If virtual reality (VR) is great at anything then getting players moving is certainly high on the list. Numerous titles can get you twisting, punching, squatting and working up a sweat in no time. But what about providing meaningful training which can improve attributes like concentration and awareness? Well, that’s where REAKT Performance Trainer aims to step in, launching on Oculus Quest today.

Created by developer NeuroTrainer, REAKT Performance Trainer isn’t going to tell you how many calories you’ve burnt whilst dancing away to a funky electro-pop track. It is “designed to provide users with fast-paced brain exercises to measurably improve focus and performance,” the studio states, all based on neuroscience used by elite athletes during their training.
REAKT Performance Trainer covers two components, visual concentration and athletic awareness, with the former utilising a brain training technique called Multiple Object Tracking which can help improve your focus. The athletic awareness training requires catching, dodging and interacting with virtual balls improving hand-eye coordination and reaction time.
There are three modes, Recommended Training, Custom Training and Competition. After completing a session you’re given stats on various parameters such as reaction times and where your field of view is strongest and weakest. Plus you can compete on a global leaderboard to help give you that extra push to improve.

“REAKT is the evolution of physical training tools like the type of reaction boards or electronic agility tools that are often used in sports. We saw an opportunity to leverage our experience in designing VR tools to create a powerful performance training tool that anyone can use to improve their game,” says NeuroTrainer in a statement. “The science is built upon decades of sports vision research that we have been able to capture, augment and gamify in a highly immersive, fun and fast-paced VR environment.”
REAKT Performance Trainer is exclusive to Oculus Quest/Quest 2, available through the Oculus Store today. For further updates on the latest health and fitness apps, keep reading VRFocus.