Stereolabs Showcase how to Convert a VR HMD into a MR HMD with Zed Mini Camera

VRFocus reported on Stereolabs back in 2016 when it launched its depth sensor ZED camera for mobile headsets.

At the Virtual Reality Developers Conference (VRDC) this fall they showcased the Zed Mini camera which is two times smaller than the ZED camera, as shown below.

The Zed Mini camera can be added to the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive as shown here.

Stereolabs’ Zed mini passes video through to each eye while simultaneously mapping the environment to add virtual objects with lighting and collisions.The stereo camera allows for depth sensing and motion tracking from 0.5 to 20m at 100 frames per second (FPS). It allows 6-axis positional tracking thanks to visual odometry technology with no markers or external sensors needed and can be ordered for $449 here.

Nina Salomons from VRFocus caught up with Chris Orris, Head of Marketing for Stereolabs at VRDC to check out the latest Zed mini camera. Check out the video below to find out more.