Onward On Oculus Quest Launch Day Livestream: PvP And Co-Op VR Shooter!

For today’s livestream we’re playing realistic military sim VR shooter, Onward on Oculus Quest! If you’re curious about how we livestream the way we do then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup.

Onward aims to be the ultimate VR FPS for those after an authentic-style military simulation. The PC version excels in this regard and even though the Quest version is downgraded, it’s still a blast. It also features cross-play with PC for all game modes!

Our Onward on Oculus Quest VR livestream is planned to start at about 10:30 AM PT and will last for around an hour or two, give or take, depending partially on how well-behaved my small toddler child will be while left alone. We’ll be hitting just our YouTube and I’ll be streaming from my Oculus Quest, which will be using a Chromecast Ultra wireless cast signal, plugged into a Capture Card, to get the footage to my PC while Jamie and Zeena join in via webcam to hang out and help out with chat.

You can watch the stream embedded via YouTube right here. Set a reminder if you’re reading this early!

You can see lots of our past archived streams over in our YouTube playlist or even all livestreams here on UploadVR and various other gameplay highlights. There’s lots of good stuff there so make sure and subscribe to us on YouTube to stay up-to-date on gameplay videos, video reviews, live talk shows, interviews, and more original content!

And please let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next! We have lots of VR games in the queue that we would love to show off more completely.

The post Onward On Oculus Quest Launch Day Livestream: PvP And Co-Op VR Shooter! appeared first on UploadVR.

Watch UploadVR Play Firewall Zero Hour Tonight Live With Devs And Kinda Funny!

For today’s livestream we’re playing the hardcore tactical first-person shooter, Firewall Zero Hour, with the developers from First Contact Entertainment and our friends over at Kinda Funny! If you’re curious about how we livestream the way we do then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup.

Firewall Zero Hour is one of the only VR games that has sustained a large chunk of its popularity over a year after its initial release. It’s a hardcore tactical squad-based FPS that pits two teams of four against one another in a battle to either capture or defend an important laptop. We reviewed the game highly at release and have continued to cover its ongoing updates ever since.

The stream is planned to start at about 6:00PM PT and will last for about an hour or so. We’ll be hitting just our YouTube and we’ll actually be joined by the developers themselves as well as our friends over at Kinda Funny, such as Greg Miller. We’ll be playing in live, open lobbies so if you want to come across us meet us on the battlefield, just join up in a public match and maybe we’ll run into you:

Embedded livestream coming soon

You can see lots of our past archived streams over in our YouTube playlist and various other gameplay highlights. There’s lots of good stuff there so make sure and subscribe to us on YouTube to stay up-to-date on gameplay videos, video reviews, interviews, and more original content!

And please let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next! We have lots of VR games in the queue that we would love to show off more completely.

The post Watch UploadVR Play Firewall Zero Hour Tonight Live With Devs And Kinda Funny! appeared first on UploadVR.

Join Us On YouTube LIVE To Discuss The VR/AR Of CES 2020!

It’s been another big year for virtual reality at CES 2020, with lots of announcements and showcases. Join us at 10:30am PST (18:30 UTC) LIVE on YouTube to discuss it all!

This is a special episode of The VR Download, our weekly podcast broadcast from a virtual studio.

Unlike regular video podcasts, The VR Download is broadcast from virtual reality! Our team are together in a virtual space, giving us many of the benefits of a studio even though we live on different continents.

This won’t follow our normal show structure, and we won’t have a guest. You’ll get our opinions, insights, and hopes about everything shown at CES 2020.

Since we’re live, you can give your view by commenting in the YouTube live chat. Our team will be able to see your comments and may even read them out on air.

The post Join Us On YouTube LIVE To Discuss The VR/AR Of CES 2020! appeared first on UploadVR.

Bigscreen Getting Stylish Retro Cinema And Premium 3D Movie Screenings

Today Bigscreen is announcing its latest new theater environment: The Retro Cinema! This stylish destination looks like it will be perfect for binging old favorites with friends. Bigscreen TV is also getting a slew of new Halloween-focused channels and will roll out a slate of “premium 3D movie screenings” later this year.

Movie theater environments  are always popular with the VR community in Bigscreen (as evidenced by past updates like the Modern Cinema) so doing a throwback environment this time around was a no-brainer.


Additionally, Halloween is coming up fast next week so users will be able to check out some brand new Halloween-focused channels to get into the spooky mood. Until after Halloween Bigscreen TV is getting 10 new channels including Fear Factor, Disney Channel, The Addams Family, and more to spotlight terrifying Halloween-themed content.

Plus, all of the new theater environments are building towards an even bigger initiative very soon: premium 3D movie screenings. The ball started rolling on these two years ago when Bigscreen partnered with Paramount for Top Gun, and this December more screenings are planned for all VR headsets across several countries. There aren’t any other details yet, but it sounds exciting — especially if new movies could premiere this way in addition to revisiting classics.

We’ve got a round up of other content you can watch live in VR this week over here, but on the Bigscreen front more stuff is already in the works too. Every Thursday you can tune in for live Thursday Night NFL Football games and then in 2020 Bigscreen will get an internal Friends list that connects across platforms and it’ll be coming to PSVR as well.

The post Bigscreen Getting Stylish Retro Cinema And Premium 3D Movie Screenings appeared first on UploadVR.

NextVR: Neue Partnerschaft mit NHL sorgt für VR-Eishockey-Highlights der Saison 2019

Die Livestreaming-Plattform NextVR musste kürzlich Abstriche ziehen und Mitarbeiter aus den eigenen Reihen entlassen. Der CEO des Unternehmens, David Cole, versprach damals, dass das Angebot an Livestreams und Ausstrahlungen von den Rationalisierungsmaßnahmen zukünftig unbetroffen bleiben solle. Dabei scheint er Wort zu halten, denn es gibt Aufwind für den VR-Livestream-Anbieter. Eine neue Partnerschaft mit der NHL soll zukünftig für VR-Ausstrahlungen der Eishockey-Ligaspiele sorgen. Allerdings mit einer Einschränkung: Zunächst sollen nur Highlights aus den Spielen und keine Komplettübertragungen stattfinden.

NextVR – Neue Partnerschaft mit NHL sorgt für VR-Eishockey-Highlights der Saison 2019

Eine Kooperation zwischen NextVR und der National Hockey League (NHL) ermöglicht Eishockey-Fans das Verfolgen der Spiele-Highlights der kommenden Saison in VR. Entsprechend werden die Spiele zwar nicht gesamt übertragen, dafür gibt es stereoskopische VR-Videos mit den besten und spannendsten Szenen aus der kommenden Saison 2019.

Innerhalb der VR-App findet sich dafür ein eigener Reiter für die NHL-Videos, in welchem bereits Aufnahmen aus dem All-Star-Spiel vom 26. Januar vorzufinden sind. Das knapp 8-minütige Video ist ein Zusammenschnitt aus Toren und Spielzügen in hoher Bildqualität. Zusätzlich gibt es verschiedene Kameraperspektiven, um einen Rundumblick über das Geschehen zu erhalten.

Danny Keens, VP of Content bei NextVR, findet enthusiastische Worte zur neuen Zusammenarbeit:

Es könnte keinen besseren Zeitpunkt geben, um die NHL zu unserem wachsenden Portfolio an Content-Partnerschaften hinzuzufügen. Die VR-Industrie entwickelt sich dynamisch weiter und nun können mehr Sportfans denn je in dieses völlig neue VR-Hockey-Erlebnis eintauchen. Die NHL-Fans sind leidenschaftlich und immer auf der Suche nach mehr Action und Adrenalin. Diese Partnerschaft wird ihnen Empfindungen vermitteln, die bisher nur den Fans in der Arena vorenthalten blieb.”

Auch Chris Golier, Vice President der NHL, meldete sich mit Blick auf die Fans Zuhause zu Wort:

Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach neuen Erfahrungen für unsere leidenschaftlichen Fans und freuen uns, mit NextVR, einem weltweit führenden Anbieter von Virtual-Reality-Content zusammenzuarbeiten. Nicht jeder Fan kann unsere Zeltveranstaltungen persönlich erleben, aber die fesselnden Inhalte von NextVR bringen die Fans der Action auf dem Eis näher als je zuvor und vermitteln ihnen das Gefühl, bei einem Live-NHL-Spiel dabei zu sein.”

Die NextVR-App ist kostenlos auf allen gängigen VR-Plattformen erhältlich.

(Quellen: NextVR | UploadVR)

Der Beitrag NextVR: Neue Partnerschaft mit NHL sorgt für VR-Eishockey-Highlights der Saison 2019 zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Digital Domain stellt neue Lösung für VR-Broadcasting und Publishing vor

Mit dem Wachstum des Augmented und Virtual Reality Markts versuchen viele Unternehmen ihren Platz innerhalb dieses Bereichs, zu finden. Eine Möglichkeit dafür ist die Spezialisierung auf den Bereich der Soft- und Hardware-Entwicklung. Das Unternehmen Digital Domain arbeitet an vielen Projekten und liefert u.a. VR-Inhalte und Spezialeffekte für ihre Kunden. Gleichzeitig sehen sie sich selbst als Pioniere im Bereich des 360-Grad-Livestreamings.

Digital Domain die Vorreiter im VR-Broadcasting

Das Unternehmen lies sich diverse Techniken patentieren, darunter ihre verschiedenen Übertragungssysteme, Produktionswerkzeuge und die neue sphärische Kamera Kronos. Diese besitzt sieben Sensoren und kann bis zu 4K UHD bei 60 fps übertragen. Zudem reicht ein einzelnes Kabel, für Stromanschluss und Datenübertragung, was die Effizienz jedes Aufnahmeteams erhöhen soll. Die Kamera besitzt ebenfalls ein integriertes 360-Grad-Audiosystem und ist dank des Gehäuses komplett wetterresistent. Damit will das Unternehmen der Vorreiter im VR-Broadcasting werden.


360-Grad-Live-Stream im Komplettpaket

Der CEO und ausführende Produzent Admit Chopra sieht in der Übertragung von VR-Erfahrungen ein völlig neues Level der Einbindung des Zuschauers in die jeweiligen Inhalte. Dazu sagt er Folgendes: „Dieser Prozess ist für neue Unternehmen im Markt jedoch sehr herausfordernd. Deshalb stellen wir ein komplettes Paket für VR-Broadcasts zur Verfügung, damit wir unseren Klienten und Partnern den Einstieg erleichtern. Außerdem möchten wir damit zeigen, was mit VR-Inhalten überhaupt möglich ist. Unser neues Set reduziert die Produktionszeit massiv und ist entsprechend in der Lage viel mehr VR-Inhalte für die Kunden zu erstellen.“


Digital Domain arbeitete ein Jahr an ihren neuen Produkten. Dabei wurde das vorgestellte Paket mehrfach getestet und ist nun bereit für sämtliche Bereiche in Betrieb zu gehen. Zusätzlich bietet man seine VR-Produktionskapazitäten an, um z.B. Multi-Kamera-Streams zu ermöglichen. Außerdem sind ihre erstellten VR-Inhalte kompatibel mit allen gängigen VR-Headsets dank des neuen cloudbasierten Übertragungssystems. Dadurch könnten bald wesentlich mehr Unternehmen in der Lage sein in den VR-Markt einzusteigen und ihre Produkte, vorzustellen.

(Quellen: UploadVR | Digital Domain)

Der Beitrag Digital Domain stellt neue Lösung für VR-Broadcasting und Publishing vor zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

ResearchVR Episode 38 – FOVE and Eye-Tracking in VR

ResearchVR Episode 38 – FOVE and Eye-Tracking in VR

This week on ResearchVR you have a chance to catch up with our latest episode, where Az analyzed FOVE in detail with Jim Preston, Director of Strategy and Business Development.

The last few weeks were tough – between our day jobs and preparation of VR@Cebit, we did not have much time for the work needed to deliver you the best quality audio and information for our episodes. But now we are on track, and we have an extensive list of stimulating discussions and deep dives with VR and AR experts.

Jim Preston, the Director of Strategy and Business Development at FOVE, worked for years at EA as a producer, climbing his ranks to the top of the ladder. Now he leads the effort to partner with teams and companies from North America and Europe to create the best quality content for the FOVE.

Episode Preview

The ecosystem of modern virtual reality is developing faster than any other technology before. We are quickly reaching the point when just looking or pointing won’t be enough. We need to continuously provide improvements to the input system so that more can be possible. After all, software cannot do more than the hardware enables.

That is why the combination between eye-tracking and HMDs is one of the most interesting technologies currently available. With FOVE, instead of targeting the best possible hardware level, FOVE took up on the challenge to provide eye-tracking to the wide range of consumers. This is tricky when all the other elements of the HMD stack up the costs.

Learn (listen to or watch) all about the trade-offs and solutions that FOVE implemented in Episode 38 – FOVE and eye-tracking in VR with Jim Preston.

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How VR Can Conquer The Music World in 2017

How VR Can Conquer The Music World in 2017

Of all the verticals people are talking about in virtual reality, music is easily one of the most exciting — and the most frustrating. While there were predictions that VR music videos would dominate in 2016, the industry was generally slow to adopt the technology, and great content was scarce. As 2017 approaches, however, it seems that music is finally catching up, and the next year will see much broader adoption. There are four major areas where VR could change the game in the music world, from the traditional to the more forward-thinking.

Making traditional music videos even better

The eighties and nineties were the golden age of music video, but by the middle of the 2000s, the format was in decline. Where big budgets and lavish premieres were once standard, the shift away from MTV and toward YouTube means that music videos are widely seen as less important, and unless an artist is making a huge artistic statement and has the deep pockets to back it up, they’ll likely be cheap and forgettable affairs. Where iconic videos like “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and “Thriller” were once cultural touchstones, a whole new generation has grown up using video sites to listen to music, but not watch videos.

360 video and virtual reality could change all that, and perhaps usher in a new golden age for music videos. For one, they could provide a reason for people to re-engage with the medium — while 2D music videos have become stale, interactive videos are much more likely to draw viewers in and create excitement. There’s already great data about how people are far more likely to rewatch 360 video than flat video, because each viewing provides the potential for a new experience. In a way it’s almost a complete departure from the MTV model — where they determined what you would watch and when, 360 video on demand allows the viewer to fully customize their own experience.

This doesn’t mean that every music video should be in 360 starting next year. There were some amazing 360 music videos released this year, like Run the Jewels’ “Crown” (embedded at the top of the post).

But for every video like that, there was an example of someone showing up with a GoPro and calling it art. Video concepts have to be immersive, otherwise users will just scroll around and get bored, and that’s not much of a change from the status quo.

Letting everyone see the show from the front row

Live music in VR got off to a bit of a bumpy start in 2016, primarily due to bandwidth problems the left streams feeling glitchy and low-rent. Luckily, there’s a decent chance things will change in 2017, and the predicted live revolution in VR will come to pass.

Watching live music in VR is one of the most obvious use cases, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t interesting and there won’t be creative applications of the technology. Companies like VRtify live-streamed a show with artist Jacob Whitesides and made viewers feel like they were in the center of an intimate log cabin, watching him perform for a handful of his closest friends. Big arena acts could easily record and stream much more intimate performances, and fans could feel like Taylor Swift or Chance the Rapper were addressing them directly, as opposed to seeing them with hordes of other people.

But beyond that, live-streaming in VR is really a revolution of access. It’s easy to forget if you live in a major media market and make a middle-class living that lets you buy concert tickets when your favorite band comes to town, but huge numbers of people lack the ability to see the music they love. Many venues don’t provide great access for people with disabilities, and some people feel unsafe in other venues. Furthermore, there are lots of music fans who live far outside big markets, both in the US and overseas, but still want to participate and feel like part of the scene.

Live concert VR can also serve as a path to monetization, as artists can charge a small fee to watch a show and do it without taking anything from their traditional live music revenues. There’s still nothing like being in the room with your favorite artist, but VR can provide an experience that comes a close second.

Telling stories beyond the songs

Ask anyone who watched “Lemonade,” what they thought of it, and they’ll tell you that the songs were only half the story. The visual album concept exploded in 2016, as an increasing number of musicians decided they wanted to create broader narratives around their work. This trend seems likely to continue, and this is where VR can shine in music.

The oft-repeated line about VR being an empathy machine leads to eye-rolling from some, but for artists who want to invite fans into their experiences, it’s groundbreaking. Political artists have long talked about being at the front lines of protests, but it’s different if a fan can also be there and feel like they’re part of the action. It’s one thing to listen to a verse about being pulled over and fearing for your life; it’s quite another to put on a headset and feel like you’re right there in the front seat. Artists have always sought to share their perspectives and help listeners see stories through the eyes of the characters they created, and now they can use VR to make that even more immersive.

Artists don’t even necessarily need to base the experiences around songs. If an artist is particularly interested in a cause or region of the world, they can create an experience to transport their audience and take them on a virtual tour, or to be part of a situation firsthand. Doing this creates a deeper connection with their fans, and helps foster a new level of understanding.

Activating on the ground

VR has often been criticized for being isolating, but some activations can actually help create a sense of real world community in the virtual space. There have been a handful of virtual discos, and more festivals will likely start experimenting with VR experiences in the next few months. After all, if you’re wandering around Coachella and there are a hundred booths all just giving things away, wouldn’t you be drawn to the one that allows you to experience something more and step into a virtual space, if only for a few minutes?

VR can also be fantastic at live shows — an artist can create a piece to go with a certain track, and at the point in the show, fans can put on headsets and experience their own custom version of a communal event. An artist who goes by EMA created a fantastic piece called “I Wanna Destroy,” where an experience built in the Rift was synched to her music; she sat onstage performing while fans watched other people’s experiences being projected on the wall as they waited to wear the headset. Fans came away having been part of a unique experience and getting to create something of their own within a set of parameters, while also being part of something bigger.

There’s no doubt that VR is going to be huge for music in 2017 — the only question is which artists and labels will make the leap first, and which will get left behind.

Cortney Harding is a consultant working at the intersection of music and VR. She is an adjunct professor at NYU’s Clive Davis Institute and a regular commentator and speaker on music and tech issues. Her latest book, “How We’ll Listen Next: The Future of Music From Streaming to Virtual Reality,” will be released early next year.

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Facebook To Release ‘Live 360’ With Nat Geo This Week, Full Rollout in 2017

Facebook To Release ‘Live 360’ With Nat Geo This Week, Full Rollout in 2017

Today, Facebook is taking the first step towards making its live streaming applications more immersive with the announcement of “Live 360”.

According to a blog post published today by by product manager Supratik Lahiri and software engineer Chetan Gupta, Facebook will be releasing its first ever live, 360 degree video through a partnership with National Geographic. According to the post, “On Tuesday, December 13 at 12pm PT / 3pm ET, we will be launching Live 360 video on Facebook with National Geographic, live from the Mars Desert Research Station facility in Utah.”

The full synopsis of the event is as follows:

“Over the past 80 days, eight space scientists from around the world have lived in pods simulating every aspect of life on Mars, including total isolation from humanity. As part of our global effort around MARS, National Geographic will be live on Facebook in 360 degrees as the scientists emerge from the pods. We will take you behind the scenes to explore the living quarters, see how the scientists suit up in their space suits, and take a rover out for a spin across the Martian landscape. This first Live 360 will also include a Q&A with a line-up of science experts, writers and thinkers, and will take questions from the Facebook audience.”

This is an intriguing event in its own right, but even more interesting is what this will mean for the average Facebook user. Right now, it seems that only certain Pages will be given 360 Live access as the service begins its initial rollout. A mass release for everyday profiles is not slated to begin until next year.

According to the blog post, “Live 360 video will be available to more Pages via the Live API in the coming months, and we look forward to rolling it out more broadly for all Pages and Profiles in 2017.”

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NextVR Partners With NFL For Post-Game Coverage in VR

NextVR Partners With NFL For Post-Game Coverage in VR

Sports broadcasting has a consistent following that has turned the analysts into celebrities nearly on par with the athletes they cover and the different networks even compete with each other to have the absolute best cast of characters on tap for their matchups. Announced via press release, NextVR is about to add a new wrinkle to the equation: they’re is teaming up with the NFL to deliver post-game coverage and highlights in VR from three regular season games.

“Adding the NFL to our growing portfolio of content partnerships further validates our unmatched technology and our ability to deliver an incredible virtual reality experience to sports fans,” said NextVR Executive Chairman Brad Allen. “NFL fans are constantly craving more football and this partnership will meet this demand by delivering an unprecedented virtual reality experience to fans both in the U.S. and around the globe.”

The first bit of content will be available for download following the San Francisco 49ers vs Arizona Cardinals game on November 13th. The broadcast, recorded at the site of the game, will be hosted by professional broadcaster Danyelle Sargent and NFL veteran Ephraim Salaam as they offer expert analysis along with game highlights.

William Deng, director of media strategy and business development for the NFL, weighed in on the partnership by noting it’s a chance for the “NFL to continue experimenting with the capabilities and distribution of VR experiences.” Deng, and likely his colleagues as well, recognize that this move is a solid opportunity to get at the forefront of VR broadcast. “We’re excited to work with NextVR to bring this first-of-its-kind experience to our fans,” he states.

In addition to the highlights after the game on the 13th, users will be able to catch two more post-game experiences following the Chicago Bears at New York Giants game on Nov. 20 and the New York Giants at Cleveland Browns game on Nov. 27. You can view the content by downloading the NextVR app here.

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