Rovio and Resolution Games are Working on Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs

Rovio Entertainment has created numerous iterations of its popular mobile title Angry Birds. The studio teamed up with Resolution Games (Bait!) on the creation of Magic Leap experience Angry Birds FPS: First Person Slingshotand today both companies have revealed their next collaboration, Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs.

Angry Birds VR Isle of Pigs Logo

Just like all the other instalments in the franchise, players will be taking on the infamous green pigs with the help of their favourite Angry Birds characters. Apart from the above image and logo Rovio and Resolution Games have yet to reveal how the gameplay will work in virtual reality (VR), whether it’ll go with a more fleshed out 2D version, or full 3D, maybe in a tabletop guise?

Kati Levoranta, CEO at Rovio Entertainment, commented in a statement: “Introducing the Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs is an exciting step for Rovio in exploring the future of gaming. We are thrilled that millions of Angry Birds fans will soon be able to literally step into the Angry Birds universe with the powerful sense of presence you get with VR. Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs continues to demonstrate the many unforeseen ways fans can interact with their favourite characters and gameplay.”

“We couldn’t be more excited to partner with Rovio to bring their beloved franchise to VR,” said Tommy Palm, CEO of Resolution Games. “Angry Birds lends itself perfectly to VR, where players can experience the already highly engaging characters and gameplay mechanics in a much more tangible and immersive way than ever. Just as Angry Birds was applauded for its intuitive controls and gameplay on mobile, we feel Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs will continue that legacy for VR.”

Angry Birds VR Isle of Pigs Coming Soon Image

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs is expected to launch in early 2019, ‘across all major VR platforms’, the press release notes. When VRFocus has further details regarding the title, we’ll let you know.