FundamentalVR Selected by Microsoft as HoloLens Partner

FundamentalVR, a London-UK based virtual reality (VR) specialist that’s currently developing a Haptic VR Surgical Training application, has announced that Microsoft selected the company to be part of the HoloLens Readiness Program.

Joining an esteemed list of companies and institutions that include Volvo, Autodesk, Case Western Reserve University, Trimble, Audi, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and more, FundamentalVR will be collaborating with the HoloLens team in EMEA and the US, with a focus on holographic mixed reality (MR) for medical applications.

FundamentalVR - HoloLens

Chris Scattergood, co-founder of FundamentalVR said in a statement: “This is a big step forward for us and the culmination of a great deal of work. With the support and endorsement of the Microsoft HoloLens team, we will be launching a number of holographic initiatives over the coming months. We are particularly excited to showcase our MultiMR solution which allows up to 20 people to share a holographic experience”.

Back in October FundamentalVR was selected as one of the latest tech companies to join Mayor Sadiq Khan’s £5million GBP International Business Programme to support high-growth companies in the life sciences, technology and urban sectors. “Being selected for this program will accelerate our global growth and enable us to reach more organisations who are looking to integrate practical and revolutionary VR and mixed reality solutions, such as the latest Microsoft HoloLens, into their business,” commented Scattergood at the time.

For further coverage for FundamentalVR, keep reading VRFocus.

Hololens: Microsoft äußert sich zu den Verkaufszahlen der AR-Brille

Zufriedene Entwickler trotz geringer Verkaufszahlen – Der Software-Großkonzern Microsoft ließ in einem Interview verlauten, dass die Verkäufe der hauseigenen AR-Brille bisher nur in den Tausendern liegen. Dennoch seien die Absatzzahlen für Microsoft hoch genug, um mit positiver Grundstimmung aus dem Release-Jahr zu gehen.

Microsoft Hololens: Überraschendes Selbstverständnis

Unter dem Motto „Mixed Reality: Your world is the canvas“ hat Microsoft die Hololens, eine AR-Lösung veröffentlicht, die mit ihrem punktgenauen Positions-Tracking bereits in den ersten Wochen für Furore sorgte. Lediglich am Komfort-Faktor und den Preisvorstellungen hat es Microsoft etwas mangeln lassen. Mit rund 3.000 Euro für das Development-Kit und etwa 5.000 Euro für die Commercial Suits gehört die Brille für Erlebnisse in der Augmented Reality zur oberen Preiskategorie und sei deshalb bisher lediglich für Entwickler geeignet, die explizite Pläne zur Entwicklung von Apps im Hologramm-Bereich haben.

Augmented Reality, microsoft hololens, virtual reality

In diesem Zusammenhang veröffentlichte der Software-Primus mit Hauptsitz in Redmond nun erste Verkaufszahlen aus dem vergangenen Jahr. In einem Interview mit THE INQUIRER sprach Roger Walkden, verantwortlich für die Sales-Abteilung der Hololens, von Verkäufen im Bereich der Tausender und dem Microsoft-Team, das mit dieser Menge an abgesetzten Exemplaren absolut zufrieden sei:

“We’re not trying to sell hundreds of thousands or millions or anything, it’s expensive, and it’s not in huge numbers. So we’re happy with the level of sales that we’ve got – I can’t tell you anything about the numbers, but it’s in thousands, not hundreds of thousands, and that’s fine. That’s all we need.“

Darüber hinaus ließ er verlauten, dass bereits weiterführende Pläne für die Hololens auf dem Tisch der Entwickler angekommen seien, er aber unglücklicherweise keine Aussagen über die Pläne treffen dürfe.

Die Frage, woraus sich der horrende Preis für das Developer-Kit ergebe, beantwortete Walkden nur ausweichend. Er verweist auf die zahlreichen anderen VR- und AR-Geräte im günstigeren Preissegment, die Microsoft im Verlauf der letzten Monate auf den Markt gebracht hat und resümiert abschließend, dass die Hololens bisher lediglich in einer Version erschienen ist. Zukünftige Updates und Material-Veränderungen könnten zu einem finalen Preis führen, der die Mixed-Reality-Brille auch für den Massenmarkt attraktiv macht.

Microsoft hat in den vergangenen Jahren bewiesen, dass nun auch Hardware zu den Kernkompetenzen des Unternehmens zählt und wir sind gespannt, ob das High-End-Gerät für AR bald auch für die Masse an Kunden erschwinglich wird.

(Quelle: VR Scout)

Der Beitrag Hololens: Microsoft äußert sich zu den Verkaufszahlen der AR-Brille zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Klavier spielen lernen mit der HoloLens von Microsoft

In Virtual Reality kann man sicherlich seine Ängste überwinden und auch Dinge lernen, indem man sie tatsächlich erlebt. Doch wenn es um das Lernen des Umgangs mit Werkzeugen oder Instrumenten geht, dann kann Mixed Reality sicherlich schneller zu einem Erfolg führen.

Klavier spielen lernen mit der HoloLens von Microsoft

Teomirn ist nicht wirklich ein Spiel, sondern eher eine Anwendung, die euch das Spielen eines Klaviers beibringen will. Die App für die HoloLens stammt von Entwicklern aus Japan und eventuell können Kinder in der Zukunft auf einen teuren Musikunterricht verzichten.

Doch auch wenn die Idee großartig ist, so zeigt das Video noch einige Schwächen. So werden nicht immer wirklich akkurat die gespielten Tasten angezeigt und auch das Menü wirkt eher anstregend. Dafür bietet die App aber bereits jetzt verschiedene Modi an. Ihr könnt beispielsweise einen anderen Spieler beim Spielen beobachten oder direkt in den Unterricht einsteigen und selbst das Klavier spielen. Auch wenn eine solche Anwendung nicht zu 100% den Musikunterricht ersetzen kann, so könnte es dennoch einige Menschen vom Lernen eines Instruments überzeugen.

Aktuell ist die Anwendung aber noch nicht bereit für eine Veröffentlichung. Die Entwickler suchen im Moment nach Partnern und Investoren, die bei der Entwicklung helfen können.

(Quelle: Upload VR)

Der Beitrag Klavier spielen lernen mit der HoloLens von Microsoft zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Practicality Vs Opportunity – The Reality Of Making Hololens Games By A Hololens Developer

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies are ever changing, ever developing and ever evolving. When you look at each system/head-mounted display each has their own advantages, their own selling points for buyers and developers alike but what’s it like to actually work with the hardware itself?

hololens - Rome

Of the systems out there perhaps the one that is the most of an unknown quantity is the Hololens. Microsoft’s $3,000 mixed reality system is looking to acquire the best of both worlds in terms of VR and AR and is also targeting social and research. It’s already being used for finance, architecture and design, making services more than you could ever think possible – and of course silliness.

‘Opportunities are there for game makers’, as Microsoft has said previously. But what is the reality of making games for Hololens? If you are wondering then there’s good news courtesy of GDC who have recently put up a session video from last year’s VRDC event on that very subject.

Hololens developer Ralph Barbagallo goes into what you can expect for HoloLens’ gaming capabilities and offers some tips and tricks to working around areas where it it currently lacking. You can find the video itself below.

For more Hololens news and updates be sure to follow VRFocus on Facebook, YouTube, Google+ and Twitter.

Sonic Meme Tweet Teases SEGA Hololens Experiments

When it comes to video game social media it would be difficult to think of another account that has had as much impact than that for the Sonic The Hedgehog brand. The Twitter account – run by SEGA of America (SOA) – has, over the last 18 months almost deliberately eschewed actual news updates in favour of off-the-wall content and ever increasingly bizarre meme-based antics.

Sonic The Hedgehog - 25th Anniversary

Their latest video, seen below, features the character ‘Sanic’. An infamous awkwardly drawn representation of Sonic made famous in fan art ‘running’ across the SOA offices as a joke virtual reality (VR) experience. Intentionally or unintentionally, it is somewhat reminiscent of the Young Conker experience revealed almost a year ago to much negative reaction. Indeed, the trailer for that has (at the time of writing) over 28,000 dislikes against only 1,757 likes.

What is more interesting however is that it does out that SEGA not only have a Hololens, as seen in the beginning of the video but they are, apparently, experimenting with it. The social media team did however preemptively pour cold water on the prospect of a Sonic VR (or even, heaven help us, a Sanic VR), commenting in the video’s description that “Sometimes, you get a shiny new toy to make vidja games on. Sometimes, you let the social team get their hands on it. We do not apologize.”

That said, few games studios have showed they possess the very expensive kit, and it does make you wonder just what else SEGA might be using it for. Coincidentally, next week’s VR vs. column is already confirmed to be relating to SEGA, and will be discussing potential franchise that could make the leap to VR and/or AR.

VRFocus will of course bring you news of SEGA support for any of current crop of headsets as it is announced.

How to develop for Microsoft HoloLens

Ivan Zubritskiy. (Image courtesy Program-Ace.)

One of the devices that generates the greatest interest among the tech community at the moment is Microsoft HoloLens. By revolutionizing the way we perceive reality-altering solutions, the technology that stands behind HoloLens is as fascinating as it is complex. In simple terms, it can be described as the merging of real and virtual worlds where objects from both realities can exist side-by-side and interact with each other in real time. This technology has been revealed to the world as “mixed reality.”

Many developers are thrilled to get started with HoloLens, even though there are not as many early birds purchasing a developer kit worth $3,000 USD. The good news actually is that it is not necessary to own a device to program for it, thanks to Universal Windows Platform – once developed for one device, your application will run on HoloLens as well.

Preparing tools, SDKs and IDEs

From space exploration to architecture and gaming to education, Microsoft HoloLens has been crafted to innovate the inside of these industries and has already found a practical application across a variety of inside procedures. As HoloLens uses relatively new technology, there not as many tools that allow for developing for mixed reality. A majority of familiar development kits and software are suitable to be used when creating a holographic app. Based on the Program-Ace experience, a set of the minimum necessary tools is quite small and can be limited to:

3D design: Autodesk Maya3ds MaxAdobe PhotoShopSubstance Painter
Animation: Biped for 3ds Max
Development: UnityVuforiaMicrosoft Visual StudioWindows 10 SDKHoloLens Emulator (if you do not have a device)

All development tools that are mandatory to have in order to build a holographic experience can be found on the Microsoft official website as well as the minimum system requirements. Once you are finished with installation and preparation, you can consider yourself ready to produce new mixed reality experiences.

Adapting holograms

The conventional approaches to 3D modeling and rendering stay the same whenever you create 3D objects for VR apps, games, or HoloLens. The differences appear only when these three-dimensional models are being integrated into the holographic environment.

Even though the visual experience delivered by HoloLens is obviously amazing, it must be delivered properly in order to avoid a frequently encountered phenomenon — cybersickness. This illness, also called “virtual reality sickness,” may occur while a user is inside the VR system and experiences eye discomfort, headache, nausea, dizziness, and disorientation.

In our development adventures, Program-Ace experts have also faced similar problems when HoloLens apps do not get users interested because of the way they were built that resulted in physical illness. Here is where a near clip plane becomes helpful. When using Unity, it is extremely important to set the near clipping plane to no less than 0.85m. If it is less than this, then objects will appear far too close to the user’s eyes and cause them to cross.

In addition to making the visual experience difficult to deal with, it can cause severe discomfort for the viewer. Also, the ideal distance from holographic content to the viewer’s eyes should be kept as close to 2m as possible because this distance is free from a binocular rivalry.

In simple words, two pictures projected onto the left and right part of the transparent combiner lenses will be fully overlapped at 2 meters from the user. In cases when it is impossible to place holographic content at recommended distance, you can use the most favorable zone — that is a range of 1.25 to 5 meters.

(Image courtesy Program-Ace.)

Developers should also pay careful attention to another essential element of the solid visual experience such as frame rate. To ensure a pleasant and safe HoloLens experience, we advocate setting a frame rate around 30 frames-per-second.

However, be careful with deviating from the recommended value since a too small frame rate will cause cybersickness mentioned before, while a too high value cannot be processed quickly enough due to the device’s limited capabilities compared to wire-based headsets.

Interacting with the holo-world: Gaze

Tracking where the user is looking is the way of managing the reality-altering environment migrated from virtual reality headsets, particularly HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

In order to implement this technology, HoloLens tracks the position of the user’s head in space, processing a gigabyte of real-time information each and every second. For better understanding, imagine a simple application that involves multiple choices: for instance, a standard HoloLens app that explains our Solar System. When the user looks at a certain planet, it becomes highlighted and more information is displayed next to it.

By default, inside the HoloLens, a small translucent circle that is actually a 3D cursor, indicates where the user is gazing; however, it may inherit a form of any object whatever it is, real or virtual.

Unity helps developers to manipulate this HoloLens feature in many ways. For instance, the known “billboarding” technique allows the hologram to always face the user when they hit his or her field-of-view. It is especially advantageous for UI elements such as text or buttons. Also, developers can use 3D cursors such as gaze indicators that catch the user’s attention and guide it to the necessary hologram or object.

Interacting with the holo-world: Voice

Using voice command is the most unusual way to interact with the head-mounted devices. However, it feels much more natural and intuitive and provides an entirely new spectrum for navigating applications and even device’s UIs. Program-Ace experts created a set of rules that developers must adhere to when using Unity to program voice recognition:

  • Keep the voice commands as short and simple as possible to simplify the pronunciation for non-native speakers and not confuse the users with complex phrases or sentences.
  • One predefined command should be used throughout the entire app for the similar actions such as clicking and opening.
  • Duplicate voice commands with gesture-based alternatives to improve the overall user experience and avoid situations when the pronunciation is wrong or unclear.

Interacting with the holo-world: Gestures

Gestures are a progressively new approach to interacting with reality-altering technologies. Besides the ability to leave the user hands-free, they are proved to be useful and effective. With a wide set of discrete and continuous motions, HoloLens can be controlled and maintained.

Discrete gestures introduce immediate actions such as clicking on the icon or open the menu — HoloLens has a special unique gesture for going to the menu — while continuous gestures are the ones that incorporate rotating or scrolling.

Ivan Zubritskiy. (Image courtesy Program-Ace.)

When developing for the HoloLens, you should make sure that the device responses promptly to the gestures by highlighting icons, opening applications, or performing other appropriate actions. Similarly to the way that allows for programming a user’s gaze, developers can include a few lines of code to warn the user that the gestures he/she performs are out of view.

However, due to the fact that mixed reality is not a solid technology yet, HoloLens has certain limitations. For instance, hand position or object placement is not always accurately recognized. This should be taken into account when developing for Microsoft headset and ensure that difference in inches will not have a significant impact on the functioning of the app.

HoloLens and the business world

Microsoft has taken a huge step forward in the technological field with the introduction of its mixed reality smartglasses. Such technology can be widely applied across multiple industries ranging from education and the military to construction and entertainment.

However, today, due to the novelty of this headset, it is quite hard for the community to conceive HoloLens as being universal.

To dispel the common misconception that top-notch technologies can be used by industries such as gaming, entertainment, or software development rather than construction, manufacturing, or government services and instead of the conclusion, here will be a couple of cases that illustrate the successful implementation of HoloLens solutions beyond traditional frameworks.

Education is the industry that can benefit most from getting HoloLens involved in the process.

First of all, it is extremely useful for step-by-step training in each and every industry. By wearing HoloLens, you can receive instructions from a system or a mentor in real time and immediately perform the necessary actions.

Moreover, it can be used as a visualization tool that helps trainees to explore complex equipment or dangerous processes, without putting their lives at risk or withdrawing expensive machinery from service to demonstrate how it operates.

In addition to the showcasing function, HoloLens also allows for interacting with holographic content as well as real objects.

HoloLens-based training has been so successfully implemented by Japan Airlines that uses it for training employees to handle massive and complex aircraft parts such as jet engines or avionics systems.

(Image courtesy Microsoft.)

Construction and manufacturing industries are natural fits for the HoloLens. There is the ability for this headset to share the same reality with other HoloLens users who might be in the same room or at a remote location, facilities envisioning of the future project. It also helps all decision-makers to reach a consensus by allowing them to make modifications with the presented holograms and share the results with the audience in a matter of milliseconds. Furthermore, as HoloLens is capable of producing new environments in real time, it might be the next step toward real-time construction.

According to HoloLens, Volvo already uses holographic computing in multiple ways, including construction and prototyping.

(Image courtesy Volvo.)

Medical holography is a truly magical use case of Microsoft HoloLens. Similarly to virtual and augmented reality, it has a solid potential in the healthcare industry and, in particular, operations and microsurgery.

But unlike other technologies, HoloLens has more solutions than challenges. To name a few, it eliminates the problem of surgeons moving back and forth during an operation and provides full freedom of actions, because they can use voice commands to control holograms. It also can show the doctors a full, three-dimensional view of any organ and its features that might be different from person to person. In that way, the doctors will know for sure what to expect, thus the proportion of unsuccessful operations is expected to be diminished.

HoloLens is our new reality and the faster we recognize and understand it, the quicker we can move toward a better, progressive future.