Discover Riches and Ruin in Amazonia as Jaunt Releases Under the Canopy

At last month’s Sundance Film Festival Jaunt and Conservation International screened Under the Canopy, a 360-degree film highlighting the plight of deforestation in the Amazon. Now the virtual reality (VR) company has launched the experience for everyone to watch.

Directed by Patrick Meegan, Jaunt’s creative director, Under the Canopy was shot using the Jaunt ONE camera and narrated by indigenous guide Kamanja Panashekung and actor Lee Pace. The film takes viewers on a journey into the largest rainforest in the world, which because of rampant deforestation each year loses an area more than 1.5 times greater than the size of Yellowstone National Park.

Under The Canopy - Sloth

As Panashekung guides you through the forest he shows you how the forest supplies food, income and more, while he and his community draw on their collective knowledge in protecting its trees, waters and wildlife.

“Kamanja’s community is one of over 350 indigenous communities throughout Amazonia that depend on the rainforest, as we all do — for the air we breathe and the water we drink,” said Dr. M. Sanjayan, Conservation International executive vice president and senior scientist. “‘Under the Canopy’ gives those who may never visit the Amazon rainforest an opportunity to repel down a 200-foot tree, see its wildlife up close, and understand what is at risk. Sustaining the Amazon is not an option, it is a necessity.”

“In approaching this project we wanted to not only illustrate the importance of conserving the rainforest in relation to climate change, but to create a thrilling experience for audiences far and wide,” said Meegan, creative director at Jaunt. “To do this, we married the experience of veteran nature filmmakers with up-and-coming technologists to develop new techniques and achieve VR shots — such as the vertical moves from canopy to forest floor — that are the first of their kind. We also took the Jaunt ONE camera to new heights — achieving impressive VR encounters with tropical birds, butterflies, sloths and more.”

Under the Canopy can be viewed below or in fully immersive VR via the Jaunt VR app available on iOS, Android, Gear VR, PlayStation VR, Google Daydream, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

For all the latest Jaunt news, keep reading VRFocus.

Jaunt, RSA, Radiant Images and More Heading to TR-X This Month

Later this month the annual Hollywood Professional Association (HPA) Tech Retreat will be taking place in California, bringing together top industry engineering, technical, and creative talent from all aspects of digital cinema, post production, film and television. One day prior to that the virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) industry will come together for TR-X (Tech Retreat eXtra) to look at the latest developments.

TR-X is set to feature some of the most prominent industry leaders, including Jaunt, RSA, Radiant Images, M ss ng P eces and Digital Domain. The event will be co-chaired by Lucas Wilson founder/executive producer, SuperSphereVR and Marcie Jastrow, senior vice president, Immersive Media; Head, Technicolor Experience Center. They’ll be leading a discussion focused on the changing VR/AR landscape in the context of rapidly growing integration into entertainment and applications.

LucasWilson - Marcie Jastrow

The HPA TR-X conference will be held on 20th February, with the HPA Tech Retreat continuing for the rest of the week. The full session guide for TR-X can be found below, and to register head to the official website.

For any further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

VR/AR Speakers and Panel Overview for TR-X VR/AR Sessions:
Opening and Introductions
Seth Hallen, HPA President

Technical Introduction: 360/VR/AR/MR
Lucas Wilson, Founder/Executive Producer, SuperSphereVR

Panel Discussion: The VR/AR Market
Marcie Jastrow, SVP Immersive Media; Head, Technicolor Experience Center
David Moretti, Director of Corporate Development, Jaunt
Catherine Day, Head of VR/AR, M ss ng P eces
Phil Lelyveld, VR/AR Initiative Program Lead, Entertainment Technology Center at USC

Acquisition Technology
Koji Gardiner, VP, Hardware, Jaunt

Live 360 Production Case Study
Andrew McGovern, VP of VR/AR Productions, Digital Domain

Live 360 Production Case Study
Michael Mansouri, Founder, Radiant Images

Interactive VR Production Case Study
Tim Dillon, Head of VR & Immersive Content, MPC Advertising USA

Immersive Audio Production Case Study
Kyle Schember, CEO, Subtractive

Panel Discussion: The Future
Alan Lasky, Director of Studio Product Development, 8i
Ben Grossmann, CEO, Magnopus
Scott Squires, CTO, Creative Director, Pixvana
Jen Dennis, EP of Branded Content, RSA
Moderator: Lucas Wilson, Founder-Executive Producer, SuperSphereVR

Panel Discussion: New Voices: Young Professionals in VR
Anne Jimkes, Sound Designer and Composer, Ecco VR
Jyotsna Kadimi, USC Graduate
Sho Schrock, Chapman University Student
Brian Handy, USC Student

Jaunt and Manchester City Take Fans into Etihad Stadium for a Match Day Experience

Every Saturday VRFocus likes to do a weekly round up of VR in Sport and back in October 2016 reported on Manchester City FC launching its own virtual reality (VR) app CityVR. The football club hasn’t stopped there as its just announced a collaboration with Jaunt Inc., providing a new 360-degree fan experience putting them into the action at the Etihad Stadium.

Filmed using Jaunt’s award-winning Jaunt ONE camera, the immersive video captures different moments of the matchday experience, from exclusive access to the players’ changing room to a first-hand look as the players arrive on the Blue Carpet, the experience gives fans an authentic, behind-the-scenes look at the matchday atmosphere at Manchester City’s home ground.

Manchester City - Jaunt VR Experience

“There’s nothing that compares with attending a match at the Etihad Stadium, but the emergence of 360 video and virtual reality has allowed us to capture some of that atmosphere and excitement in ways that weren’t possible in the past,” said Diego Gigliani, Senior Vice-President of Media and Innovation for City Football Group. “As our fan base continues to grow, both within the UK and globally, we want all of our fans to get a taste for what it’s like to be at the Etihad Stadium – from cheering in the stands and watching players line up in the tunnel to welcoming the team off the bus and standing by-side with the stewards ensuring the crowd’s safety. We hope this pilot on the Jaunt platform reaches both existing and new fans, and reaffirms our commitment to exploring innovative ways of using VR to enhancing the fan experience to Manchester City fans, near and far.”

While Dominic Collins, General Manager, EMEA, Jaunt VR, added: “Working with a prestigious football club like Manchester City has been an amazing experience. The club is the perfect embodiment of the modern football club, and this is a further example of its commitment to innovation in sport. The Manchester City Match Day experience perfectly showcases what can be achieved with modern VR, and complements the fast-paced and passion-filled nature of Premier League football. VR is a new opportunity to engage with hundreds of millions of sports fans across the world, many of whom would otherwise never have the opportunity to experience a sports game at this level.”

The Jaunt VR App is available for most devices, including: iOS, Android, Gear VR, Google Daydream, PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. For any further Jaunt updates, keep reading VRFocus.

Jaunt: VR-Experten verraten die Geheimnisse von gutem 360 Grad-Content

Die filmisch orientierte Virtual Reality Firma JauntVR hat sich im Laufe der Zeit zu einer der führenden Firmen im Bereich der 360 Grad-Produktion entwickelt. Ihre Kollaborationen reichen von ESPN bis hin zu ABC News. Um angehenden Filmemachern unter die Arme zu greifen, haben sie einen 56 Seiten langen Ratgeber verfasst, da sie selber wissen wie entmutigend es sein kann für Virtual Reality zu filmen.

Ein Ratgeber für jedermann

Dieser Ratgeber umfasst mit knapp fünfzig Abschnitten die Grundlagen wie z.B. Kamerabewegung, Beleuchtung und wie man der Aufnahme aus dem Weg geht. Zusätzlich gibt es sogar einige Bereiche, in denen über die Minimierung von Motion Sickness diskutiert wird. Zudem werden auch noch Nachträge folgen, in denen ausführlich auf Themen wie Ton, Nachbearbeitung, Schnitt, Komposition und Farben eingegangen wird.

Gerade vor kurzem erst, auf dem Sundance Film Festival, kündigten JauntVR eine Menge Filme an, die bei ihnen gerade in Produktion sind. Darunter auch eine Neuinterpretation des Stephen King Kultklassikers „Lawnmover Man“, der – wie hätte es anders sein können – Virtual Reality thematisiert.

Durch das Sinken der Kosten ein 360 Grad-Video zu produzieren und dank der zunehmenden Menge an filmischen Virtual Reality-Erfahrungen erhofft sich JauntVR, mit ihrem Ratgeber dafür zu sorgen, dass die Entwicklung auf dem bisherigen Tempo bleibt. Von ihrem Ratgeber können selbst traditionelle Filmemacher profitieren, so Jaunt. Die ist der Tatsache geschuldet, da altbekannten Regeln des Filmemachens nicht 1:1 für 360 Grad Produktionen angewendet werden sollten. Genau deshalb seien einige Tipps vor allem für Alteingesessene hilfreich. Der Ratgeber von Jaunt selbst wird lediglich als Startpunkt angesehen, er soll mit jeder neuen Technologie an Wachstum zunehmen und so zu einem „lebenden Dokument“ werden.

Inhalte zu produzieren sei einer der wichtigsten Bereiche, wenn es um den Fortschritt in kreativen Umfeldern geht, jedoch sei es ebenso wichtig, einen Ratgeber zu haben, um das bisherige Wissen zu festigen und um den angehenden Filmemachern eine vernünftige Basis zu liefern. Die Leute von JauntVR sind auch schon gespannt wie ihr Ratgeber von der Szene angenommen wird und wie er sich auf die Qualität von zukünftigen Produktionen auswirken wird. Heruntergeladen werden kann das Dokument im offiziellen Blog des Unternehmens.

(Quelle: JauntVR)

Der Beitrag Jaunt: VR-Experten verraten die Geheimnisse von gutem 360 Grad-Content zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Jaunt Release Guide to Best Practices for Shooting in 360°

Cinematic virtual reality (VR) company Jaunt has had a busy week news wise. It’s continued plans for global expansion appointing Fabrice Cantou as Chief Financial Officer, as well as announcing five series planned for production this year including a reimagining of The Lawnmower Man. Just to round the week off Jaunt’s now revealed the availability of The Cinematic VR Field Guide: A Guide to Best Practices for Shooting in 360° for would be filmmakers.

Jaunt has been a prolific content creator, through collaborations or producing its own content. Grant Anderson, executive producer at Jaunt, developed The Cinematic VR Field Guide to help VR creatives focus on melding imaginative stories with the latest advances in VR. The guide provides them with tips, tricks and lessons learned for entering into VR filmmaking, delving into crucial topics ranging from camera hardware and lenses to software, rendering and distribution.

Jaunt - Field Guide

Key subjects discussed include: camera motion, directing the action and lighting and exposure. “As VR, AR and mixed realities become more prevalent throughout mainstream cinematic entertainment, it is critical to ensure that the production teams behind these projects are equipped with the very latest and greatest guidelines to filmmaking in VR,” said Grant Anderson. “With that in mind, who better than Jaunt to develop and distribute a complete industry set of guidelines?”

Jaunt will be regularly updating The Cinematic VR Field Guide as new VR technologies and techniques emerge. Starting today and throughout the duration of the 2017 Sundance Film Festival, Jaunt will be hosting a series of panel discussions and workshops where the creative community can learn about the company’s hardware and software offerings and receive a hardcopy of the current field guide.

The Jaunt VR App is available for most devices, including: iOS, Android, Gear VR, Google Daydream, PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. For any further Jaunt updates, keep reading VRFocus.

Jaunt Reviving Cult Classic The Lawnmower Man as a VR Series

Today, Jaunt, the virtual reality (VR) content production and distribution specialist has announced its production slate for 2017. Five new scripted series are planned, with one being the iconic 90’s VR themed movie The Lawnmower Man

The other four series that have been announced are Luna, The Enlightened Ones, Bad Trip and Miss Gloria. Each series will be original, with Jaunt forming new or continuing existing relationships with Creative Artists Agency (CAA), William Morris Endeavor (WME), Park Television Productions and Triton Media Inc for their production.

Released in 1992, The Lawnmower Man is attributed with showcasing early VR. For this new series Jaunt will reimagine the movie, partnering with rights holders Jim Howell and Rupert Harvey.

“The original movie was a film of unsurpassed imagination and creativity with its ground-breaking use of VR back in 1992,” said Jim Howell. “Together with Jaunt we look forward to a contemporary team bringing to life a whole new world of VR; a world of immersive entertainment and communication. We are very excited to be working with Jaunt to create a VR realization of the film.”

Lawnmower man image1

Luna will be a 12-part sci-fi thriller created by Adam Cooper and Bill Collage (Assassin’s Creed, Exodus: Gods and Kings), directed by Robert Schwentke (the Divergent Series, Flightplan). “Luna follows an ensemble cast navigating an abandoned lunar base which results in them experiencing fear unlike anyone has felt before,” explains the official description.

“Immersive 360-degree storytelling is the movement of the future. The opportunity to launch such a massive franchise in this groundbreaking new medium is a humbling dream come true. Whereas traditional narrative filmmaking brings the story to the viewer, Luna brings the viewer into the story,” the creators said in a statement. “Around the globe, one thing we all share in common is a fascination with what it might be like to experience life on the moon — so as writers, we couldn’t think of a better way to engage this new medium than with something that’s at once unifying and germane to all human curiosity — yet simultaneously, tense, thought-provoking and hopefully, inspiring to us all.”

The Enlightened Ones is a political sci-fi series written and produced by Tye Sheridan (X-Men: Apocalpyse, Ready Player One) and Nikola Todorovic of Aether, Inc. In it the human race has become immortal due to the discovery of a strange device. With everyone on Earth unable to die the world’s governments form an organization to control the crisis of overpopulation. But not all is what it seems, and season one follows Enlightened One JL57, an employee at the company, as he is pulled into a resistance movement.

“The entire Aether team is excited to begin development in collaboration with Jaunt on The Enlightened Ones,” said Sheridan. “It’s always refreshing to bring great stories into a new medium of storytelling. This is not just a story about good vs. evil. We wanted to truthfully explore what would happen if we discovered a technology that could prolong human life and make war and illness obsolete; would we allow everyone to use it knowing that the earth would overpopulate?”

Going for a somewhat lighter tone than the previously mentioned projects, Bad Trip is a six-part stoner comedy series. In Bad Trip viewers will be placed in a hyper-visual and uncomfortable situation of taking various drugs in less than ideal environments.

Coming from Harold and Kumar 3D writer/director Todd Strauss-Schulson, the director said: “VR is the future.  It’s a fascinating new form of storytelling that can create a potent feeling state and a personal subjective experience. You know what else can do that? Drugs. Drugs have the power to create hilarious, pride swallowing humiliations. I’m pumped to dive into the VR world where I can apply my visual ideas to this medium putting the viewer inside these hallucinatory rollercoaster rides. And I’m excited to be partnered with a team as bold as Jaunt, they are truly on the cutting edge of VR content.”

Lastly there is Miss Gloria, a sci-fi action adventure. The series is set in the distant future, where the viewer is put into several distinct points of view as a “Robot Hero” tracks down a young girl who has gone missing during an uprising.

Written by New York Times Bestselling author, Daniel H. Wilson (Robopocalypse, How to Survive a Robot Uprising), Wilson said about the series: “I wrote Miss Gloria from the ground up to take advantage of the unique strengths of storytelling in VR. It’s a deeply emotional exploration into how we internalize the voices of our teachers and mentors, and how we continue to carry those people with us forever. My first career was as a roboticist, so I’m incredibly excited to combine art and science by crafting thrilling sci-fi for a cutting edge technological medium.”

“As we continue to develop more immersive, cinematic VR content with high production values and longer run-times, it solidifies for us that VR is fast-becoming a mainstream staple within the entertainment industry,” said George Kliavkoff, president and CEO of Jaunt. “2016 was the final year of experimentation and every indication is that 2017 will be the year of action and adoption. We’re excited to be in development on all five of these series alongside some of today’s top talent.”

VRFocus will continue to follow Jaunt and these five series, reporting back with release dates and further details as they’re released.


‘The Lawnmower Man’ is Coming to VR as an Original Multi-Episode Series

Jaunt, the cinematic VR company, has today revealed 5 different content deals slated to go into production in 2017, one of which—love it or hate it—will be based on the seminal ’90s VR flick The Lawnmower Man (1992). And no, neither Pierce Brosnan nor Jeff Fahey have signed on to reprise their roles as the eccentric scientist Dr. Lawrence Angelo and the intellectually disabled gardener Jobe Smith.

Partnering with rights holders Jim Howell and Rupert Harvey to develop and produce a reimagination of the film, Jaunt is making the low-fi, sci-fi cult classic into an original, scripted, multi-episode series for VR headsets.

“The original movie was a film of unsurpassed imagination and creativity with its ground-breaking use of VR back in 1992,” said Jim Howell. “Together with Jaunt we look forward to a contemporary team bringing to life a whole new world of VR; a world of immersive entertainment and communication. We are very excited to be working with Jaunt to create a VR realization of the film.”

Since it’s still on the drawing board and doesn’t go into production until later this year, we can only speculate on what sort of content a we’re in for.

While we’re sure to get some of this:

We’re not really expecting much of this based on pure cringe-factor alone:

Founded in 2013, Jaunt has completed 4 funding rounds totaling over $100M, the most recent being a $65M series C investment led by The Walt Disney Company. Jaunt is developing VR camera hardware (Jaunt ONE, the 3D 360 light-field camera), software, tools, and applications for VR content creators.

Besides the upcoming Lawnmower Man VR series, Jaunt and its content partners are starting production in 2017 on 4 others:

Miss Gloria

A multi-episode series from New York Times Bestselling author, Daniel H. Wilson (Robopocalypse, How to Survive a Robot Uprising). Set in the distant future, the series situates the user in several distinct points of view as a “Robot Hero” tracks down a young girl who has gone missing during an uprising.


A 12-episode sci-fi suspense series created by Adam Cooper & Bill Collage (Assassin’s Creed, Exodus: Gods and Kings) to be directed by Robert Schwentke (The Divergent Series: Allegiant and Insurgent, Flightplan). LUNA follows an ensemble cast navigating an abandoned lunar base which results in them experiencing fear unlike anyone has felt before.

The Enlightened Ones

An episodic VR series written and produced by Tye Sheridan (X-Men Apocalypse, Ready Player One) and Nikola Todorovic of Aether, Inc. The series is set in an alternative present where a device is discovered bringing immortality to the human race. After the general public is given access to this technology, the world’s governments form an organization to control the crisis of overpopulation.

Bad Trip

A six-episode stoner comedy series from writer/director Todd Strauss-Schulson (Harold and Kumar 3D). The series will place the viewer in the hyper-visual and uncomfortable situation of taking various drugs in environments that are less than ideal.


The post ‘The Lawnmower Man’ is Coming to VR as an Original Multi-Episode Series appeared first on Road to VR.

Jaunt Expands Global Operations with New Chief Financial Officer

While it won’t be the most exciting news of the week, Jaunt has revealed that because of its continued plans for global expansion its now appointed Fabrice Cantou as Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

With nearly two decades of experience in the finance industry, Cantou has led finance operations for fast-growth technology startups and large corporate organizations, having been CFO of Dailymotion, when the company went through some serious growth – reaching 300M viewers and delivering 3B views per month – then fundraising and an eventual sale to Orange and then to Vivendi.


“We are thrilled to have Fabrice join our global management team. He offers in-depth experience and world-class leadership skills, a perfect complement to our innovative management team,” said George Kliavkoff CEO and president of Jaunt. “As we look to 2017, and the tremendous growth opportunity for Jaunt in the global VR market, having Fabrice on board will be invaluable. I look forward to working hand-in-hand as we embark on this pivotal year.”

The appointment of Cantou comes just four months after Jaunt announced Kliavkoff as the new CEO, as well as a slew of other announcements. These have included being part of the Disney Accelerator program, launching supernatural drama series Invisible, and expanding its app support to PlayStation VR and Google Daydream View. This has meant the Jaunt VR App, is one of the most widely available for viewing immersive content, also supporting iOS, Android, Gear VR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and major desktop browsers.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Jaunt, reporting back with the latest updates.