Rezzil Player 22 brought football training to Oculus Quest over the summer, enabling fans of the beautiful game to train like the pros – where headers are concerned – across a selection of scenarios. Today, the Rezzil team has announced the first major expansion to the title, adding in American Football training.

The new selection of drills are based around the Quarterback position, giving players the chance to improve their depth- and distance-perception as well as their situational awareness. Just like Rezzil did with its original football training drills, these new Field General drills have been created with help from current and ex-professional quarterback’s.
“We’re really excited to finally bring such a high standard of football training to the Quest,” said Christian Barsanti, US Operations Director. “We’ve worked with an incredible roster of high calibre coaches and players to get here and we’re proud that anyone can now get more reps in, anywhere, for such a small amount of money. We hope we’re opening the door to a whole world of undiscovered talent whilst giving those at the top the chance to perfect their craft.”
The update isn’t purely focused on American football either. Players will also find an expansion to the Blokz mode with new challenges to face, whilst the Headers medal score has been rebalanced, a music selection and shuffle option is now available, alongside a number of bug fixes.

Since the launch of Rezzil Player 22 the development team has added DLC packs offering more official customisation options, and more Headers mode challenges.
Rezzil Player 22 features two core heading drills Control and Shooting to get players started but it’s not all about football. There are three other fitness modes, Reaction Wall helps speed up those response times by hitting blinking lights, Hoops Vision is a rhythm action mini-game based on basketball and Blokz is a bat and ball mini-game all about smashing as many blocks as possible.
As further updates are added to Rezzil Player 22, VRFocus will let you know.