Dead Secret Circle Reveals New Trailer

Back in 2015. developer Robot Invader released its first virtual reality (VR) title for the Samsung Gear VR, titled Dead Secret. The horror/mystery titled was subsequently expanded to Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, where it was well-received by critics. The development team have now revealed the trailer for the sequel, Dead Secret Circle.

Dead Secret puts players in the role of a journalist investigating a suspicious murder, trying to uncover the truth about the incident and becoming suspicious of a mysterious woodcutter. The sequel takes place several years after that incident, this time involving tracking down a serial killer.

Dead Secret Circle

The developers at Robot Invader describe Dead Secret Circle as a narrative-driven mystery thriller with horror elements, set in the brutal and infamous winter of 1971 in Chicago. The protagonist from the first Secret Circle, Patricia Gable is back, this time searching for a killer who appears to have a mysterious power to infect the dreams of Gable and other people of the city.

According to Robot Invader, the design of Dead Secret Circle sought to prioritise tight storytelling and slow-burn psychological horror over cheap thrills and jump-scares. The team say they wish to provide a gripping mystery in which nothing is certain.

The original Dead Secret received praise from VRFocus, where reviewer Kevin Joyce said: “Dead Secret is a wonderful exploration of the capabilities of mobile VR. The amount of detail paid to the mis-en-scene and character development is remarkable, with Easter eggs adding to the background of your character alongside the plot development and storylines of the suspects.”

The latest trailer for Dead Secret Circle shows a slew of surreal and ghost-like imagery as the protagonist speaks of waking nightmares and the situation she finds herself caught in. The full trailer can be viewed below.

Dead Secret Circle

Dead Secret Circle is due to launch on Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR later this year, with a non-VR version also available on Steam. Further information on Dead Secret Circle and other upcoming VR titles will be here on VRFocus.

Dead Secret Is Finally Coming To PSVR This Month

Dead Secret Is Finally Coming To PSVR This Month

VR historians may recall the name Dead Secret. Developed by indie studio Robot Invader, the murder mystery game was one of the first full titles to release on Samsung’s Gear VR mobile headset almost three years ago now. Subsequent ports to the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive were released in 2016, and a PSVR version was promised but never materialized. That changes this month.

Ben Throop of Headmaster developer Frame Interactive recently took to the PlayStation Blog to confirm his studio has been working with Robot Invader to bring Dead Secret to PSVR this month. The game will launch on April 24th (two weeks from today!).

In the game, you play as a reporter investigating the murder of a mysterious man that spent his last years confined to his house. You sneak about the property, uncovering his past and the reason for his murder. The game has a chilling atmosphere and tense exploration but, as Throop notes, isn’t “pants-crappingly intense”. In other words, it’s the perfect kind of game for cowards such as myself.

Meanwhile, Robot Invader is working on a full sequel to the original game, Dead Secret Circle, which plunges players into another case. The game was announced nearly a year ago now but we haven’t heard much from it since. Hopefully once work on this PSVR port has wrapped up we’ll get to find out more about that game.

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PSVR: Horror-Adventure Dead Secret erscheint am 24. April

Das Horror-Mystery-Adventure Dead Secret von Entwicklerstudio Robot Invader erschien bereits für die Samsung Gear VR sowie auf SteamVR für PC-Brillen und konnte mit spannender Story und gruseliger Atmosphäre die VR-Spielerschaft überzeugen. Im Jahr 2018 schafft es der Horror-Titel nun auch auf die Konsole und erscheint am 24. April in Amerika für PlayStation 4 und PlayStation VR (PSVR).

Dead Secret – Horror-Adventure für PS4 und PSVR

In Dead Secret dürft ihr in der Rolle einer ambitionierten Journalistin die Detektivarbeit in einem mysteriösen Mordfall im Jahr 1965 übernehmen. Dabei stoßt ihr auf verschiedene Verdächtige, die ihre ganz eigenen Motive für den Mord an Harris Bullard haben könnten. Um dem wahren Täter auf die Spur zu kommen, müsst ihr am Tatort Spuren sichern, versteckte Dokumente finden und das ominöse Geheimnis lüften, welches der Verstorbene mit ins Grab nahm.

Doch dabei ist Vorsicht geboten, denn während eurer investigativen Arbeit müsst ihr feststellen, dass nichts so ist, wie es im ersten Moment scheint. So erwarten euch jede Menge bizarre Mystery- und Horror-Elemente, während ihr verschiedene Rätsel löst und die Geschichte weiter vorantreibt. Zudem sorgten die Verantwortlichen für eine dauerhaft bestehende Gruselatmosphäre, die dank der geschickten Expertise der Entwickler mit psychologischem Horror verfeinert wurde, wodurch stets ein Gefühl der Anspannung entsteht.


Per Point & Click bewegt man sich innerhalb des VR-Titels an festgelegten Punkten vorwärts, wodurch das Spieltempo zwar deutlich gesenkt wird, jedoch genug Zeit zum Erforschen der einzelnen Räume sowie zum Aufnehmen der gelungenen Atmosphäre entsteht.

Dead Secret soll am 24. April in einer Nicht-VR-Fassung für PlayStation 4 sowie für PlayStation VR (PSVR) in Amerika erscheinen. In Europa sollte der VR-Titel zeitnah folgen. Im späteren Verlauf des Jahres soll zudem die Fortsetzung Dead Secret Circle für VR- und Nicht-VR-Spieler erscheinen.

(Quellen: PlayStation Blog US | Road to VR | Video: Robot Invader Youtube)

Der Beitrag PSVR: Horror-Adventure Dead Secret erscheint am 24. April zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Robot Invaders Horror Mystery Dead Secret Confirmed for PlayStation VR

One of the earliest and best virtual reality (VR) horror puzzle titles was Robot Invaders Dead Secret for Samsung Gear VR back in 2015. In the following years the studio has expanded support for the title, bringing it to HTC Vive and Oculus Rift in 2016 whilst announcing a sequel last year. Today, Frame Interactive has revealed Dead Secret will now be coming to PlayStation VR. 

Dead Secret PSVR

Dead Secret is a mystery thriller set in rural Kansas in 1965 where you play as an ambitious journalist on a mission to make headlines. You arrive at the house of Harris Bullard, a reclusive man with a mysterious past who was found dead in his study five days previous. No foul play is suspected, least of all the police. But as a journalist looking for the next big story you know better: this is murder, and it’s up to you to prove it.

As you find items, solve puzzles, and collect evidence to name the murderer and make headlines the murderer is hot on your trail, so you must avoid getting cornered. Depending on the choices that you make along the way you’ll encounter one of five different endings.

There doesn’t appear to be any PlayStation VR specific improvements or additions to Dead Secret other than the ability to play the title in VR and non-VR modes.

Dead Secret PSVR_1

VRFocus reviewed Dead Secret when it originally arrived for Gear VR giving it five-stars at the time: “Dead Secret is a wholly enjoyable experience for the handful of hours which it lasts. An easy recommendation for both experienced VR enthusiasts and newcomers to the Gear VR, Dead Secret is one of the best launch titles available for the consumer edition of the device.” How well it holds up almost three years later remains to be scene, as there are plenty of puzzle experiences available for PlayStation VR.

Dead Secret will be available for PlayStation VR on 24th April 2018. VRFocus will continue its coverage of Robot Invader, reporting back with any further updates.

VR Horror Mystery ‘Dead Secret’ to Arrive on PSVR April 24th

Studios Frame Interactive and Robot Invader today announced Dead Secret (2015), the Gear VR title that later landed on PC VR headsets, is finally making its way to PSVR.

Coming to PSVR April 24th, the horror-mystery adventure puts you in the shoes of a 1960’s era reporter looking for your next big story. You’ll unravel the threads of multiple suspects while riffling through drawers in the house to put together clues—all in effort to understand who murdered Harris Bullard, a scholar of Japanese mythology and resident dead guy.

As in a classic whodunit, it’s your job to find items, solve puzzles, and collect evidence to name the murderer. There are five different endings to unlock, but watch out for the masked murder hot on your heels.

image courtesy Robot Invader

According to the PlayStation blog post announcing the game’s availability, the game will feature both VR and non-VR modes, although if Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017) was any indication, it’ll be much scarier (and immersive) from within the headset. No pricing is available yet, although it currently costs $15 on Steam.

Robot Invader is also bringing its sequel, Dead Secret Circleto VR and non-VR platforms later this year. Although they haven’t announced specific target platforms, the release of the original Dead Secret on PSVR makes a strong case for future support. Dead Secret Circle puts you in the place of a 1971 Chicago gumshoe reporter, tossing you into a new adventure of catching a killer haunting both your dreams and the people of the city.

The post VR Horror Mystery ‘Dead Secret’ to Arrive on PSVR April 24th appeared first on Road to VR.

Oculus Creep Into Their Store’s Crypt, Return With Gear VR And Oculus Rift Horror Sale (Updated)

The temperature is getting colder, the nights are getting darker, and there’s more than a few unsavoury noises coming from beyond the foggy darkness. It’s the witching hour draws near and Halloween is just a short while away.

Throughout the few couple of weeks we’ve been keeping you up to date constantly on all the latest Halloween related updates, be they related to new content as we’ve seen today with’s pumpkin-filled update for city destruction sandbox videogame VRobot. Limited time bundle deals, as we’ve seen from HTC Vive adding Star Trek: Bridge Crew into the sales deal for a short time. New releases such as OBSCURA, The Exorcist: Legion VR and Stifled. Even augmented reality (AR) videogames are getting in on the act with Scooby-Doo Go, another dog – this time a ghostly one – in the form of Bydo’s Return and of course the inevitable update from Niantic Labs for Pokémon GO.

For Oculus themselves they have several items in the offing; including Echo Arena‘s 2017 Halloween Bash, with the VR multiplayer title receiving a makeover with mysterious sights, new costume options to customise your avatar and a number of spooky and peculiar holiday-themed toys for you to play around with – if they don’t decide to play with you, that is. There’s been a small focus on re-advertising some fright filled experiences as well, with the likes of ABR VR receiving a new trailer upload on Oculus’ YouTube Channel.

ABE VR screenshotThe best news for Oculus Rift owners though must surely though be the newly announced Halloween sale which has, for the second year in a row, now gone live on the Oculus Store. Seventeen Oculus Rift along with sixteen Samsung Gear VR videogames and experiences have been reduced in price for a limited time.  The full list is below.

Oculus Rift:

Gear VR:

There will no doubt be more Halloween related updates coming soon, be sure to stay informed by checking back regularly with VRFocus.

Horror Awaits as Oculus Holds Friday 13th Sale

If you didn’t realise already today is the most ominous of days, Friday 13th. If you happen to own an Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear VR however then there’s no need to fret, in fact you can celebrate as Oculus has decided to mark the occasion by discounting a bunch of scary videogames to immerse yourself in.

There are 15 titles on discount across each platform for one day only featuring some of the best horror available for the platform. From psychological thrillers to all out gun toting action experiences, there’s something for everyone – if you can handle it.

Wilson's Heart_E32016 (2)

On offer today for Oculus Rift there’s:

While for Gear VR there’s:

  • Death Horizon – £2.75
  • Drop Dead – £3.99
  • Affected: The Manor – £1.11
  • Into the Dead – £3.49
  • The Hospital: Allison’s Diary – £1.11
  • The Cathedral: Allison’s Diary – £1.49
  • Dead Secret – £3.99
  • Witchblood – £2.99
  • Deadhead VR – £1.11
  • Darkdays – £2.99
  • Zed Shot – £1.11
  • Sammy – £1.99
  • Dreadhalls – £1.99
  • The Rabbit Hole – £1.11
  • Bad Dream – £0.79

And that’s your lot. For more deals and discounts on Oculus Rift and Gear VR, keep reading VRFocus.

‘Dead Secret’ is Getting a Sequel, Coming Later This Year

Dead Secret (2015), Robot Invader’s first-person mystery thriller for PC, Gear VR and SteamVR-capable headsets, is getting a sequel called Dead Secret Circle. The second installment in the series is slated to come to VR and traditional platforms in 2017.

Like its predecessor, Dead Secret Circle is a narrative-driven mystery thriller set in the past—this time fast-forwarding to the brutal winter of 1971 Chicago, where you, a gumshoe reporter dive into your own subconscious to catch a killer haunting both your dreams and the people of the city.

We got a chance to review the first Dead Secret, calling it one of the early great successes in VR thrillers. With a clear penchant for generating haunting suspense rather than cheap jump scares, Dead Secret relies more on cultivating intrigue through its many clues scattered throughout the game that help you unravel the mystery (and horror) of the world around you.

It’s uncertain exactly which VR platforms the new Dead Secret Circle is targeting at this time.

The post ‘Dead Secret’ is Getting a Sequel, Coming Later This Year appeared first on Road to VR.

Robot Invader Announce Sequel Dead Secret Circle Coming Soon to Steam

Back in 2015 Robot Invader launched its first virtual reality (VR) Dead Secret for Samsung Gear VR. Being well received, over the course of 2016 the studio then expanded support to Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Today, Robot Invader has announced a followup, Dead Secret Circle, releasing a teaser trailer as well.

Currently, Robot Invader hasn’t gone into to many details about this sequel, merely stating: “Five years after the Woodcutter incident, Patricia Gable is hot on the trail of a new killer that seems to infect her dreams.”

Thankfully the teaser trailer does actually show some in-game footage, showcasing that the sequel has lost none of the charm and atmosphere of the first title. Stepping out of an elevator into a darkened corridor a ghostly shape appears, the camera moves slowly picking up the faint candle light. The camera moves into a room, finding a weird, mask wearing individual surrounded by candles, all very spooky.

Should you want further details then you’ll have to wait. But if you played the first and enjoyed it Robot Invader has launched pre-orders for Dead Secret Circle on the official website at $14.99 USD.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Robot Invader and Dead Secret Circle, reporting back with the latest updates.