New Infographic Tells You All You Need To Know About Head-Mounted Displays

As virtual reality (VR) continues to expand to wider audiences and market sectors, the opportunity to experience VR anytime and anywhere is becoming more possible. The limitless possibilities of being able to transport yourself to a virtual world and interact with various objects and characters is what makes the technology so appealing. With more VR head-mounted displays (HMDs) on the market then every before, ARVIlab have put together an infographic to help those new to the technology find the right HMD for them.

HMD infographic

The infographic covers a number of different topics, all of which are key to helping find the right HMD for a users needs. This includes understanding the field of view (FoV) which helps the user feel more present within the experience if there is a larger FoV on the HMD. As humans have slightly over 210-degree forward-facing horizontal arc of view, the closer to this number a HMD can get to the smoother the experience might be. Additionally, some users will find that depending on the FoV that it might impact the chance of them suffering from motion sickness.The size of the lens can also effect the FoV and distance that objects are displayed at which again, can help to keep the user within the experience.

Other information that is worth understanding is interpupillary distance (IPD) which is the distance measured in millimeters between the centers of the pupils of a users eyes. On average, this distance varies from 51 to 77 mm in adults with the distance being less with children. For the clearest picture and comfort for your eyes, you need to fine-tune the IPD on your HMD to ensure the experience is enjoyable. Some HMDs will include the option to fine-tune the IPD but some do not so they should be checked and tested before being purchased.

HMD infographic

Worth knowing as well is the screen resolution of each HMD as the higher the resolution the cleared the picture will be. This is measured in the subpixels that each HMD are using with some using traditional RGB pixel arrangement with others using Pentitle RGBG arrangement. The resolution is also measured per eye as well meaning that in total the resolution of a HMD is double that in total. For example, the Oculus Go offers a resolution of 1280×1440 per eye with the HTC Vive Pro offering a 1440×1600 resolution.

The full infographic is available to view here and explores a number of different key information points that are worth knowing for those looking to buy a new HMD. For more from ARVIlab and all things VR in the future, keep reading VRFocus.