Dick Wilde Developer Working on Bouncing Puzzler Glyph

Danish virtual reality (VR) developer Bolverk Games has released three titles since 2015, most notably comedic first-person shooter series Dick Wilde. Recently, the studio has confirmed its latest project moves away from that action-oriented genre and into the puzzle sphere, unveiling Glyph.


Initially teasing details of the project via Twitter, saying that the team would be showcasing the title during Game Week at Fisketorvet in Copenhagen this week, this was then followed up yesterday with the first footage being shown during PSVR Without Parole’s PlayStation VR Awards Show.

A world premiere for the show, the video demonstrated what looks like a bouncing ball, to begin with. It then suddenly changes form, unfurling into a scarab which can then fly small distances. The ball can bounce in mid-air or off of environmental objects to gain height, making traversing the ancient desert locations easier. It looks like the main goal is to collect a number of red gem-like items littered around each location before travelling to a glowing portal. There are also several floating coins around the level, possibly as a side mission or maybe for upgrade purposes?

Other than that gameplay details are fairly scarce. Will there be a star type system for completing levels, different balls with unique features and is it purely single-player? What is known is that it’ll definitely support PlayStation VR although Bolverk Games has previously released its other titles for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, so a PC VR version is likely. Additionally, the studio has confirmed plans to launch Glyph this year.


Glyph returns the Bolverk Games’ strategy routes, with its first VR title being Kittypocalypse, a strategic tower defence videogame featuring aliens disguised as cute kittens. 2017’s Dick Wilde was very much of its time, expanding the wave-shooter genre with some American deep south drawl and inventive weaponry. Dick Wilde 2 arrived earlier this year, keeping the same charm whilst putting you on a moving raft with new guns to play with.

Offering open worlds to explore as you see fit and a different gameplay design Glyph has all the hallmarks of an interesting puzzle experience. As Bolverk Games announce further details for Glyph, VRFocus will keep you updated.