Marvel Powers United Update Adds Bomb Defuse Mode And More

Marvel Powers United Update Adds Bomb Defuse Mode And More

Yet another new mode and enemy type has been added to Marvel Powers United VR this week.

Developer Sanzaru Games just patched the Nuke Defense mode and Data Runner enemy into the Oculus Rift exclusive. In Nuke Defense players must battle their way over to and then deactivate nukes. But, rather than just pressing a button, Nuke Defense takes a page from Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes. Players need to enter a code displayed on a terminal and then pull a corresponding cable. Get it wrong and things go boom.

The Data Runner, meanwhile, is a tougher enemy type that collects data on the player. You’ll be given a limited time to take them out before they transmit that data back to other evil people.

Elsewhere, Sanzaru has tweaked a few things. The game’s default difficulty is now ‘Beginner Mode’, which will introduce players to the challenge at a more gradual pace. There’s also a heap of character tweaks, all of which and more you can see here.

As always, it’s great to see Marvel Powers United getting more free stuff. Our main issue with the game was its lack of variety and Sanzaru’s definitely been committed to resolving that. All that said, it’s starting to look less and less like that we’ll see any new heroes added to the game as DLC. It’s been over six months since the game launched and we haven’t seen any new characters. That said, Oculus did tell us that Iron Man was a possibility last Septemeber.

We’ll keep our fingers crossed for a surprise as Avengers: Endgame approaches.

Elsewhere, Sanzaru is working on another new game, Asgard’s Wrath. It doesn’t star Thor (at least as far as we know).

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New Marvel Powers United VR Patch Expands Gameplay Further

Sanzaru Games and Oculus Studios’ Marvel Powers United VR didn’t get a warm reception when it arrived during the summer for Oculus Rift, mainly due to the narrow gameplay objectives. Since then the studios have endeavoured to improve this aspect of the videogame alongside additional improvements. October saw Patch 2 arrive with some big additions, while this month has now had Patch 3 drop.

Marvel Powers United VR

Patch 3 isn’t quite as expansive as the previous update but it still adds a new – and all important – objective phase, ‘Planetary Assault’. “A.I.M. Frigates are preparing their weapons array for a planetary strike. Work as a team and activate the powerful S.H.I.E.L.D. cannons teleported in by Lockjaw and take out the frigates before they fire,” the description states.

Players will find Planetary Assault appearing randomly on any map they happen to be playing.

Additionally, other improvements include:

• Improved Boss behaviour of Ultimate timing.

• Character tuning and ad hoc fixes.

• Tuning to Signal Jammer objective.

• UI fixes and improvements incorporating Signal Jammer and Planetary Assault objectives.

• Continued bug fixing and ad hoc improvements

Just as before Sanzaru Games has detailed what will be coming in the fourth patch, which adds another objective phase and enemy characters.


• A new objective phase added to the mix and can appear on any map.

• Work together to locate and deactivate deployed A.I.M. Nukes. Each device must be carefully deactivated by using the displayed sequenced array. One false move and BOOM – your team fails the mission! There may be multiple devices active at one time so move quickly.


• A new enemy type that collects battle data for A.I.M. and the Masters of Evil. Track down and eliminate this unit before they transmit vital intel to the Super Villains. Eliminating the unit will grant the team a beneficial (but temporary) buff and reward players with bonus points to help capture that top score!


• Ongoing bug fixing and ad hoc improvements.

• Continued Boss and enemy tuning.

• Continued wave and enemy configurations.

• Continued improvements to VOIP and matchmaking functionality.

There’s no date for the rollout of Patch 4 but the studio may continue with this regular monthly release, so sometime in December is expected. When details arrive VRFocus will let you know.

Marvel: Powers United VR Continues To Add Much-Needed Variety

Marvel: Powers United VR Continues To Add Much-Needed Variety

One of our biggest complaints about Oculus Studios’ Marvel: Powers United VR is that it didn’t have much in the way of variety. Outside of a few unique heroes, you’d seen pretty much everything the game had to offer within the first few matches. But developer Sanzaru Games is slowly but surely changing that.

This week sees the launch of the game’s third major patch, which adds another new objective phase into the arena-based battler. The phase, named Planetary Assault, has you fighting through enemies to activate cannons that will take out enemy frigates. It’s a random phase that can trigger on any map, and is complemented by tweaks to boss battles, character tuning, UI fixes and more.

But Sanzaru isn’t stopping there. In the next patch the developer will introduce yet another new phase, Nuke Defense, in which you’ll have to scan the map for nuclear bombs and deactivate them as a team. If they go off, the team fails the mission. On top of that, Patch 4 will introduce the Data Runner enemy type, which will hide in spots on the map and transmit data to the Masters of Evil. Taking them out rewards you with a temporary buff and extra points.

It’s great to see Sanzaru addressing Powers United’s core issues like this, though we still have two big questions on our minds: when are new heroes coming (including Iron Man) and is the game going to launch on Oculus Quest? Hopefully we’ll have these answers soon.

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Marvel: Powers United VR Adds More Variety With Latest Update

Marvel: Powers United VR Adds More Variety With Latest Update

One of our biggest complaints about Oculus Studios’ Marvel: Powers United VR when it launched earlier this year was the lack of variety. Once you’d played through one of its 20-minute arena matches, you’d pretty much seen everything the game has to offer. The latest patch from developer Sanzaru Games, though, aims to combat this.

The game’s second patch went live late last week and introduces some major new elements. For starters, there’s a brand new objective type that mixes matches up a little. During a match, you might suddenly discover new signal jammers that will stop players from performing vital tasks like reviving allies, picking up power cells or even using Ultimate powers. You’ll then have to set about destroying the jammers — whilst also fending off other enemies and bosses — to restore your skills. The objective will be randomly triggered during a match.

That’s not all that’s new, though. Patch 2 also introduces new enemy types including a flying unit named the A.I.M. Seeker that will smash into objectives, causing them damage, and a stationary turret that will target both players and their objectives. There’s also a few tweaks like reworked enemy spawn waves and the ability to use Beginner Mode in multiplayer for no-fail matches. Sanzaru also promises that there have been plenty of bug fixes made here.

Finally, Sanzaru teased what’s to come in the game’s third patch. Most importantly, there’s another new objective named Planetary Assault in which players will have to activate cannons to destroy incoming frigates. No word yet on when this patch will arrive.

It’s great to see Powers United getting some of these essential tweaks, though we’ve also long been hoping to see new playable characters like Iron Man added to the game. Back at Oculus Connect 5 in September, the company told us that that’s still very possible.

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Marvel Powers United VR Update Adds New Objective, Enemies and Finesse

If there was one virtual reality (VR) videogame this year that fell flat after all of its hype then Marvel Powers United VR would have to be the main contender. Since its summer launch Sanzaru Games and Oculus Studios have released updates to address player complaints and this week has seen a second large patch released to add further improvements.

Marvel Powers United VR

Detailed on Sanzaru Games’ Discord server, this new patch adds a new objective called the A.I.M. Signal Jammer for players to deal with alongside two new enemy types, the A.I.M. Seeker and A.I.M. Turret. The former is a new flying enemy unit while the latter is a stationary assault turret.

In addition to these the studio’s have included further polish to the overall experience and ironed out a lot of bugs.

The changelog also details what to expect in the third patch, with the main inclusion being a new objective phase called Planetary Assault.

Marvel Powers United VR

Check out the full list of notes below, and head over to VRFocus’ review of Marvel Powers United VR to see what we thought of the much anticipated title. For any further updates keep reading VRFocus.

Marvel Powers United VR Patch 2 notes:
A.I.M. Signal Jammer
– Random objective that occurs during the Shield Generator phase.
– A.I.M. Signal Jammers deploy blocking players from using Ultimates, reviving other players, or picking up power cells.
– Usually occurs during boss spawn event.
– Players will receive text and VO notification that Signal Jammers are active and are blocking abilities.
– When trying to use a blocked ability like an Ultimate, players will receive a notification the ability is jammed.
– Players will have a tracker prompt on their HUD showing how many Signal Jammers are active. They will need to destroy all of them to recover their abilities.
– Once all Signal Jammers are destroyed, Ultimates/Revives and power cells are once again accessible and progress should continue for the rest of the match.
– If all players are downed with Signal Jammers active this is a fail condition and results in the loss of the match.
A.I.M. Seeker
– The A.I.M. Seeker is a new flying enemy unit type. It will target a player objective like the S.H.I.E.L.D. Relay Towers or S.H.I.E.L.D. Generator and then launch itself at it, detonating on impact.
– A.I.M. Seekers have a higher HP value than the A.I.M. Hunter so it will take a few hits to destroy.
A.I.M. Turret
– The A.I.M. Turret is a stationary assault turret that targets players and player objectives. It teleports in and automatically begins firing on players when they are detected or objectives like the relay towers or generator.
– The A.I.M. Turret has a higher HP value than an A.I.M. Hunter so it will take a few hits to destroy.
– Beginner mode is accessible in multiplayer. This can be set by the host. Beginner mode = no fail state on losing relays / player and objective health buffs.
– Kick player options are accessible to the host. This can be accessed by the host.
– Secondary objectives are worth more points.
– Reworked single player and matchmaking shortcut descriptions in Alpha Flight station to be more accurate.
– Boss ultimate range is dynamic.
– Reworked enemy spawn waves for greater variety.
– The amount of relays needed to advance to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Generator is now randomized.
– The amount of power cells needed to activate the S.H.I.E.L.D. Generator is now randomized.
– Various tuning adjustments.
MARVEL Powers United Patch 3 Preview: 
NEW OBJECTIVE PHASE – Planetary Assault 
– A new randomly triggered objective.
– Work together as a team and activate the S.H.I.E.L.D. cannons to destroy encircling A.I.M. Frigates before they unleash a planetary strike.
– Ongoing tuning to bosses and heroes.
– Ongoing bug fixes.
– Continued wave iterations to add more variety in enemy setups.
– Improved VOIP function and sound quality.

OC5: Oculus On Iron Man In Marvel VR: ‘The Door Is Not Closed’

OC5: Oculus On Iron Man In Marvel VR: ‘The Door Is Not Closed’

Marvel: Powers United VR‘s roster of playable heroes ended up being a pretty decent selection of spandex-wearing super people. But well all know there was one major omission from the Oculus Rift exclusive – Iron Man.

At Oculus Connect 5 this week Steve Arnold, Head of Oculus Studios, talked to us about why Tony Stark didn’t make it into this summer’s release, and if we’ll see him added in later down the line.

“Everyone wants to play as Iron Man,” Arnold said. “Whenever you deal with Marvel there’s always a give and take on which characters you’re going to get. They’ve been a fantastic partner so far, but there is no Iron Man presence today as you know, but I do hope to see him at some point in the future. The door is not closed. We do think a representation of Iron Man in VR would be just amazing. It’s almost the perfect character for it.”

We agree with Arnold; Iron Man would be the perfect character to include as DLC (which developer Sanzaru Games says is coming for free). Marvel already has flying characters included, and using Touch controllers to wield Stark’s repulsor blasts and using head-tracking to lock on missiles could feel incredibly intuitive. In fact, the idea is so promising that Twisted Metal developer David Jaffe had been prototyping Iron Man’s very own VR game, though it sadly never came to fruition.

Plus, Marvel could definitely use some more unique characters, as the lack of variation between some heroes was one of our biggest complaints about the game.

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Marvel Powers United VR Update Will Add New Objectives And Enemies

Marvel Powers United VR Update Will Add New Objectives And Enemies

On the official Sanzaru Discord channel yesterday, the Marvel Powers United VR developer detailed a forthcoming second update that will target larger gameplay enhancements and improvements, such as new objectives and enemies on missions to add variety.

Previously, the first patch mostly focused on an assortment of bug fixes and minor tweaks and was available within weeks of the game’s launch. In our review we noted an assortment of issues with the game, some of which may be fixed in the upcoming second patch.

The second update is slated for October and the full notes are as follows:

Upcoming Patch 2 – October TBD

Gameplay: Ongoing tuning.
Gameplay: New system for supporting random primary objectives.
Gameplay: New objective type – this can appear on any map.
– A new objective type appears in a random location. While it is active:
> Lockjaw can’t summon power cells.
> Heroes can’t earn or use their ultimate abilities.
> Heroes can’t be revived.
Gameplay: Up to 2 bosses during shield generator phase.
Gameplay: New enemy type that rushes players and objectives and explodes for massive damage.
Gameplay: New enemy turret type that spawns randomly and targets players/objectives.
Gameplay: New spawners & setups for new objectives & AI classes.
Gameplay: Expanding the range of boss ultimates with each occurrence.
Gameplay: Display points for secondary objective targets.
Usability: Speed up opening loot crates.
Usability: Need visible timer after players confirm match.
Improvement: On the comic cover, mirror player inputs to hero counterparts.
Improvement: On the comic cover, add single player position.
Bug: Hulk pouncing an A.I.M. Hunter & performing a grab & throw immediately drops/snaps the player to the ground with no fades.
Bug: In Prologue, player should be able to grab Captain Marvel’s hand with shield in opposite hand.

Random primary objectives, a new objective type, new enemies, and more boss variety all sound like great additions. In the Discord message Sanzaru also indicated that they are “working on additional content that we can’t announce at this time” due to a “longer-term schedule than patch 2” so hopefully we find out more about those changes soon.

Previously, the developer also confirmed that all future DLC will be free, including new characters.

Don’t forget to check out full guide of how to play every single hero in Marvel Powers United VR right here. Let us know what you think of these upcoming changes down in the comments below!

h/t: RoadtoVR

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Marvel Powers United VR Update Brings in Fixes and Tweaks

The run up to the release of Marvel Powers United VR was a festival of hype, with seemingly not a day passing without word from Sanzaru Games and Oculus Studios to advertise some new feature of the title. The patch notes for the first big patch have now been released, showing what players can expect.

Though Marvel Powers United VR was a big launch, and sported the much-sought-after Marvel license, reception was somewhat lukewarm, with several critics noting its lack of challenge and repetitive gameplay.

According to the freshly created Sanzaru Games Discord server, a whole host of changes, tweaks and bug fixes will be included in the update, some of which might go some way towards fixing some of the issues reported by players and critics.

In addition to the list of changes, Sanzaru Games have confirmed that it is committed to delivering regular content updated for the title, and the studio is promising that ‘bigger improvements’ will be heading to Marvel Powers United VR at a future date.

The full release notes for Marvel Powers United VR are available to view here:

  • Fix proper ramping of difficulty (X relays lost = game over).
  • Shield Generator health tuning for challenge.
  • Re-balance health and damage on heroes for challenge.
  • Fix map select visual pop.
  • Improve messaging for entering single player.
  • Improve messaging for muting players.
  • Improve messaging for inviting friends.
  • Improve messaging for minority auto ready. Add timer.
  • Support for private matches.
  • Cut map roulette selection duration in half.
  • Remove map select timer for single player.
  • Let players move from the start of match. No more standing stuck in place waiting for Scientist Supreme to talk.
  • Rocket soldiers should respond immediately & shoot. No more clumsy searching.
  • Remove all chatter & other unnecessary soldier anims. They should always be moving to position or shooting.
  • Remove all hero grenade timeouts.
  • Lineup ultimate decal messaging to fit hazard volume exactly. There’s a small gap.
  • Improve rocket soldier object vision/awareness. Many instances shooting objects in pathway of target (Asgard columns & Dark Dimension rock columns).
  • Thor & Doctor Strange capes on occasion still obscure player vision.
  • Fix Wolverine leap effects staying persistent in Alpha Flight Station from 3P.
  • Make charging Captain America’s shield consistent. It’s always broken for first throw.
  • Squeezing trigger on Captain America’s returning charged shield offsets the charge effect.
  • Rockets impacting targets from a distance don’t explode & hover in place. Quickly enter a relay area from a distance. Observe floating rockets around the relay.
  • Fix bug at the beginning of Prologue with Captain America’s shield hovering behind the player. Just suspended there in the air. Grabbing the shield removes the issue.
  • Fix bug with grabbing two throwables in Alpha Flight Station & colliding them together, momentarily suspending them.
  • Fix bug with the underside of Venom effects on catwalks & bridges. You can see his body pop in. Should behave like the Thanos hand effects.
  • Fix bug with the crate button callout. Doesn’t display correctly when feeding Lockjaw.
  • Fix bug with the end of match white results screen.
  • Fix bug between gameplay & results where there will often be a momentary flash w/ a black cube.
  • Fix bug upon returning to Alpha Flight Station as a team. Sometimes portraits won’t display on the team status UI.

Marvel Powers United VR

You can also check out the VRFocus review of Marvel Powers United VR, and keep an eye on VRFocus for future updates on other new and upcoming VR titles.

Marvel Powers United VR Update Brings in Fixes and Tweaks

The run up to the release of Marvel Powers United VR was a festival of hype, with seemingly not a day passing without word from Sanzaru Games and Oculus Studios to advertise some new feature of the title. The patch notes for the first big patch have now been released, showing what players can expect.

Though Marvel Powers United VR was a big launch, and sported the much-sought-after Marvel license, reception was somewhat lukewarm, with several critics noting its lack of challenge and repetitive gameplay.

According to the freshly created Sanzaru Games Discord server, a whole host of changes, tweaks and bug fixes will be included in the update, some of which might go some way towards fixing some of the issues reported by players and critics.

In addition to the list of changes, Sanzaru Games have confirmed that it is committed to delivering regular content updated for the title, and the studio is promising that ‘bigger improvements’ will be heading to Marvel Powers United VR at a future date.

The full release notes for Marvel Powers United VR are available to view here:

  • Fix proper ramping of difficulty (X relays lost = game over).
  • Shield Generator health tuning for challenge.
  • Re-balance health and damage on heroes for challenge.
  • Fix map select visual pop.
  • Improve messaging for entering single player.
  • Improve messaging for muting players.
  • Improve messaging for inviting friends.
  • Improve messaging for minority auto ready. Add timer.
  • Support for private matches.
  • Cut map roulette selection duration in half.
  • Remove map select timer for single player.
  • Let players move from the start of match. No more standing stuck in place waiting for Scientist Supreme to talk.
  • Rocket soldiers should respond immediately & shoot. No more clumsy searching.
  • Remove all chatter & other unnecessary soldier anims. They should always be moving to position or shooting.
  • Remove all hero grenade timeouts.
  • Lineup ultimate decal messaging to fit hazard volume exactly. There’s a small gap.
  • Improve rocket soldier object vision/awareness. Many instances shooting objects in pathway of target (Asgard columns & Dark Dimension rock columns).
  • Thor & Doctor Strange capes on occasion still obscure player vision.
  • Fix Wolverine leap effects staying persistent in Alpha Flight Station from 3P.
  • Make charging Captain America’s shield consistent. It’s always broken for first throw.
  • Squeezing trigger on Captain America’s returning charged shield offsets the charge effect.
  • Rockets impacting targets from a distance don’t explode & hover in place. Quickly enter a relay area from a distance. Observe floating rockets around the relay.
  • Fix bug at the beginning of Prologue with Captain America’s shield hovering behind the player. Just suspended there in the air. Grabbing the shield removes the issue.
  • Fix bug with grabbing two throwables in Alpha Flight Station & colliding them together, momentarily suspending them.
  • Fix bug with the underside of Venom effects on catwalks & bridges. You can see his body pop in. Should behave like the Thanos hand effects.
  • Fix bug with the crate button callout. Doesn’t display correctly when feeding Lockjaw.
  • Fix bug with the end of match white results screen.
  • Fix bug between gameplay & results where there will often be a momentary flash w/ a black cube.
  • Fix bug upon returning to Alpha Flight Station as a team. Sometimes portraits won’t display on the team status UI.

Marvel Powers United VR

You can also check out the VRFocus review of Marvel Powers United VR, and keep an eye on VRFocus for future updates on other new and upcoming VR titles.

[Update]: Marvel Powers United VR: Zweites Update bringt zahlreiche neue Gameplay-Elemente


Das zweite große Update von Marvel Powers United VR ist ab sofort verfügbar und integriert neue Gameplay-Elemente in das Spiel. Dazu zählen neue Gegnertypen, weitere Objekte, Spieloptimierungen und zahlreiche Bug Fixes.

Die gesamten Patch Notes sind hier nachlesbar.

Zudem stellen die Devs auf ihrem Discord-Server ein Preview zum kommenden dritten Update bereit.

[Originalartikel vom 8. August 2018]:

Die Entwickler/innen von Marvel Powers United VR kündigten ihren ersten großen Patch für das VR-Superheldenspiel an. Das Update soll innerhalb der kommenden Wochen erscheinen und einige Anpassungen in den Titel integrieren. Dazu zählen diverse Balanceänderungen, die Einführung von privaten Matches und Fehlerbehebungen.

Marvel Powers United VR – Erstes Update angekündigt

Entwicklerstudio Sanzaru Games veröffentlichte die Patch Notes des ersten großen Updates, welches in wenigen Wochen aufgespielt werden soll. Mit den kommenden Änderungen sorgen die Devs hauptsächlich für Balanceänderungen, um ein ausgewogenes Gameplay zu ermöglichen. Entsprechend soll der Schwierigkeitsgrad leicht anziehen, indem unter anderem die Lebens- und Schadenswerte diverser Helden sowie die Schildgeneratoren angepasst werden. Auch Captain America wird mitsamt seinen Fähigkeiten für ein ausgewogeneres Spielerlebnis angepasst.

Zudem gibt es weitere Optimierungen. So müssen die Spieler/innen zu Beginn einer Runde nicht mehr stillstehen, sondern dürfen sich frei bewegen. Mit der Einführung von Custom Matches kann man nun direkt mit seinen Freunden in die Runden starten und ist nicht mehr dazu gezwungen, mit Fremden zu spielen. Neben den Änderungen sind hauptsächlich Bug Fixes Teil des Updates.

Die gesamten Patch Notes findet ihr hier.

Damit bringen die Verantwortlichen zwar einige neue Aspekte ein, adressieren allerdings noch nicht das Problem der repetitiven Missionen und der dadurch fehlenden Abwechslung. Ebenso bleiben die Fähigkeiten der Charaktere eintönig und dadurch wenig voneinander unterscheidbar. Allerdings könnten diese Kritikpunkte in nachfolgenden Updates bzw. dem kommenden DLC angegangen werden, wie die Devs im neu vorgestellten Discord-Server verkünden:

“Wir arbeiten weiterhin an größeren Verbesserungen für das Spiel und werden diese mit euch teilen, sobald es uns möglich ist. Uns erreicht sämtliches Feedback, auch wenn wir nicht auf jeden Post antworten können.”

Wir haben Marvel Powers United VR nach Release für euch getestet. Was euch innerhalb des VR-Superheldentitels erwartet, könnt ihr hier nachlesen.

(Quellen: Reddit | Road to VR)

Der Beitrag [Update]: Marvel Powers United VR: Zweites Update bringt zahlreiche neue Gameplay-Elemente zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!