Oculus Quest’s First Arizona Sunshine Update Adds ‘Old Mine’ Horde Mode Map

Vertigo Games and JayWalkers Interactive brought their popular zombie shooter Arizona Sunshine to Oculus Quest just over a month ago and now the teams have just released to first content update. A free addition to the horde mode, players can now fight waves of the undead in subterranean level ‘Old Mine’.

Arizona Sunshine

Arizona Sunshine’s horde mode allows up to four players to cooperate and survive an intense arcade experience, utilising the environment as best as possible to live as long as possible. Trapped in the dark depths of the Old Dutchman Mine, this area provides one of the more terrifying levels in the videogame.

Old Mine a fairly vertical level, with plenty of stairs and platforms to take advantage of, plus a few nicely placed explosive barrels for those larger groups. As with any horde mode map, you’ll need to be continually moving so as not to get cornered whilst looking for supplies. Single- and two-handed weapons, grenades, and ammo are scattered around the mine.

Over on the Oculus Blog Vertigo Games has even listed a few survival tips for newcomers:

  1. Get to know the map. Explore as much as you can early on. Knowing where the ammo will be is a big advantage when the Freddies are coming.
  2. The Freddies are endless. Before you can clear the first wave, another wave is already incoming! So keep moving and keep collecting ammo—you will definitely need it.
  3. Build a solid loadout. A shotgun and a pistol is a good combo. Try to aim for the head to conserve ammo, and when they get too close, use your shotgun to get rid of them fast.
  4. Bring a friend—or three. You’re stronger in a party. Having someone watch your back while you reload is vital, and getting that new weapon from a difficult spot is easier with someone at your side.

Arizona Sunshine

Another free update will be released for Oculus Quest next month, in the form of ‘Undead Valley’, expanding the horde mode maps even further. While March and April will see paid DLC arrive.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Arizona Sunshine, reporting back with all the latest updates and announcements.