In a few days Multiverse Entertainment will launch its first virtual reality (VR) title for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, a sprawling sci-fi narrative called Seeking Dawn. Ahead of launch VRFocus has been able to show a early part of the experience.
The video starts at the very beginning of the adventure, just as you land on a hostile planet alone – all your teammates are dead – having to head of across the hostile wasteland in search of information to complete your mission. This showcases the single-player side of the campaign – as there aren’t lots of online players just yet – where it’s up to your own survival skills to live.
If you saw the trailer Multiverse Entertainment released on Friday then you should recognise some of the locations. While the trailer gives a glossy, cut scene style look at the early stages of Seeking Dawn, VRFocus’ video goes for a far simpler and grittier approach. So you get to see the videogame warts and all.
Seeking Dawn is set in a war-torn 23rd century where mankind has conquered the stars yet is still fighting with itself. You play a marine sent to a hostile alien world to uncover secrets that could turn the tide of the war. However this is no walk in the park, as you’ll have to deal with enemy forces as well as the planets native inhabitants. The experience mixes up both standard first-person shooter (FPS) gameplay alongside weapon crafting and base building.
The videogame will launch this Thursday, 12th July for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Windows Mixed Reality via Steam, Oculus Home and the Microsoft Store. A PlayStation VR version is in development and expected to arrive later this year. For further coverage of Seeking Dawn, keep reading VRFocus.