The Nokia OZO system for capturing and editing 360-degree video is primary aimed at high-end, professional users, and as such its expense puts it out of reach of most consumers and small businesses. That may change, however, with the announcement that Nokia are dropping the price of the OZO+ camera to $25,000 (USD).
Though still aimed at the high end market with its new price tag, it may now be an option for smaller production companies and filmmaking collectives. The Nokia OZO+ offers some advantages over lower-end 360-degree cameras, since it is capable of capturing footage in 4K for each eye, as opposed to most 360-degree footage with divides the available resolution between each eye display. The Nokia OZO+ can offerD Spatial audio, a fully-spherical 360×180 area of video coverage and capture at 30 FPS.
The OZO+ software is supported by Mac OS and Windows 10 and stereoscopic monitoring can be done with full 3D audio with Oculus DK2 on Mac OSX and Oculus Rift and HTC Vive on Windows 10. The device comes with a 500GB memory cartridge to enable longer shooting times.
Nokia have recently launched new features for the device, including a time-lapse mode and real-time monitoring using HTC Vive. The OZO+ camera also automatically captures depth maps, which allows for accurate integration of CGI elements into footage in a way that looks real and natural.
Nokia will also be showcasing the OZO camera and its latest features at IBC 2017 in Amsterdam.
Further information can be found on the Nokia OZO website.
VRFocus will continue to report on price drops and discounts for VR hardware.