ASUS’ Windows Mixed Reality Headset has now Gone on Sale

When Microsoft unveiled the range of Windows Mixed Reality headsets last year one of the more striking designs came from laptop manufacturer ASUS. While the launch went ahead in October the ASUS headset was notably absent having announced a delay the previous month. A Spring 2018 launch window was given at the time. Today, the company has announced the launch with the snappy title of ASUS Windows Mixed Reality Headset HC102.

Asus WMR headset

With a polygonal design on the front faceplate, the ASUS headset certainly looks the part of a futuristic virtual reality (VR) headset even though it has the same specifications as the other Windows Mixed Reality designs. Featuring a 3K (2880 x 1440) resolution display and up to a 90Hz refresh rate, the device has a front hinge for ease of use when dropping in and out of VR.

There are two built-in front-facing tracking cameras with six-degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) position tracking and multiple sensors — gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer — to help keep users immersed in virtual worlds. Currently there are 20,000 Windows apps and more than 2,000 Steam VR titles compatible with the system.

While the ASUS Windows Mixed Reality Headset HC102 is essentially the same as the rest its pricing is not. The device retails for $429 USD and can be pre-ordered from the B&H website. At the time of writing the HC102 isn’t listed on the ASUS store although the press release does state it should be available. In comparison to its Windows Mixed Reality rivals, there doesn’t seem to be much of a reason as to the price difference, with the HP version retailing for $230 on Amazon – prices on the Microsoft Store are still the original cost, Acer retails for $399 and Dell for $449.

Asus MR Headset Header

As to when the ASUS Windows Mixed Reality Headset HC102 will see a wider release is unknown, when it does VRFocus will let you know.


Lens HFoV 95° (one eye), 105° (two eyes), fresnel-aspherical lens
Refresh Rate 90Hz
Display 1440 x 1440 resolution per eye (2880 x 1440 in total)
Focal Distance 1.3m
IPD Accommodation Adjustable by SW (63mm+/- 8mm)
Eye-to-lens Distance 13mm
Tracking Cameras B+W & VGA
Sensors Gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, P-sensor
Tracking Architecture 6DoF
Audio Formats 3.5mm audio jack
Accessories Two 6DoF controllers
Connectivity HDMI 2.0, USB 3.0, Bluetooth®