, far and away, without question, the most fun I had in this game. For a VR game that is built simply to make you feel like a superhero, it doesn’t get any better than being able to leap around the level, smash up the environment, send enemies flying with a single punch, and pound on the ground in a rampage of brute strength.
At first glance he seems overly simple compared to the others and in most video games I’d agree. Melee-focused characters tend to be boring compared to their ranged and magic-based counterparts. But when you ask someone to swing their fists and jump around in VR that changes.
He can punch stuff, throw stuff, clap his hands for a shockwave, leap across levels, and slam the ground. It’s pure adrenaline and when playing as Hulk you’re guaranteed to get ranked first in most post-game categories. It’s sort of a law.
Rocket “Not A Trash Panda” Raccoon
Finally, I strapped into the tiny shoes of Rocket Raccoon. After playing as Deadpool and Hulk I’ll admit that I assumed this would be a far less enjoyable affair since I didn’t have the voice and charisma of Bradley Cooper, but luckily I was wrong. Rocket was just as fun, if not more fun, than Deadpool in my experience.
He’s got a remote bomb and grenade on his vest for quick access, two pistols at his side for dual-wielding fun, and a big ol’ honkin’ rifle on his back that can be fired as a burst with one hand or gripped with both hands to engage a thermal-sensor scope and a huge rail-gun esque blaster. Oh, not to mention he can hover over the whole level for as long as he wants.
The best part about when I played as Rocket is that I ended up getting more kills than my team’s Hulk. Yeah. Talk about firepower. And if you don’t believe me, check it out in the video above.
Marvel Powers United VR is still early in development (not releasing for another 6+ months from now) so it’s hard to really assess the game as a whole other than the strong potential it has. If they collect an all-star cast of heroes then this could be something really special. Then on the other hand it could get old very, very quickly. Sanzaru confirmed to us that basically all of your abilities for every hero is unlocked at the start of the game because they didn’t want anyone to feel under-powered. You can, however, build up your charge for a big super ability that will be different for each hero that they’re not willing to talk about just yet.
They mentioned unlocks and different costumes/skins for each hero, but how robust that will be is impossible to tell right now. It’s all going to come down to the variety of levels and enemies. Blowing stuff up as your favorite comic book heroes in VR is a fun distraction for a while, but there needs to be real meat to the game to make it worth it in the long run. For example, after playing this same level three times with three different characters, I was already starting to get a bit tired of it.
Sanzaru’s track record in VR to date consists of Ripcoil and VR Sports Challenge, two very fun but very shallow games. Time will tell if this can be different.
Marvel Powers United VR doesn’t have a firm release date yet — all we know is that it’s coming to Rift + Touch only and is set for 2018. More heroes (roughly 8 more) are going to be announced in time, but Sanzaru wouldn’t give us any tips about who they might be other than they will be fun to play and not there just to pad out the roster. In the meantime, check out our list of 7 superheroes we would love to see in the game to get some ideas.
If you’re going to be at SDCC this week and weekend you can come play it for yourself at the Marvel booth. For everyone else, what do you think of the game from what you’ve seen so far? Let us know down in the comments below!
Adding to the cast of Marvel heroes in the recently announced VR co-op adventure game Marvel Powers United VR, Oculus today announced that the wise-cracking “merc with a mouth” Deadpool will be added to the list, which has now been confirmed to offer 12 payable heroes in total.
With a pair of katanas, hand cannon pistols and accelerated healing, Deadpool joins Captain Marvel, Hulk, and Rocket Raccoon in the lineup—one that promises to offer 12 playable heroes in total, Oculus told us. The company is teasing more surprises and character reveals closer to launch.
Developed by Sanzuru Games, the studio behind VR titles Ripcoil (2017) and VR Sports Challenge (2017),Marvel Powers United VR is a first-person, multiplayer, action VR game where you team up in co-op mode to engage in fights around the Marvel Universe. After Lockjaw teleports you into the mission, you get to choose from a roster of Marvel’s greatest Super Heroes to battle against Super Villains like Ronan the Accuser and other Kree foes.
Release date is slated for sometime in 2018, launching on Rift + Touch. In the meantime, check out our hands-on with Marvel Powers United VR.
Comic-Con visitors will also get a crack at the first public demo of the game. Oculus Rift + Touch stations will be featured at the Marvel Booth so you can play all four characters as they take on Ronan the Accuser with the help of the Inhumans’ teleporting dog Lockjaw.
Our inner comic book nerds had their prayers answered over the weekend, as Oculus and Disney announced Marvel Powers United VR for the Rift. For the first time ever we’re going to be able to suit up as our favorite Marvel heroes and do battle with iconic bad guys using spectacular powers.
Three heroes have already been announced for the four player co-op game. That would be the Hulk, Rocket Raccoon, and Captain Marvel. Between them, that’s shooting, smashing, and pew pew-ing pretty much sorted. But what other characters will we get to play as by the time the game comes out in 2018? Below, we’ve listed seven heroes that we think deserve a spot on the roster.
Chances are there won’t be any X-Men in Powers United; Marvel has largely benched its mutant misfits while Fox still owns movie rights. If we could pick just one X-Man to make the cut, though, it would have to be Wolverine. Welding Logan’s razor-sharp claws with Oculus Touch would be a viciously good time, allowing us to cut through androids and aliens without hesitation. His healing factor could play a role as a tank class, too.
The Vision
Vision might not be everyone’s favorite Avenger, but it’s hard to admit his powers aren’t ideally suited for VR. Laser beams that fire off in the direction you’re looking and a body that phases through solid material (just like our hands do in VR anyways) are two powers we could really get to grips with inside the Rift. Imagine pulling out the circuitry of a sentinel, for example.
Spidey already has his own VR experience tying into his most recent movie, but sadly it’s a bit of a waste of time even as a free download. We want a Spider-Man VR game that really lets us feel like Peter Parker, clambering up walls and hanging from ceilings. If not full web-swinging (we’re sick just thinking of that) then maybe we could web-zip around environments, just like quick step locomotion. Then we just have to web the baddies up and be on our way.
Captain America
It’s hard to believe the Rift has been out for over a year and we still haven’t been able to throw Cap’s shield into swarms of goons. Cap could play the defensive role on any team, taking the heat of the enemy’s attack but using his shield to keep others out of harm’s way. Every team needs a leader, and how better to follow into battle than Steve Rogers?
Iron Man
Iron Man might be the ultimate VR superhero; all he has to do is stretch out a palm and he can shoot out bursts of laser beams or soar off into the sky. Tony Stark’s futuristic UI is also perfect for a VR headset. Pulling the Rift over our eyes would basically just be like putting shell head’s helmet on.
Dr. Strange
The newest member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe also has a high potential for some incredible VR gameplay. Strange is able to summon portals for easy teleportation and use mystical realms to gain the upper hand on any opponent. Even if we don’t get to play as him, a trip through the Astral Plane is an absolute must during the game’s campaign.
If VR is all about scale, then who better to play as than Ant-Man? Scott Lang is the perfect candidate for stealth missions in which you sneak into enemy bases for an ambush, or climbing into armor and machinery to dismantle it. It might be too much of an ask, but can we get some Giant-Man in there too? I want to step on people.
We’ve already seen that superheroes and virtual reality (VR) can work together well with theSpider-Man: Homecoming VRexperience. Marvel are now taking that idea a step further with the first full VR videogame from Marvel – Marvel Powers United VR.
Marvel have announced that the upcoming title will feature co-operative multiplayer that allows up to four players to take control of their favourite Marvel heroes to fight supervillains, complete assigned missions and compete for a high score.
Marvel Powers United VR will be coming to Oculus Rift. Though a precise release date is yet to be confirmed, it is scheduled to be released some time in 2018. A demo of the title will be available for attendees at San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) to play, by visiting the Marvel booth at the event, which will be held between 19th-23rd July at the San Diego Convention Centre.
Three characters have already been confirmed. The Hulk will have a seismic punch and thunder clap ability to take out supervillains. Rocket Raccoon will have his trademark blasters and a scatter rifle, while Captain Marvel will have the power of flight, alongside photon beams and super strength.
A range of comfort and locomotion options will be available, so players can choose the options that best fit them. There are plans for more than a dozen characters from the Marvel comics and films to be available to select. Further information can be found at the official Marvel Powers United VR website.
The announcement trailer is available to view below.
VRFocus will bring you further information on Marvel Powers United VR as it becomes available.