Marvel Powers United VR: Neues Rift-Bundle; Spider-Man, Wolverine und viele mehr angekündigt

Auch letzteWoche wurden wieder zahlreiche neue Inhalte für den kommenden Exklusivtitel Marvel Powers United VR für Oculus Rift angekündigt. Dieses Mal wurden die bekanntesten Starhelden Spider-Man, Wolverine, Captain America und Doctor Strange sowie die Antagonisten Thanos, Madame Hydra und Scientist Supreme veröffentlicht. Auch die beiden Mutanten Iceman und Storm werden auswählbar sein. Als neue Map steht der Mittelpunkt zahlreicher Marvel-Schauplätze New York zur Auswahl. Zudem verkündete Oculus auf der Comic-Con in San Diego, dass ein neues Rift-Bundle mit dem kommenden VR-Titel käuflich zu erwerben sein wird.

Marvel Powers United VR für Oculus Rift – Spider-Man, Wolverine, Thanos, Madame Hydra, Scientist Supreme und Map New York

Die jetzt angepriesenen Spielinhalte für Marvel Powers United VR von Sanzuru Games bringen erneut Helden, Schurken und eine weitere Karte mit sich.

Lange erwartet und nun endlich da: Der Netzschwinger Spider-Man reiht sich in die Superhelden-Riege ein und lässt eure Feinde mit klebrigen Netzgeschossen unbeweglich zurück. Zudem ist der Mutant Wolverine spielbar um die Kontrahenten mit seinen gefährlichen Adamantium-Klingen zu zersäbeln. Weitere mutierte Kämpfer von X-Men sind Iceman und Storm, die ihre elementaren Fertigkeiten im Kampf gegen das Böse anwenden werden.

Der menschgewordene amerikanische Traum Captain America kann mit seinem Schild die Feinde im Nah- und Fernkampf bearbeiten, um Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit zu verbreiten. Doctor Strange setzt stattdessen auf seine übernatürlichen magischen Fähigkeiten sowie auf seine brillante Intelligenz.

Als Gegenspieler zu den insgesamt 18 Überkämpfern wurden die drei Bösewichte Thanos, Madame Hydra und Scientist Supreme bekannt gegeben. Der Zerstörer der Menschheit Thanos spielte erst kürzlich in Avengers: Infinity War (2018) eine wichtige Rolle und soll den Spieler/innen in der VR ordentlich das Fürchten lehren.


Die Map New York dient im Marvel-Universum als Heimat für Helden sowie kritische Ereignisse und bietet damit einen populären Schauplatz für die kommenden Gefechte.


Marvel Powers United VR für Oculus Rift erscheint am 26. Juli. Die Vorbestellungen sind für 39,99 Euro im Oculus Store eröffnet.

Oculus veröffentlicht neues Rift-Bundle mit dem Superhelden-Titel

Neben den neuen Inhalten präsentierte Oculus auf der Comic-Con in San Diego ein neues Rift-Bundle mitsamt Marvel Powers United VR.


Das neue Paket beinhaltet eine Oculus Rift, zwei Sensoren, die Oculus-Touch-Controller sowie den neuen VR-Titel. Preislich soll das Bundle für ca. 450 Euro zu erwerben sein.

(Quellen: Oculus | Upload VR: 1 | 2 | Video: Oculus Youtube)

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Rocket Raccoon Brings The Explosions In New Marvel Powers United VR Gameplay

If you are a fan of the Marvel superheroes and virtual reality (VR) then you have most likely heard of Marvel Powers United VR. This title allows users to live out their fantasy of being a superhero by stepping into the virtual shoes of a number of characters and teaming up with friends to save the world and galaxy. If the character of your choice is Rocket Raccoon then you will enjoy some new gameplay footage featuring everyone’s fuzzy friend.

The genetically modified and cybernetically enhanced alien raccoon-like creature is well known for his part in the Guardian of the Galaxy series of films and comics. He has a love for everything shiny and explosive, being a mercenary turned hero who is a master tactician and weapons marksman. With a versatile assortment of weaponry and gadgets for any occasion, players will be able to take full advantage of blasters, a jetpack, and even sticky bombs to overcome any challenge. Rocket might be a pint-sized character but he is a powerful and an invaluable asset to the team.

In the new gameplay footage captured by VRFocus’ Nina Salomon, viewers can see just how powerful and mobile Rocket. In the gameplay the team are needing to defend an objective as waves of enemies keep coming in from all directions. Thankfully Rocket is able to quickly move around the stage making use of his agile size and jetpack which allows for tactical positioning in combat. His powerful blasters and grenades prove to be highly useful in the gameplay footage as he leverages those hard-hitting attacks to rip through enemies.

Of course Rocket is not the only character players will be able to take control of within Marvel Powers United VR. Other superheroes within the title include Hulk, Deadpool, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Crystal, Thor, Black Bolt, Hawkeye, Star-Lord, Gamora, Captain America, Doctor Strange, Wolverine, and many more. There are even some villains in the line up such as Ultron, Magneto, Loki and even Thanos part of the character lineup.

Marvel Powers United VR is set to launch next week on Thursday 26th July, 2018 and there is even an Oculus Rift retail bundle that included the title. For more on the title in the future keep reading VRFocus and check out the Rocket Raccoon gameplay below.

Spider-Man Won’t Swing In Marvel VR, Oculus Explains Why

Spider-Man Won’t Swing In Marvel VR, Oculus Explains Why

Yesterday we finally got the news we’d been waiting for; Spider-Man will indeed be a playable character in Marvel: Powers United VR when it launches on Oculus Rift next week (along with several other fan-favorite characters like Wolverine). But those of you that watched the game’s launch trailer may have noticed some of Peter Parker’s most iconic features were strangely absent.

Namely, Spidey doesn’t web-swing or wall-crawl in the footage (as seen below). Instead, we see the web-head running on the ground like other heroes, and zipping up to higher spots using a web-line. So, can you actually web-swing in the game?

Sadly not, but developer Sanzaru Games did test it out, and there’s a good reason why it’s missing.

Taking to Reddit this week, an Oculus Studio PR member explained that web-zipping would be Spidey’s “main for of locomotion in the game. “We iterated on web swinging and wall-climbing,” they explained, “but faced a ton of challenges: how do you swing a player directly at a wall, and then flip them to face the action without making them uncomfortable? How do you determine where in the game Spidey can wall-cling, when some levels don’t even have walls (Dark Dimension)?”

Indeed, Sanzaru isn’t even the first developer to encounter these issues. Last year’s free tie-in to Spider-Man: Homecoming also avoided any kind of wall-crawling and one lone swing right at the end of the experience heavily shrunk your field of view.

“We also realized that for levels to be big enough for Spider-Man, they would be too big and frustrating to traverse for everyone else,” the spokesperson continued. “And if you grab a wall with one hand, you’re 50% as effective as everyone else using two hands to fight…it sounds good on paper, but it puts Spider-Man at a disadvantage in practice. He can, however, zip farther across the map than any other Super Hero and there are special perch-points for non-flying characters.”

It’s definitely a shame that we won’t be able to experience the full extent of Spidey’s powers, but we’re still happy he’s in the game. Marvel: Powers United VR hits Oculus Rift on July 26th.

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Become A Super Hero With Marvel Powers United VR Retail Bundle

In just a week, Oculus Rift users will be able to find out what it means to be a superhero with the release of Marvel Powers United VR. As the release date draws close, Sanzaru Games, Marvel Games and Oculus Studios announce a new launch trailer and special retail bundle.

The new trailer takes a closer look at four of the heroes who have been previously announced heroes, Captain America, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man and Wolverine. In the trailer, fans will be able to see how the gameplay will work with each of the showcased characters.

MARVEL Powers United VR Group

The trailer also shows off some new characters who had not been previously revealed. This includes Bobby Drake – also known as Iceman, and Ororo Munroe, known as Storm.

Bobby Drake took the name of Iceman after developing abilities that let him sheath himself in protective armour of ice, and manipulate the moisture in the air to control tit, to the point of using it to shrift across the sky on sheets of ice, or fling ice bolts at enemies.

Storm had a troubled childhood and early life, overcoming many hardships to come into her own and develop into one of the most powerful heroes of the Marvel Universe. Storm can manipulate the elemental forces of the weather to whip up deadly thunderstorms or sweep foes aside with massive tornadoes.

For those who wants to play Marvel Powers United VR but haven’t yet picked up an Oculus Rift, a special retail bundle is being made available. The package combines Marvel Powers United VR along with a special edition Oculus Rift and Oculus Touch bundle.

He special edition bundle will be available from the Marvel Powers United VR official site, along with certain participating retailers. Pre-orders will begin being accepted from 20th July, 2018. The bundle will be available from the following:

  • Belgium: Coolblue
  • France: Amazon, Fnac, LDLC
  • Germany: Alternate, Amazon, Caseking, Conrad, MediaMarkt, NBB, Saturn, Otto
  • Netherlands: Coolblue
  • North America: Amazon, Amazon Canada, Best Buy, Best Buy Canada, Newegg
  • United Kingdom: Argos, Amazon, Currys PC World, John Lewis, Overclockers UK, Scan

For future coverage of Marvel Powers United VR, keep checking back with VRFocus.

New Oculus Rift Bundle Featuring Marvel: Powers United VR Revealed

New Oculus Rift Bundle Featuring Marvel: Powers United VR Revealed

Clearly, Oculus is hoping that its upcoming superhero action game, Marvel: Powers United VR, will be big enough to sell a few Rifts. To that end, it’s introducing a new bundle for anyone that hasn’t picked the VR headset up yet.

The Marvel: Powers United VR bundle, revealed at San Diego Comic-Con today, comes with the Rift, a pair of Touch controllers that are required to play the game, and a copy of the experience. We’re particularly fond of the box art, which features just-announced characters like Captain America, Wolverine and Spider-Man as well as already-confirmed heroes like The Hulk, Black Panther and Captain Marvel. We took the above photo of it at an event this week.

While we call this a bundle, it’s more just a case that everyone that buys a Rift from next week could get Marvel for free; the pack costs the same price as the normal Rift package at $399.99.

In the game, you team up with up to four friends and visit a range of locations across the Marvel universe, including Wakanda, Asgard and New York. Each level has a series of objectives you have to complete while fending off swarms of enemies. Classic Marvel villains like Venom, Ultron and Loki will try and put a stop to you before you’re given a shot at taking down Avengers: Infinity War villain, Thanos himself.

The game’s set to launch on July 26th for $39.99. We’ll have a full review for you in the coming days.

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Oculus Launches Its First Retail Bundle: Rift + ‘Marvel Powers United VR’

Oculus today launched its new retail bundle which adds Marvel Powers United VR to the usual retail box including the Rift headset and Touch controllers. The front page of the company’s website has been updated to feature the bundle where it will be sold alongside a handful of retailers.

Update (July 31st, 2018): Oculus launched the Marvel Powers United VR Rift bundle. The product adds the game to the usual headset package (including Rift and Touch, and five other games), for the same price point as before. The bundle is available ‘while supplies’ last in select countries and retailers therein:

Original Article (July 19th, 2018): Taking a cue from the console world where it’s fairly common to see retail bundles that are coupled with major game releases, Oculus has announced its first retail bundle that makes the included content as much of the package’s marketing as the hardware itself.

The Oculus Rift Marvel Powers United VR bundle will launch on July 31st, priced at the usual $400, but with a copy of the game included for free. Oculus says that aside from the sleeve, everything inside the box is effectively identical to the Rift + Touch retail package, save for the game code—though it certainly would have been cool to see a special edition headset themed after various heroes. As before, the retail package also includes Lucky’s Tale, Medium, Quill, Dead and Buried, and Robo Recall for free.

Photo by Road to VR

For those with a Rift already, Marvel Powers United VR launches on July 26th [the game is out now, see our review here]—you can watch the newly revealed launch trailer and see the full hero & villain lineup here.

It’s clear that Oculus is putting a lot of its marketing muscle behind Powers United, which is being published under their in-house group, Oculus Studios. The project is likely the largest VR experience featuring a major IP developed to date, and Oculus hopes that the game will prove to be a system seller.

'Marvel Powers United' is One of Oculus Studios' Biggest Content Investments Yet

In the VR world, Sony has led the way in the headset + game bundle space, offering a handful of PSVR bundles for big titles like Skyrim VRDoom VFR, GT Sport, and PlayStation VR Worlds.

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‘Marvel Powers United VR’ Launch Trailer Reveals Total Hero & Villain Line-up, Watch It Here

Oculus and Sanzaru Games today revealed the official launch trailer to Marvel Powers United VR, and it appears we know who the last six hero slots are going to. And the game’s ultimate villain reveal is easily the greatest of them all.

Marvel Powers United VR is an upcoming co-op VR game created by Marvel Games, Sanzaru Games, and Oculus Studios. Featuring co-op missions, you use each superhero’s unique powers in online multiplayer, revisiting some of the familiar Marvel locations made famous in films past.

The game, which is already available for pre-order for $40, is set to launch on Oculus Rift July 26th.

As seen in the launch trailer, the studios today revealed that Spider-Man, Wolverine, Captain America, and Doctor Strange are all coming to the cast of playable heroes, filling out four of the six remaining character slots. If you watch carefully at the end though, you’ll also see that X-Men’s Storm and Iceman are coming to the game too.

The total 18-hero lineup includes: Black Bolt, Black Panther, Black Widow, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Crystal, Deadpool, Doctor Strange, Gamorra, Hawkeye, Iceman, Rocket Raccoon, Spider-Man, Star-lord, Storm, The Hulk, Thor, and Wolverine.

Up until today, there was one spot left in the villain lineup, and with the newest launch trailer, it’s clear Marvel Powers United VR is getting the greatest Marvel villain in recent history: Thanos.

First Look: 'MARVEL Powers United VR' Gameplay & Hands-on

With a total of nine villains, the definitive list includes: Dormammu, Loki, Madame Hydra, Magneto, Ronan the Accuser, Scientist Supreme, Thanos, Ultron, and Venom.

Today Oculus also announced a new Rift retail bundle which will include Marvel Powers United VR for free.

We went hands-on with Powers United back during an Oculus event that was simultaneously timed with Disney’s D23. While you’re waiting for next week’s launch, check it out here in the meantime to learn more about the superhero co-op combat game.

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We’ll be bringing the full review your way at launch day, so check back soon.

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Spider-Man and Wolverine Confirmed In Marvel: Powers United VR Trailer

Spider-Man and Wolverine Confirmed In Marvel: Powers United VR Trailer

Today at San Diego Comic-Con Oculus and Marvel have revealed the final Marvel Powers United VR trailer, which includes six brand new never-before-revealed characters. Fan favorites that felt like glaring omissions until now include Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Captain America, along with Doctor Strange, Storm, and Ice Man rounding out the roster. Those final two aren’t shown in the footage, but you can see their names in the reel of heroes at the end. The trailer also confirms Thanos is the end boss, but we already figured that one out on our own.

These six iconic heroes brings the total cast up to 18. That’s a lot of superheroes. Each of them play differently with their own powers and abilities, in addition to various levels and potential bosses, meaning there’s a whole lot of content on offer here.

In the trailer above the marketing team are preying on our nostalgia a little bit. It opens with kids playing dress-up as Cap, Spidey, Wolverine, and others, only to be disappointed by their costumes not quite living up to expectations. Then it fast-forwards to modern day as each child, not a grown up adult, dons an Oculus Rift to become their favorite hero.

There is a particularly effective scene in which a woman is sliding the Rift down over her face and it slowly transforms into Spider-Man’s mask. Nice touch.

For more on Marvel Powers United VR, you can check out our previous two hands-on impressions (here and here) as well as our information round-up article with everything you need to know. We’ll have a full review and character guides live on the site next week for the game’s launch on July 26th.

Let us know what you think of it so far down in the comments below!

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Thor Brings The Hammer Down In 9 Minutes Of Marvel Powers United VR Gameplay

The last few weeks have seen a flood of news announcements sent VRFocus‘ way regarding Marvel Powers United VR. Strangely – and this is true – sent to us by Iron Man’s artificial intelligence (A.I) and user-interface F.R.I.D.A.Y. Which is actually pretty weird when you think about it. Then again, she does seem to act as your guide in the videogame, and is based on the character of Friday from the comics, who is a A.I. hologram which acts as Tony Stark’s secretary, so in that sense I guess F.R.I.D.A.Y. is behaving in character at least.

MARVEL Powers United VR GroupToday we’re continuing our run of gameplay videos showcasing characters in the title, and today our focus falls on the Asgardian god of thunder himself, Thor. Created by the legendary comicbook trio of Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby, the Odinson first debuted in the Marvel universe in August 1962 as part of anthology title Journey into Mystery #83. While the Thor mantle can and has been passed down through the years, along with possession of the mighty hammer Mjolnir, the one in Marvel Powers United VR is most definitely the Son of Odin.

Thor has a number of different powers he can call upon in Marvel Powers United VR:

  • Hammer Slam: A large ground or air electrical attack that can be unleashed by building up lightning charge then gesturing.
  • Lightning Bolts: The hammer Mjolnir can, naturally enough, also fire lightning bolts. Players can also charge up this attack for a large blast of electrical power.
  • Hover Flight: The ability to hover above enememies in combat or through levels.
  • Lunge: While in flight or on the ground Thor can surge forward and deliver an area of effect (AOE) stun and damage attack.
  • Super Strength: Allows the use of environmental objects other characters might not be able to call upon and also is able to use incredible melee abilities.

Join the VRFocus team below as they do their best to clear the arena of enemies in a hectic battle of both laser fire, lightning bolts… and Deadpool. Expect more news about Marvel Powers United VR very soon, and yet more gameplay tomorrow.

Watch Hulk Have a Smashing Time in Marvel Powers United VR

A little earlier today Sanzaru Games revealed two new locations which players would be able to fight in next week when Marvel Powers United VR arrives. While these are designed as teasing reveals, what you really want to see is gameplay footage and that’s what VRFocus has for you now, featuring everyone’s favourite green skinned character, Hulk (sorry Gamora).

As you’d expect from the muscle bound giant everything he does involves a good old smashing, as VRFocus’ video producer Nina Salomons found out during a recent gameplay session. Playing a round in the Sakaar Arena, most of Hulk’s primary moves are all about getting up close and personal thanks to his Gamma Leap. Of course he is a superhero so he does have a few extra special abilities like the Seismic Pound and the Thunder Clap which is great for splash damage.

Unlike our previous gameplay video for Deadpool, Hulk has a lot less to say whilst he’s slaying bad guys with a couple of dialogue lines and plenty of grunting. In the mission Nina plays she needs to protect a shield generator found at the centre of the arena, before grabbing several power cells. Hulk generally doesn’t seem too flustered by the small enemies around him, and can even pick up several weapons laying around to mix up the combat.

This is all simple enough until Kree zealot Ronan the Accuser and Loki then turn up to ruin the party. As the level bosses, they do have increased health and abilities requiring a team effort to dispatch.


Marvel Powers United VR will launch for Oculus Rift next Thursday, 26th July. Players will also be able to choose heroes including Starlord, Gamora, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Rocket Racoon, Crystal, and Thor. While bad guys who’ll take the form of boss encounters include Magneto, Dormammu, Venom, Ultron, Madame Hydra and Scientist Supreme. For more gameplay videos and updates ahead of launch, keep reading VRFocus.