Maysalward Showcase Oddbods AR and VR Mobile Titles

Mobile developer and publisher Maysalward are taking two of there virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) titles to the Game Developers Conference (GDC).

Oddbods Promo

The company are heading to San Francisco next week to demo the two titles at GDC. Aimed at children the titles are bright and colourful, giving players a friendly opportunity to experience VR and AR. The first title, Oddbods Hot & Cold is a hidden object game where players need to search for objects around a number of different locations. By using any head-mounted display (HMD) and a supported mobile device, players will encounter with friends such as Pogo, Fuse, Newt, Slick, Bubbles, Jeff, and Zee.


Players will need to use the onscreen hot and cold onscreen meter to narrow down their search and find the objects and friends. Packed full of surprises and lots of fun, including puzzles, questions and numerous hidden objects, Oddbods Hot & Cold is a fun filled VR title.

The second title that Maysalward will be showing off are Oddbods Live Coloring, an AR app that features the same colourful characters as Oddbods Hot & Cold. By using the app in conjunction with the downloadable colouring sheets and users can bring their drawings to life. As you add more colour to the sheets, more creations will pop to life right off the sheet and are viewable through a compatible device.

As Oddbods Live Coloring is aimed completely at children and therefore features no advertisements of any sorts. This means that parents can set the device and app up for their children and not have to worry about their playtime being interrupted.

The Oddbods characters are from the popular children CGI-animated comedy series made in joint by teams in Sinapore and the United Kingdom. To date the series has had almost three hundred episodes and branched out into other media including the VR and AR app that Maysalward have created. With each app being installed on a number of devices around the world, the engagement for VR and AR content aimed at children is continuing to grow thanks to the likes of developers like Maysalward.

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