Some of the news and announcements concerning the upcoming standalone Vive virtual reality (VR) headset have been somewhat confusing. A version of the headset was announced as being aimed at the Chinese market, making many wonder how it differed from its western counterpart. A HTC representative at Gamescom has now clarified the issue.
Graham Breen of HTC Vive has confirmed to VRFocus that the international version of the HTC Vive standalone headset will in fact be the same hardware as the Chinese version, and the only major difference between the two will be how software distribution is handled.
Breen said: “There’s a difference in software and applications and delivery obviously just with various countries and where app stores are available. in terms of the headset though – the underlining headset is the same, but we’re going to come with more details shortly though. it’s one of those that will be there shortly.”
Software distribution in China will be handled using Viveport, while Western audiences will also have access Google Daydream’s library of services and experiences. This is primarily due to Google Daydream’s services not currently being available in the Chinese market.
A release date for the Vive Standalone device has not yet been confirmed, though many are expecting the device to be available some time in late 2017. Many analysts are expecting that the hardware will release at different times in the various markets.
VRFocus will bring you further details on the Vive standalone and other VR hardware as it becomes available.