Synthesis VR Brings Swords of Gargantua to VR Arcades Worldwide

Regular readers of VRFocus may have noticed a spate of articles relating to the location-based entertainment (LBE) industry recently. The sector is growing very much in tandem with the consumer market as VR’s popularity gains momentum. The latest videogame to venture across from home headsets to VR arcades is Yomuneco Inc’s. Swords of Gargantua, care of distribution platform Synthesis VR.

Swords of Gargantua

They have announced a partnership to distribute the sword fighting title to LBE venues worldwide, available immediately to arcades using Synthesis VR.

VR Arcades will be able to host up to four players at once inside Swords of Gargantua, where they’ll need to work together to fight waves of heavily armoured enemies. They’ll be able to wield a number of weapons, from swords, nunchucks and axes to throwing blades and morning stars. Shields are also available for a more defensive strategy. Each has its own particular strengths and weaknesses in battle, like the short sword which is ideal for facing large groups of weak enemies. While a longer sword has more power, great when facing a single strong enemy because of the reduced attack speed.

When not in combat, players will be able to hang out in the multiplayer lobby where they can practice with different weapons. Other amusing additions include the ball and cup weapon, and miniaturized figurines of the characters.

Swords of Gargantua“Swords of Gargantua is a very realistic swordplay action game that is fun for the whole family. It is already a very popular game, and I believe bringing Swords of Gargantua to all the VR locations worldwide is going to benefit the arcades in a big way, attracting new customers and retaining customers which is a big issue when it comes to arcades. Games like Swords of Gargantua make this happen and we are pleased to announce the availability globally through SynthesisVR,” said Shabeer Sinnalebbe, CEO of Synthesis VR on the partnership.

2019 has seen Synthesis VR add some major content and features to the platform. These include’s World of Tanks VR and Vive Studios’ Front Defense and Front Defense: Heroes. To further enhance the player experience Synthesis VR partnered with Blueprint Reality Inc. to utilise its MixCast technology so visitors can receive mixed reality (MR) photos and videos of their gameplay sessions. As further content is added to the Synthesis VR platform, VRFocus will let you know.