A couple of days ago Fallen Planet Studios teased information regarding its Affected horror franchise on Oculus headsets. Today, the studio has confirmed a free DLC package called The Gauntlet is due to arrive for Affected: The Manor on Oculus Quest.

Providing virtual reality scares since 2016, The Gauntlet will give Affected: The Manor fans a unique speed run challenge with randomised events. Players will be able to compete against others on a global leaderboard with the new content utilising the headset’s built-in microphone to detect screams, measuring their fear in the process. At the end of the run they’ll get a rating.
“With over 300,000 downloads to date, we know Affected: The Manor has been a staple for many VR users because it provides such an immersive experience at its core. With simple controls and independent of traditional gameplay, we can increase immersion and focus firmly on building
tension,” said Alex Moretti, CEO Fallen Planet Studios in a statement.
Alongside the DLC Affected: The Manor will gain enhanced language options including German, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Korean, with Portuguese, Italian, Russian and Chinese in the works.

“The addition of The Gauntlet now offers a much more immediate and dynamic experience for fans of The Manor, with randomised events that really challenge the player, allowing for both progression and replayability,” Moretti adds. “We wanted to provide this new DLC for free to our community, accompanied by a sale on its Quest release for any newcomers to Affected.”
Originally designed as a ‘walkthrough horror’, with the launch of the Oculus Quest version Affected: The Manor added extra functionality. This meant hand avatars and interactivity for the first time, so players could open doors, for example, increasing the level of immersion and that all-important scare factor.
Affected: The Manor – The Gauntlet will launch tomorrow, 9th July for Oculus Quest owners. The free DLC will then be made available for Oculus Rift next week followed by Steam in August. Fallen Planet Studios has also confirmed development of a PlayStation VR version.
As the studio continues to release further updates for Affected: The Manor, VRFocus will let you know.