Multiplayer RPG Preta: Vendetta Rising to Find its way to PlayStation VR This Week

YJM Games, the publisher behind Smashing the Battle VR and OVERTURN, launched Illion Games’ RPG adventure Preta: Vendetta Rising into Steam Early Access last year for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Having been fully release for both platforms, Preta: Vendetta Rising is now scheduled to arrive on PlayStation VR this week.

Preta: Vendetta Rising screenshot

The story in Preta: Vendetta Rising puts you in the fantasy world of Akirion, a place that’s been ravaged by a virus turning everything into dangerous monsters called Pretas. Inspired by videogames such as Dark Souls, Diablo, and Monster Hunters, you play a mercenary hired to save the day. So its up to you (with the option of adding two friends) to head out on a hack’n’slash adventure with more than 50 hours of gameplay.

Featuring a fully featured crafting system to help you on your quest, you’ll be able to make powerful weapons, armour, accessories and other useful items. You’ll also be able to raise and train your own pets to help fight the myriad of monsters and boss battles.

Just like most RPG’s Preta: Vendetta Rising has three characters for you to chose from. Marcus is the traditional warrior type, big muscles, knight armour and a deadly sword. Then there’s Alicia a much more nimble close quarter specialist who’s weapon of choice is the chain sword. Finally, for those who like to wield magic there’s Reina; she maybe a child but she’s a force to be reckoned with.

Preta: Vendetta Rising screenshot

Want to know whether its worth picking up? Well its the only title coming to PlayStation VR this week, and it happened to be included in VRFocus’ “The Best Oculus Rift Games You’ve Never Played“, saying that: “Some may call it formulaic, others will invest 20 hours into the videogame before they realise it.”

Preta: Vendetta Rising will launch for PlayStation VR on Thursday, 29th March 2018 in both North America and Europe. VRFocus will continue its coverage of Illion Games and YJM Games, reporting back with the latest updates and announcements.

VR MORPG Preta: Vendetta Rising Hits Oculus and Steam Early Access

Role-playing games (RPGs) like The Mage’s Tale are starting to gain prominence on virtual reality (VR) headsets as players look for experience with longer play sessions. During the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2017 last month, develop Illion Games announced a multiplayer, action RPG with cross-platform support called Preta: Vendetta RisingToday the title has arrived on both Steam Early Access and Oculus Early Access.

Preta: Vendetta Rising is set in the fantasy world of Akirion, ravaged by a virus that’s turned everything into dangerous monsters called Pretas. Naturally it’s up to you to return balance to the world by going on a epic quest, learning how to crafting powerful items and equipment, raise mighty pets and kill a few nasty creatures on route.

Preta: Vendetta Rising screenshot

Promising more than 50 hours of gameplay and support for up to four players, Preta: Vendetta Rising on early access currently only supports Windows 10 at the moment, with further updates due over the course of the year. When fully released the title will also include: Co-op campaign missions; New quests/maps/monsters; Additional classes/companions/items; PvP mode; Fishing mechanisms; Auction house; Multi-language support; UI improvements and Windows 7,8 support.

Illium Games is also offering an early bonus: “Each user gets an Early Access Package (valued at $90 USD) only available during the early access period. This means that a 77% discount is applied given that the game itself is originally priced at $29.99. After full release, the Early Access Package will no longer be available and the price will be lowered, accordingly.”

The title is available now on Oculus Store for £22.99 GBP and on Steam for £22.94. This is a limited time discount available until 12 July, after which it’ll go up to £26.99.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Preta: Vendetta Rising, reporting back with the latest updates.

A Closer Look At Preta: Vendetta Rising With New Screenshots

Developer Illion Games has released some more screenshots revealing a closer look at the developer’s first virtual reality (VR) experience, Preta: Vendetta Rising, a title that had its first playable demo at this year’s E3.

A fantasy action-RPG taking gameplay and stylistic inspiration from the likes of Dark Souls and The Elder Scrolls franchise, players explore the fantasy world of the title and engage in and fast-paced combat which involves blocking, dodging and proper timing of attacks. Players will need to master various types of combat along with magic in order to explore deep dungeons and take on demons and dark creatures.

Co-operative gameplay is also included in a way similar to the grouping mechanics used in titles such as Diablo III, where the skills of different characters can be chosen to complement each other in a group, or be set-up for solo play. Up to four players can play together to battle against enemy forces.

Preta: Vendetta Rising is planned to be released on HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR. A Early Access version is planned to be released soon, though a firm date and price point have yet to be confirmed.

You can view the screenshots below. You can also look at our preview of the title.

VRFocus will continue to bring you updates on Preta: Vendetta Rising at they become available.

Preta: Vendetta Rising screenshot Preta: Vendetta Rising screenshot Preta: Vendetta Rising screenshot Preta: Vendetta Rising screenshot Preta: Vendetta Rising screenshot Preta: Vendetta Rising screenshot Preta: Vendetta Rising screenshot Preta: Vendetta Rising screenshot Preta: Vendetta Rising screenshot

Preview: Preta: Vendetta Rising – Cross-Platform ARPG VR Gaming

Illion Games’ Preta: Vendetta Rising has had a rather muted unveiling. There was no big splash before its playable debut at this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), Los Angeles, and only a trailer made from captured in-game footage. VRFocus was surprised to learn then, that the videogame is already looking in a fairly complete state, with Early Access versions set to launch for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR this summer.


Preta: Vendetta Rising screenshotPreta: Vendetta Rising is a third-person action role-playing game (ARPG) set in a high fantasy world. It’s a combination of martial arts and magic, dungeons and demons, real-time combat and cooldown timers. In fact, it’s everything you’d expect from the genre – including co-operative gameplay – but with the added element of virtual reality (VR) implementation.

The demonstration version of Preta: Vendetta Rising made available at this year’s E3 was undoubtedly limited. Using an Oculus Rift and Xbox One controller, the player was invited along a linear path teasing the story and offering a light introduction to the combat. Basic three-hit combos are standard, with dodge and block available to prepare for counter-attacks. Three additional attacks are also available, dependent on the character selected, using the X, Y and B face buttons. The more powerful attacks require a cooldown period before repeated use, as would be expected for an ARPG.

The core differences between Preta: Vendetta Rising and a traditional entry in the genre do of course relate to the VR element of the videogame. The camera is situated in a familiar third-person position akin to a Dynasty Warriors title or Brutal Legend, opposed to an isometric or fixed camera view as with genre stalwarts Diablo and Sacred. This allows the player to view a large area of the battlefield without demanding that their avatar remains within the field-of-view. The gameplay potential for this is obviously significant, through VRFocus is yet to witness any intentions of exploring those opportunities.

The other significant difference born of VR is the lack of any on-screen furniture. The traditional heads-up display (HUD) has been downsized and placed above the player’s head, only visible when needed (when in direct combat, when a special ability is used etc.) thus removing any artificial barriers between the player and the on-screen action.


Preta: Vendetta Rising screenshotPreta: Vendetta Rising is currently in development for all three major head-mounted displays (HMDs), and is intended to support cross-platform gameplay regardless of which format you choose. Exactly how this will be executed remains to be seen, but Preta: Vendetta Rising does promise a rewarding co-operative ARPG experience at present, wherein four players can battle together against increasingly difficult opposition. Preta: Vendetta Rising will soon be available via Early Access instalments, and VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details.

See More of VR Action RPG Preta: Vendetta Rising In This New Trailer

Illion Games’ Petra: Vendetta Rising is finally confirmed to be making its way to a virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD) near you, and now, we’ve got the latest trailer that Illion Games has released from the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2017. This is looking an RPG experience you won’t want to miss.

We recently got confirmation that Preta: Vendetta Rising will be making its way to Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR HMDs – and best of all, players from any platform will be able to play and interact with one another thanks to cross-platform multiplayer. You and four friends can hunt and slay monsters together in the plagued world of Akirion.

In the trailer below you can NPCs, brand new combat and explosive effects and players hunt down a variety of gruesome monster with magic and massive weaponry. The game looks massive – no surprise, given Illion Games promise more than 50 hours of gameplay.

It looks very impressive, and we can’t wait to get our own hands on Preta: Vendetta Rising and try it for ourselves.

To try the game for yourself, look out for the Early Access period this Summer, with a full release due this Fall 2017.

Just take a look at the latest trailer for Preta: Vendetta Rising below for everything you need to know.

For all of the latest of Preta and VR from E3 2017, make sure to stay on VRFocus.