Getting Hands on With Nazi-Killing War Machines

The Wolfenstein series is one of the longest-running and most beloved first-person shooter franchises. After Bethesda’s success with other virtual reality (VR) titles, many fans were keen to beat up Nazis in VR, and Bethesda has indeed delivered.

Wolfenstein Cyberpilot - LogoAt the showcase for E3 2018, Nina and Kevin J gets to grips with the Nazi-slaying war machines of Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot.

Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot is set in Paris in the year 1980. The player takes the role of a female character who just so happens to be the best hacker in the area. Contacted by the French Resistance, your character aids the fight against the Nazis by taking control of some of the fearsome war machines, turning them against their Nazi creators.

Nina tested the experience using a HTC Vive, discovering that it was a mostly seated experience, since the player will be spending much of their time in the cockpit of a giant war robot. The controls were fairly straight forward, with the left controller being responsible for movement while the right controlled the weaponry.

The short demo available at E3 2018 gave players a chance to take control of the war machine as another voice, perhaps a member of the Resistance, provided information on where to go and whom to attack. Moving through the demo, a large number of enemies appear, so the player can get to grips with the controls and find out what the war machine can really do.

Near the end of the demo, players will be faced with another huge robot, and will need to bring together what they have discovered so far about the war robot they are piloting in order to defeat it, bringing to bear numerous weapons, including a flamethrower.

The video for the hands-on preview is available to view below, of you can check out the written preview from Kevin Joyce. For future coverage from E3 2018, keep checking back with VRFocus.