Life In 360°: Fishy Weather

In the last year or so the BBC’s Blue Planet series has received an awful lot of praise, not just for its stellar camerawork and status as a natural history documentary series. The latter has been well established since the very first Blue Planet series back in 2001.

Blue Planet II‘s highlighting of the realities of plastic waste pollution has brought a topic longstanding to prominence by presenting the horrifying realities of how we are affecting the Earth’s oceans and interfering with the natural order.  This has seen a move to cut down on plastics in everything from packaging to drinking straws and ear buds.

That’s not to say that’s the only topic of discussion, after all would people really have been as horrified had they not seen the wonders of the oceans first?  So, today’s video comes courtesy of the BBC Earth team on YouTube as they took a 360 degree camera underwater at the Malaysian island of Sipidan to capture what can only be described as a tornado of marine life. Specifically of a huge school of very long barracuda fish.

It is, to quote BBC Earth, “what 360 degree cameras were designed for”.

“We investigate the conundrums, quirks and beautiful science of our amazing planet, delving into the BBC documentary and natural history vaults and mixing it up with our own stuff to take a brand-new look at the animals and wildlife of planet Earth.” Explains BBC Earth Unplugged on their channel. “From animal behaviour in slow motion, educational videos, expedition films and beyond we’ve got you covered. Our planet is mind-blowing. Join us as we explore what it has to offer.”

You can watch the video below. VRFocus will have another Life In 360° this coming Friday.  We’ll see you then.