Overkill Launch Beta 1.3 for Payday 2 VR

The development team at Overkill have not been content to sit on their laurels since the launch of the Beta of Payday 2 VR earlier this month. Only a few days after the release of Beta 1.2, Overkill has launched Beta 1.3.

The development team have been working closely with the Steam community during the development of the virtual reality (VR) version of Payday 2 since it was originally announced in May, 2017.

One of the first updates the team introduced was support for the Oculus Rift as well as the HTC Vive, beginning with adding recognition for Oculus Touch controllers. The new Beta 1.3 extends this support by bringing in updates to the Oculus movement system, introducing the ability to rotate, improving the experience for Oculus Rift users playing at room-scale. Oculus Rift users will also get improved dash controls that allows the user to place a finger on the joystick to activate a targeting line and push it forward to activate the dash.

Another improvement introduced in the update is a change to the weapon grip functionality so users can now choose if they wish to turn it on or off and don’t need to hold the grip buttons in order to have a two-handed grip on a weapon. The team has also adjusted some weapons to make it easier for left-handed players to use those weapons.

The development team have also introduced a number of gameplay balance tweaks, changing some aspects of the weapons, Perk Deck and heists in order to improve the experience for players. The Halloween-themed heists, Safe House Nightmare and Cursed Kill Room, are now being integrated into the title permanently.


The upgrade from Beta 1.3 will be introduced alongside the regular update. The patch notes are as follows:


  • Improved the ladder control system

  • Fixed a graphical issue with Flashbang distortions

  • Improved the visuals of the menu laser


  • Added the ability to use the Saws

  • Adjusted grip points for left handed player

  • Added a grip toggle system for holding weapons in two hands


  • Improved dash controls for Oculus Touch controllers

  • Added rotate player buttons for Oculus Touch controllers

VRFocus will bring you further news on Payday 2 VR as it becomes available.