No Man’s Sky VR: Everything We Know So Far About The Ambitious Sci-Fi Epic

Read our latest hands-on preview with the new update, including details on what No Man’s Sky 2.0 entails, right here.

No Man’s Sky is one of the largest and most ambitious games ever made and once the new update releases, No Man’s Sky VR will be the largest and most involved game to date for PC VR and PSVR.

It has certainly had its fair share of ups and downs, but now it is poised to have a dramatic rebirth as the upcoming No Man’s Sky: Beyond update will deliver a more robust online infrastructure and full virtual reality support on both PS4 and PC.

With such a big game on the horizon for VR headsets, we thought this was a good time to round up everything we know about the VR update so far and what players can expect when it finally re-releases next week.

no man's sky helmet key art

What Is No Man’s Sky?

Let’s just start with the game’s Steam page description:

“No Man’s Sky presents you with a galaxy to explore, filled with unique planets and lifeforms, and constant danger and action.

In No Man’s Sky, every star is the light of a distant sun, each orbited by planets filled with life, and you can go to any of them you choose. Fly smoothly from deep space to planetary surfaces, with no loading screens, and no limits. In this infinite procedurally generated universe, you’ll discover places and creatures that no other players have seen before – and perhaps never will again.”

That’s pretty accurate. You spawn onto a random planet, take stock of your surroundings, and  scrounge up resources to set out exploring. You’ll fly space ships, run across other players every now and then, get into space battles, mine minerals, terraform worlds, build structures, and explore the stars. It’s a very freeform experience full of possibilities. There is a main story about getting to the center of the universe, but it’s entirely optional.

No Man’s Sky is very much what you want it to be, as long as that’s within the realm of space exploration sci-fi themes.

What Is No Man’s Sky VR?

With the Beyond update that launches on August 14, Hello Games is introducing full No Man’s Sky VR support from top to bottom. That means support for your favorite VR headset on PC and PSVR support, you can play it with a gamepad if you want or using PS Move or any motion controllers on Rift, Vive, Index, etc. It’s the entire game.

I’ve played it and I was very, very impressed.

no man's sky vr

What Is No Man’s Sky: Beyond?

Beyond is the name given to the latest massive, free update to No Man’s Sky. It revamps the multiplayer and adds VR support and overhauls the game as a whole. It releases, for free, on August 14th on all platforms.

Didn’t No Man’s Sky Release In 2016 With A Lot Of Controversy?

Yes, when No Man’s Sky first released back in 2016 on PS4 initially it did have issues. There were missing  features that people expected to see on day one (like functioning multiplayer) but since then the game has been overhauled and dramatically expanded — all for free.

What exists today and will exist after Beyond is much improved over what existed at launch.

What Updates Has It Had Since Launch?

No Man’s Sky has had dozens of updates and patches over the last three years, but there have been six landmark “named” updates that have expanded the game more completely and Beyond aims to be the seventh of that type. I’ve summarized them below:

no mans sky vr foundation update

Foundation Update
This update added new game modes like Creative and Survival mode, base building, farming, making camp, large interstellar freighters, new resources, a better UI, more graphics options, among other various fixes.

pathfinder update no mans sky vr

Path Finder Update
This update added more graphics options and improvements, online base sharing via Steam Workshop on PC, the ability to own multiple ships, new ship specializations, new vehicles to explore planet surfaces, racing, new shops, more base variety, new weapons, permadeath mode, photo mode, and various other improvements.

no mans sky vr atlast rises

Atlas Rises Update
This update added a dramatically overhauled story, the ability to regenerate star systems, new types of worlds and biomes, crashed freighters, a better mission system, trading, a better analysis visor, more UI updates, more visual upgrades, terraforming/terrain editing, ancient portals to activate, better space combat, low flight assistance, rudimentary glowing orb multiplayer, new ship classes, and various other quality of life enhancements.

no mans sky next update vr

NEXT Update
This update finally added real multiplayer support, community contests, a better atlas website, expanded base building, third-person view, character customization options, better freighters, better crafting, procedural loot, more visor enhancements, better missions, more graphics improvements, another UI overhaul, flora and fauna updates, and better audio. This also launched the game on Xbox One for the first time.

no mans sky abyss update

Abyss Update
This update is focused on underwater content and adds tons of unique creatures to the water’s depth’s, new resources below the surface, aquatic missions, sunken ships, new diving helmet, new underwater biomes, a submarine vehicle type, underwater base building, new ship options and enhancements, and various other fixes.

no mans sky vr visions update

Visions Update
Finally, this update added more new biomes, more new creatures, more planetary diversity, water variation, more atmosphere types and effects, exotic trophies to collect, archeology-based content, salvageable scrap, storm cystals, sentient minerals, hazardous flora, community missions, and other various fixes.

How Will VR Work?

The entire game will be playable in VR from top to bottom, as I said earlier. This means that you can load up an old save and play in VR or start fresh. You can play with non-VR players too since the whole universe co-exists together.

It will function as if the game has always had VR support and if you’ve never played before you’ve got, quite literally, an endless amount of content to see.

no man's sky vr ship

No Man’s Sky VR Release Date, Price, and Platforms

No Man’s Sky is already out, but the Beyond update (which includes the VR support) releases on August 14. PSVR and all major PC VR headsets will be supported from that day and you can immediately jump into any existing save files inside of or outside of VR without problems. The Beyond update is also coming to Xbox One on the same date.

Right now No Man’s Sky costs $59.99 on PC and $49.99 on PS4 and Xbox One, but is often discounted in sales. As of the time of this writing, it’s 50% off on Steam and PSN for example until 8/21.

There will not be cross-platform support as far as we’ve heard, but hopefully that is on the roadmap for the future. That means all three platforms exist separately without overlap and you cannot play in VR together between PSVR and PC VR, however, you can play between non-VR and VR formats on the same platform.

Are you excited for No Man’s Sky VR? Let us know down in the comments below!

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No Man’s Sky Is 50% Off Until Aug. 21, Gets Free VR Support Aug. 14

Hello Games have discounted No Man’s Sky a whole 50% on both the PSN store for PS4 and Steam for PC just one week before No Man’s Sky: Beyond releases, including No Man’s Sky VR support.

The Steam Summer Sale wasn’t that long ago, but No Man’s Sky is already on sale again leading up to its big relaunch with No Man’s Sky: Beyond on August 14th. The new update is dropping entirely for free and includes a revamped Online infrastructure and, for the first time ever, full VR support on both PSVR and PC VR.

And notably the great thing about No Man’s Sky VR support is that it doesn’t require a separate purchase and is entirely part of the base game. That’s not the case for Skyrim VR, Fallout 4 VR, Borderlands 2 VR, and lots of other previously non-VR games that have been ported over. Plus, in No Man’s Sky VR, everyone plays in the same universe — VR or otherwise.

Needless to say, this is a big title for the VR market. For many sci-fi fans out there exploring the far reaches of spaces, terraforming planets, creating vast bases, and cataloging alien life is a fantasy ever since first watching Star Trek. Sean Murray of Hello Games describes No Man’s Sky VR as “the perfect kind of sci-fi dream” and after playing it for myself, it’s hard to disagree.

No Man’s Sky: Beyond, including free No Man’s Sky VR support, launches on August 14th. Starting today through August 21st you can buy the game on Steam for $29.99 or on PSN for $24.99. Then when Beyond hits, you’ll get VR support for free.

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No Man’s Sky: Beyond Confirmed for August Launch

Big AAA videogames like Fallout 4 VR and Borderlands 2 VR have helped build interest in virtual reality (VR) gaming with a wide audience who may not have been bothered before. This summer Hello Games will contribute to that with No Man’s Sky: Beyond, a huge update adding VR compatibility. Today, the studio has revealed the expansion will be coming in a couple of weeks.

No Man's Sky: Beyond

The 7th update for No Man’s Sky, the release will be three expansions rolled into one. The main one VRFocus is interested in is the VR support, with PlayStation VR gaining support as well as headsets like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Valve Index thanks to SteamVR.

“Reach into your backpack to grab your multitool, touch it to switch to terrain manipulation and carve out intricate shapes with unprecedented control,” says Sean Murray, Hello Games Founder on PlayStation.Blog. “Play in multiplayer and casually wave to your non-VR friends or fist bump your PS VR peers.”

Also included will be an expanded online experience with new social and multiplayer functionality, encouraging players to meet up and communicate in this infinite digital universe. “We don’t consider No Man’s Sky to be an MMO – it won’t require a subscription, won’t contain microtransactions, and will be free for all existing players,” Murray notes.

No Man's Sky: Beyond

Launched back in 2016, Hello Games made some big promises regarding No Man’s Sky which didn’t all quite pan out. Over the last three years, the team has released some big expansions including the NEXT update, which has improved the experience considerably. The videogame features a living breathing universe where you can travel to any twinkling star you can see, find a nearby planet, land on it and then go exploring; finding new lifeforms along the way (all with no loading screens). You can upgrade your ship to jump further, improve your weapons and suit to fight hostile creatures and fierce pirates, or anything else you can think of.  And soon you’ll be able to do all of this in VR.

The No Man’s Sky: Beyond update is scheduled for release on 14th August 2019. For any further updates ahead of launch, keep reading VRFocus.

No Man’s Sky VR Release Date Confirmed For This August

No Man’s Sky: Beyond, which includes complete VR support for the entire game, finally has a confirmed release date for this August 14th.

That’s less than two weeks away in case you didn’t realize. In less than two weeks you can plop on a VR headset and take off for space to explore the stars, visit far-away galaxies, or explore entire planets from top to bottom. And we can tell that a lot of you are excited as well.

Sky’s The Limit

Earlier this year Hello Games announced No Man’s Sky: Beyond, a new overhaul of the game that would include revamped online features and VR support. A third and final component of the release is still under wraps for now. We should know a bit more about No Man’s Sky VR before the date, hopefully, to further whet appetites.

The No Man’s Sky VR release date news is exciting, but not too surprising. Just yesterday we learned about the game getting rated by the ESRB and Sean Murray made comments about the massive scope of the game not far before that.

Since No Man’s Sky is a procedurally generated game world that means that it’s functionally limitless. The game holds billions of planets in its digital universe, all ready to be mapped and explored. Players can even terraform planets and build structures. Or you can focus on the game’s core objective, gradually making your way to the center of the universe. Either that or just, y’know, do whatever you want. Hello Games has even gone the extra mile and implemented hand controllers like PlayStation Move. The Beyond update will be free to all existing owners.

No Man’s Sky VR is coming to PSVR and PC VR headsets on August 14th. Let us know if you plan on playing down in the comments below! Once it launches, we plan on founding Planet Upload somewhere with a nice green sky.

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No Man’s Sky: Beyond Gets ESRB Rating, Summer Release Imminent

No Man’s Sky: Beyond, which includes the No Man’s Sky VR update, is now rated by the ESRB which implies an imminent release date.

Not long ago No Man’s Sky: Beyond was rated by the Australian ratings board and now the ESRB, spotted by Wario64 on Twitter, the North American game ratings board, has weighed in as well. Unsurprisingly, just like every other version of the game, it’s rated T for Teen.

We still don’t have a specific release date for No Man’s Sky VR announced, but they did say it would be coming this summer. The original game released three years ago on August 9th, but next week seems a bit too soon without an announcement yet. Hopefully it won’t be much longer, though — we loved the brief time we spent hands-on with it on PSVR and HTC Vive Pro.

Sean Murray from Hello Games has spoken very highly of his game’s VR support, stating that he and the rest of the team have wanted to include VR from the very beginning. Unlike Skyrim VR, Fallout 4 VR, Borderland 2 VR, and other non-VR games that get ported, No Man’s Sky VR is actually just an update to the entire base game. No new purchases required if you own it already and the multiplayer functionality works between both VR and non-VR players. That will immediately make it one of the most widely owned VR games once the Beyond update (all of which is also free) finally launches.

No Man’s Sky VR will support PSVR and PC VR headsets. In our discussion topic last week we asked what you intend to do first when finally playing No Man’s Sky VR with its release quickly approaching. Let us know here as well down in the comments below!

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Sean Murray: No Man’s Sky VR Is ‘The Perfect Kind Of Sci-Fi Dream’

No Man’s Sky VR is fast approaching this summer on PSVR and PC VR headsets. In anticipation of the big Beyond update, Sean Murray, co-founder of Hello Games, spoke to the Develop: Brighton team about the release.

We still don’t have an exact release date yet for the Beyond update, which revamps the game’s online functionality and adds full VR support, but it has been rated in Australia which hints that a date announcement could be imminent.

“The thing we’re working on at the moment is bringing the game to virtual reality, it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time,” says Murray. “It’s very uniquely sci-fi, I think — the idea of you’ve already got this game that’s procedurally generated with a whole universe you can explore and then the idea that you’re going to put on a headset and walk around in virtual reality…if eight year old me could see that I was working on that I think that he’d just have a heart attack. It’s nuts. It’s the perfect kind of sci-fi dream.”

I got a chance to try out the upcoming VR support for No Man’s Sky on both an HTC Vive Pro and PSVR headset and am impatiently waiting for it to release. The sheer magnitude of the game world, multitude of possibilities, and scale of it all is breathtaking. Describing it as a “perfect kind of sci-fi dream” doesn’t feel very hyperbolic if you’re familiar with the game’s design. Playing it in VR is pretty special.

Earlier this week we asked what you plan on doing first in No Man’s Sky VR once it comes to VR and there have been a wide range of enticing responses.

“It’s also been hugely challenging for us to take this big, broad game and make it so that people can explore it with a headset and virtual controllers and things like that,” says Murray. “But I’m excited for it to come out and it’s been very creatively driven. It’s something that we have wanted to work on for a long time and it’s almost been like our dessert. Like our pudding. We’ve worked on a lot of other features and it’s been like, ‘When we’re done with all of that, then we can have time to have our nice little treat at the end.'”

Last week Murray was quoted as saying that over one million people that currently own No Man’s Sky also own a VR headset, echoing a previous comment from GDC earlier this year. I can imagine that once the VR support goes live that number will only increase even further.

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Community Download: What Will You Do First In No Man’s Sky VR?

Community Download is a weekly discussion-focused articles series published every Monday in which we pose a single, core question to you all, our readers, in the spirit of fostering discussion and debate. Today we’re talking about No Man’s Sky VR.

We’re smack dab in the middle of summer which means that the big Beyond update for No Man’s Sky should be dropping very soon. The Beyond update is of course the big overhaul that will include a revamp of its online offerings as well as full VR support for the native game on both PSVR and PC VR headsets.

Yes, that means you do not need to buy a separate VR version of the game (looking at you Skyrim VR, Fallout 4 VR, Borderlands 2 VR, etc) and you will be able to play online with non-VR players across the same universe and same save files. In fact, according to Sean Murray, over one million existing No Man’s Sky players have VR headsets ready to go.

We’ve gone hands-on with the VR update on both a Vive Pro and PSVR (you can read about those impressions here) as well as briefly on a Valve Index. Needless to say we’re extremely excited to play this game in VR and we’ve thought it fit the format perfectly ever since its original launch back in 2016.

With such an anticipated new release fast approaching (although we still don’t have a date other than Summer 2019) we need to know: What do you plan on doing first in No Man’s Sky VR once it launches? Are you eager to fly around exploring the stars or do you want to complete the journey to the center of the universe? Are you excited to meet up with friends in VR or do you just want to build bases across planet surfaces?

Let us know what you’re most excited to do down in the comments below!

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No Man’s Sky: Beyond Finally Brings the Title to PlayStation VR and Steam VR

It’s not just PlayStation VR owners who’ve enjoyed some good news tonight, with Oculus Rift and HTC Vive getting in on the action thanks to Hello Games. The studio has announced that it’s intergalactic sci-fi sandbox No Man’s Sky, is to receive an update this summer finally making the videogame virtual reality (VR) compatible.

No Man's Sky: Beyond

It has long been rumoured that a VR version of No Man’s Sky would be made – or that it would be a good fit – but until today nothing was ever confirmed. Called No Man’s Sky: Beyond, it is, in fact, an update to the main title rather than a separate videogame Hello Games’ Sean Murray confirmed in a Steam posting: “No Man’s Sky Virtual Reality is not a separate mode, but the entire game brought to life in virtual reality. Anything possible in No Man’s Sky, NEXT or any other update is ready and waiting as an immersive and enriched VR experience.”

It’ll be the same videogame fans know and love but in VR. Fully immersing players in its universe like never before, and it’ll be completely free, all you need to own is the original title.

“By bringing full VR support, for free, to the millions of players already playing the game, No Man’s Sky will become perhaps the most owned VR title when released.” Murray adds. “This amazes us, and is utterly humbling. The team is working so hard to live up to the expectations that creates. We are excited for that moment when millions of players will suddenly update and be able to set foot on their home planets and explore the intricate bases they have built in virtual reality for the first time.”

No Man's Sky: Beyond

No Man’s Sky: Beyond Steam VR will be released simultaneously to PlayStation VR and this Summer. As further details regarding VR compatibility are released, VRFocus will keep you updated.

No Man’s Sky VR Finally Coming To PSVR And SteamVR This Summer (Update)

No Man’s Sky VR Finally Coming To PSVR And SteamVR This Summer (Update)

It’s been a long time coming but today we can finally say No Man’s Sky VR is real.

Developer Hello Games announced the title today on Sony’s State of Play broadcast. This version of the game is coming to Sony’s PSVR headset. We’ve also confirmed it’s coming to SteamVR headsets as well at the exact same time.

A few weeks ago Hello Games announced No Man’s Sky Beyond. It’s the latest update to the game that will introduce three core components. For starters, the team is revamping multiplayer into No Man’s Sky Online. It looks like VR is one of those other additions. We don’t know what the other will be. The update launches in Summer 2019.

In an email to UploadVR, Hello Games founder Sean Murray explained:

“I guess it’s not a huge surprise, but all of the team here is in love with everything sci-fi. Virtual reality feels like a little science fiction become real, and has always seemed like a perfect fit for this futuristic game of ours. It’s completely unique to land on a world that no-one has ever seen before and to really feel as if you’re there, and the team has worked so hard to make this a true VR experience rather than a port.

No Man’s Sky Virtual Reality is not a separate mode, but the entire game brought to life in virtual reality. Anything that is possible in No Man’s Sky, NEXT or any other update is ready and waiting as an immersive and enriched VR experience.

No Man’s Sky Virtual Reality, like all the parts of Beyond, will be free to existing players. However, we’re excited to announce that the release of Beyond will see an exclusive retail release of the game on PlayStation 4. This physical edition will come with the base game, VR support, and every update so far, including Beyond.

No Man’s Sky Virtual Reality will bring the experience to PlayStation VR and Steam VR, and will be released simultaneously on both platforms.”

This update will be the full game, unhindered. Players will also be in the same game world as all non-VR players and you can use your same exact save files. It’s a free update.

No Man’s Sky VR has been rumored for a long time. Speculation came to ahead last year when Hello Games ran an alternate reality game (ARG) campaign that heavily hinted at VR support. We had assumed support would be announced the following E3 but it’s taken a little longer.

The game first released in 2016. It’s a first-person survival experience in which players explore an entire universe of procedurally generated planets. Players make their way to the center of the universe, upgrading their ships and weapons along the way. During launch the game came under fire for a lack of features but, since then, Hello Games has been issuing massive free updates. These have added features like multiplayer, terraforming, base building, and more.

Naturally, we’re really excited to see No Man’s Sky VR finally announced. We’ve long thought the game made perfect sense for VR. Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

Editor’s Note: We’ve included details on the SteamVR PC version and new screenshots.

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