CES 2020 Interview: Bebop Sensors has got the Touch

If you’ve been following VRFocus’ previous coverage of CES 2020 then you’ll know that hands and more specifically gloves had a definite presence during this year’s show. Teslasuit announced its new force-feedback glove and HaptX was there to demonstrate its microfluidic technology. Another was Bebop Sensors, showcasing its latest Forte Date Glove, which had built-in haptics and Oculus Quest compatibility. Continuing with VRFocus’ interview series, Head of Business Development CJ Wheelock was on hand to discuss the latest product.

BeBob Sensors - Forte Data Gloves

Bebop Sensors has attended CES for several years now with VRFocus last testing the Forte Data Glove back in 2018. Back then the glove was more about demonstrating its bend sensor technology rather making a commercial product. In fact, at the time the company said it had no plans of going into full production.

Two years later and things had certainly changed. Not so much in the fundamentals of the Forte Data Glove but the fact that the device is now a viable product which companies can purchase, marketed towards training, simulation and other use cases.

When it comes to the Forte Data Gloves features each device is wireless with bend sensors on each finger and thumb, as well as haptic actuators to create tactile sensory feedback which can be adjusted depending on the developer’s requirements. The gloves themselves can’t be tracked in 3D space so they do require an additional sensor like an HTC Vive Tracker for full 6 degrees of freedom motion. Hence its latest update adding Oculus Quest compatibility.

BeBob Sensors - Forte Data Gloves

As is plainly obvious from the images, Oculus Quest compatibility uses the headsets’ controllers mounted to the back of each hand for tracking purposes, great for those users who want a portable training solution with haptic feedback. The gloves also support Oculus Rift S, Windows Mixed Reality, HTC Vive Cosmos, HTC Vive Pro, HTC Focus Plus, and Varjo.

Check out the interview below or for more CES 2020 coverage why not take a look at VRFocus‘ interview with HaptX, our chat with Teslasuit about its new glove, with Spatial regarding its AR collaboration tool, Insta360 and its new ONE R action camera or Pimax with an ever-growing lineup of headsets.