Gadget-Bot Talk About Kaidro: The Awakening in These Dev Diaries

If a race of giant aliens that wielded superhuman abilities invaded and orphans you, what do you do? Well, if we’re to believe the story of Kaidro: The Awakening, you don’t get much choice in the matter – it’s off to the military with you to pilot 9 foot mechs. It’s certainly not a worst-case scenario, and using the power of virtual reality (VR), you can pilot mechs too…

Gadget-Bot’s narrative RPG follows the story of Ava, a young girl who is pushed into the military due to circumstances out of her control. The game follows her character arc, as she learns of her place and the world and does her best to bring peace to all – while killing a whole bunch of creatures in a mech, of course.

Kaidro: The Awakening screenshot 6

Now Gadget-Bot have released a couple of Developer Diaries, telling us more about Kaidro: The Awakening, Ava, and the world and story they want to immerse players in. You can view both Developer Diaries below.

We played Kaidro: The Awakening at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2017, remarking; “While still in its early stages Kaidro: The Awakening does have its promising ideas, it looks good and handles well. Definitely looking like a title that’s geared towards action rather than a cerebral challenge – it is a mech videogame after all – hopefully Gadget-Bot can provide enough of a dynamic challenge and variety to make Kaidro: The Awakening an impressive title.”

The passion and drive the developers hold is clear in the Developer Diaries below, where they talk more about the vision they want to bring to life.

As soon as there’s more information on Kaidro: The Awakening, we’ll bring it to you, so make sure to keep reading VRFocus for all of the latest on VR videogames and experiences.

Kaidro: The Awakening Looks Great In These New Screenshots

Virutal reality (VR) can take us to worlds that we can’t imagine, or put us in the cockpit of impossible creations – there truly are no boundaries to what can be created, which is why every time there’s an opportunity to live out a boyish fantasy of pilot of a mech robot, you can guarantee we’ll be there. The latest videogame to give us an opportunity to pilot a technological titan is Kaidro: The Awakening, and we have a whole bunch of brand new screenshots.

In Kaidro: The Awakening players take the role of Ava, an orphaned girl who gets drafted into a military and must learn to pilot giant mech robots. The world is in chaos, with Union citizens defending themselves against the Outlanders, a hostile race with superhuman abilities.

The RPG follows the story of Ava, as she learns her place in the world and the source of the conflict between the two races.

We played Kaidro: The Awakening at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2017, remarking; “While still in its early stages Kaidro: The Awakening does have its promising ideas, it looks good and handles well. Definitely looking like a title that’s geared towards action rather than a cerebral challenge – it is a mech videogame after all – hopefully Gadget-Bot can provide enough of a dynamic challenge and variety to make Kaidro: The Awakening an impressive title.”

To see more of Ava and her mech is Kaidro: The Awakening, make sure to check our screenshot gallery below.

For all of the latest from E3 2017, make sure to keep reading VRFocus.

Kaidro: The Awakening screenshot 6

Kaidro: The Awakening Artwork

Preview: Kaidro: The Awakening – Explosive Mechanised Combat

Giant mechs tend to be a popular choice for cartoons and movies because of the visceral look of towering robots, bristling with weaponry, typifying a one-person army ready to take on whatever assailant comes their way. And it’s the same for videogames, but for virtual reality (VR) gamers there’s not a great deal of choice – unless you count 100ft Robot Golf. That’s going to improve however with Kaidro: The Awakening, a sci-fi role-playing game (RPG) in development by Gadget-Bot.

Showcasing an early preview at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2017, the studio had the title running on both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive head-mounted displays (HMDs), with two modes available. The first was a story mode, essentially giving players a background on what’s going on this virtual world – you play as an orphaned girl called Ava, drafted into the military academy to learn to pilot mechs in a post apocalyptic world. This mode also showcased a set of customisation options so that you could personalise your mech with different colours and more.

Kaidro: The Awakening screenshot 6

The other ‘Arcade Mode’ was designed to take you straight into the action – for those that just wanted to see the gameplay. Offering a choice of two weapon loadouts, a two-handed heavy weapon or dual-wielding pistols, one acting as the main offensive gun while the other served as a magnetic gun, pulling objects towards you which could then be flung at enemies, the first area was just a target range to acclimatise players with the controls.

Gameplay at this stage was your normal mech affair. Slowly lumbering around shooting a mixture of robotic enemies, both aerial and ground-based. What’s instantly noticeable is how comfortable Kaidro: The Awakening is to play. Controls are first-person shooter (FPS) in nature, with standard forward, backward and strafing movements available. Gadget-Bot has ensured that a movement system prone to nauseating players in VR is fairly rock solid, with a slow lumbering walk which feels heavy and concise with every step.

The enemy AI was somewhat hit and miss, with the smaller aerial drones tending to dart about occasionally appearing to take cover. The other ground based robots were a lot more predicable, using their increased armour to soak up damage they tended to go for a straight out attack, not using any real tactics just brute force.

The area took around five to ten minutes to play through, offering more of a technical demonstration of Kaidro: The Awakening’s core movement and gunplay system, rather than an actual challenge.

While still in its early stages Kaidro: The Awakening does have its promising ideas, it looks good and handles well. Definitely looking like a title that’s geared towards action rather than a cerebral challenge – it is a mech videogame after all – hopefully Gadget-Bot can provide enough of a dynamic challenge and variety to make Kaidro: The Awakening an impressive title.