Niantic Labs, in conjunction with WB Games and Portkey Games, are currently in the process of developing augmented reality (AR) title Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. Since being first revealed just over a year ago, nothing has actually been seen of the videogame so far, with the only details coming by way of the official website and a live-action teaser trailer last month. Now another trailer has made an appearance, and yes, once again, there’s little info revealed.
The video this time takes the form of a road traffic camera in Sydney, Australia. Here you can see several of the famous Nimbus 2000 broomsticks flying out of control, and without any riders to speak of.
This continues the premise of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite’s story arc that magic is slowly going out of control, with more and more strange appearances of magic crossing over into the Muggle world. Having created titles like Pokemon GO and Ingress, Niantic Labs will likely be taking a similar approach with Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, where players will have to walk about looking for magical anomalies to fix, ensuring the wizarding world isn’t exposed and magic doesn’t suddenly run amok.
Currently, these two videos are all we have to go on when it comes to actual info, with the studios keeping things very close their chest at the moment. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite was originally slated for a 2018 release, but it has now been confirmed that won’t be happening, with 2019 now the target.
Thanks to videogames like Pokemon GO as well as software like Apple’s ARKit and Google’s ARCore, AR gaming is slowly coming to the forefront of mobile gamers lives, finding new ways for them to play not only solo but in groups and teams. Ghost Corps and FourThirtyThree Inc. recently launched Ghostbusters World, while Next Games brought out The Walking Dead: Our World, two big franchises that want to pull gamers away from Pokemon GO with new features and gameplay mechanics. As more details on Niantic Labs’ Harry Potter: Wizards Unite slowly come to light, VRFocus will keep you updated on all the latest announcements.