Scope AR Comment On The Consumer Technology Association’s First AR/VR Standard

Last week the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) announced last week that it would be addressing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) into their free standards library. This resource provides transparency and insight on standard used through the industry and is intended to give support to those looking to gain greater understanding of the technology. Since the announcement, Scope AR’s co-founder and CEO, Scott Montgomerie has spoken out about the move and what it means for the industry.

Consumer Technology Association

“Our first AR/VR standard represents an important step in addressing key emerging technology areas,” said Brian Markwalter, senior vice president of research and standards, CTA talking about the inclusion of the AR/VR standards: “The industry created this standard to build upon definitions created by CTA’s AR/VR Working Group that provide consumers insight on the broad range of technologies and experiences available. With this standard, the industry has created a blueprint to more effectively support AR/VR technologies and bring them to a broader market.”

Scope AR, known for their work on an industry AR platform for real-time remote assistance and AR guided smart instructions, have been actively involved in pushing the limitations of the technology further. Montgomerie, commented on the CTA standards saying: “While the enterprise is currently where the use cases and initial revenue are coming from, it will be advances in consumer hardware that have the economies of scale to pay for the innovation.

Scope AR

“However, there is still a lot of confusion among everyday consumers when it comes to understanding the differences between ‘mixed reality’ vs. ‘merged reality’ vs. ‘augmented reality’ vs. ‘virtual reality,’ not to mention the various capabilities of different HMDs.” Montgomerie explains: “This is why we 100% applaud the CTA for taking a stance and offering to standardize such terms, since eliminating this confusion in the industry can only help drive adoption from consumers and enterprises alike. It’s a big step forward for the industry overall and a sign of its growth and maturity.”

Back in June of this year Montgomerie talked about Apple’s ARKit 2.0 commenting on how the advancements in the platform and technology were steps in the right direction helping to move the industry towards the dream of delivering the full potential that AR has to offer.

The CTA free standard library is available online for free and will continue to grow to provide further support and transparency for users on the rapidly growing technologies that it covers. This year’s CTA Sales and Forecasts reported that VR has become a $1 billion (USD) sector within the U.S alone with a projected 4.9 million units to be sold within 2018.

VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on CTA in the future so make sure to keep reading to stay up to date.