If you’re looking for collaborative software on Oculus Quest to talk with friends and colleagues then there are several solutions available. MeetinVR has been a leading platform within this space but never had an official Oculus Store app to make that process simple. Well, today it does.

Like any collaborative app, MeetinVR aims to make remote collaboration as seamless as possible so that users can get on with their work without having to worry about what platform they’re on and where they are. So alongside support for Oculus Quest and Quest 2, the app also works with Pico Neo 2, PC VR headsets like Varjo as well as joining in via PC if you don’t have a headset.
“We are very excited to be launching on the Oculus Store. This will enable many more people to access MeetinVR’s powerful collaboration tools with minimal effort,” said Cristian-Emanuel Anton, Co-founder and CEO of MeetinVR in a statement.
Compatible with Wolf3D so users can create personalized selfie-based avatars, MeetinVR provides a selection of tools to facilitate collaboration and make it feel more natural. Ranging from simply being able to virtually handshake, users have the ability to draw in 2D and 3D, activate speech-to-text note-taking, 360 media casting, Microsoft OneDrive integration, and meeting management. The new Oculus Store app will be free to download with pre-populated demo content or there’s a 30-day free trial. Registered users gain access to advanced functionality like Wolf3D’s avatars.

Collaborative apps like MeetinVR are becoming a popular alternative to video conferencing thanks to that feeling of being in the same room as your team. The company is working towards solutions that cater to those who love and good video call, saying in a statement: “If you’re used to working with video calls and prefer sticking to what’s familiar, MeetinVR will soon have a solution for that as well. MeetinVR will feature essential integrations, allowing you to peer
into the world of VR via the video conferencing solution within just a few simple clicks.”
Check out The New Normal: Working From Home XR Style for a wider introduction to this field and for further updates from MeetinVR, keep reading VRFocus.