Tomorrow Games launched its swinging, multiplayer shooter Grapple Tournament onto Steam Early Access back in November, seeing a positive response from players. Today, the studio has announced it’ll be expanding both store and headset support to further build its community.

First up is an Oculus Store launch for the Oculus Rift. This will be taking place later this week on Thursday, 11th February. It’ll include the same features like the Steam version with both editions offering cross-play functionality.
Due to the popularity of Oculus Quest its a platform most developers can’t ignore, especially when it comes to multiplayer videogames. Tomorrow Games has confirmed its working on a Grapple Tournament port, estimating that it’ll be ready in Q2 2021.
Last week the studio released the seventh update for Grapple Tournament, adding a new map called ‘Zion’, the ability to join a friend or party’s match with the Social/Party/Join Match button and being able to invite friends to a match already in progress. Plus, at the moment the Steam version has a 10% discount and there’s a free demo available.

Grapple Tournament revolves around the ability to freely move around the arenas on the ground or in the air using the titular grapple mechanic. Mixing this with running and double jumping, matches are full-on experiences where you need eyes in the back of your head. These manoeuvring abilities are teamed up with 12 weapons, from shotguns and grenade launchers to bows and an energy blade. Some of them also include dual-firing modes.
Its multiplayer offers both PvP and co-op gameplay across three modes, Free for All, Team Deathmatch and Capture Point. Bots are also available to help fine tune those grappling skills in single-player plus there’s also a firing range.
When further details regarding the Oculus Quest version are released, VRFocus will let you know.